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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I think we have a winner here... this game rocks!
  2. HL2 is unlocking on my computer right now. to quote a fellow PA Forum member; "Farewell Gentlemen we shall meet again someday on the otherside."
  3. One pic says his computer is too crappy to play Half-Life 2. The next pic tells him that he can play My Little Pony, though. Hiriyu called it.
  4. 2 diff pcs... I don't get it.
  5. Love Hina and Maison Ikkoku spring to mind immediately.
  6. differences arent that drastic imo. The DYRL head is longer, it has a larger lens shroud around the optics too, also the head laser is more commonly at rest in the forward position as opposed to the TV version's "happier" rearward style. They're essentially the same, but I like the cosmetic improvements. VF-17S "Braniac" gets my vote!
  7. I also guess that you never played HL1 online. You DO need a key that isn't in use to play. This is the next logical step. Hell there's someone out there running around with 2 of my HL keys that I bought... I'd rather just tie it to my steam account. What's the problem with registration of a dang videogame? It doesn't take that long at all and you can still play the game offline by yourself. Oh, and yes... mine is sitting on my HD... waiting for Tuesday...
  8. Dude, movies have been doing that for years. There's tons of movies that use CG effects shots and people don't even notice.
  9. Speakin of which; I'm getting sick of companies making "sequels" to consoles. At least I can count on Nintendo to come up with a new name for their stuff every time.
  10. Evangelion Unit 02 AND VF-19S Blazer
  11. Yeah... softcore porn games with fake chicks don't appeal to me... Start a mudwrestling club at your local mall. If you make it, they will come.
  12. Dude, Halo's meat and potatoes is the multiplayer... even I know that.
  13. Hero - Jack Sparrow (damn right....) Villain - Darth Vader (DAMN RIGHT!) VG Characer - Ironically Master Chief from Halo. Oh... and finally;
  14. I never liked FF, they always struck me as lame asses... prolly won't even see this movie.
  15. When those batteries fell out of the lightsabre, in my mind I was like "I KNEW IT!" They've prolly got a flashlight function too...
  16. Ya know, I said that too. Then I played Fusion and Prime. The former was crap by any standard, the latter was possibly the single best-implemented game in the series(though I really missed my screw attack, and there wasn't a whole lot to DO with the grappling beam). Yeah and that grapple beam rocked too... its a real shame. I too missed the screw attack... hopefully they find a cool way to do it.
  17. Maybe he's been around for all the prequels... maybe he's someone that got killed in EpI or II.
  18. Hmmm... perhaps I shall borrow Halo 2 and give it further inspection. Oh, and for the record; I have never felt hate towards M$... I love them. Bill Gates is my hero! Plus, I enjoy purchasing their products because its quality to me (Bitch about Windows all you want, but I take care of my sh!t ... so I don't have 99% of the problems people are complaining about).
  19. Upper left-hand corner; SEARCH. Use it... love it.
  20. I swear... some days you guys amaze me...
  21. I hate when they do a half assed job porting console games to PC. The GTA series is an example of a good job (3+) The MGS games are an example of a bad job.
  22. I didn't say that PC FPS gamers are a minority... I said that PC gamers period are a minority. Most of the money in the videogame industry is in consoles. I have no idea how many copies of Half-Life were sold, but the original Halo sold 4 million copies in the US. Microsoft may have jumped the gun announcing those sales figures, but I wouldn't be suprised if they're correct. Remember, $22,000 in one day at my store. We're lucky if we top $10,000 on Black Friday. And that's just one store. And yes, that seriously was mostly Halo 2. I sold maybe three copies of Everquest II, one copy of San Andreas, a used copy of Madden 2004, a Yu-Gi-Oh game for the GBA, and few Halo 2 strat guides, and something between 200 and 300 copies of Halo 2. Ohhhh ok... Because I was about to say... for the FPS PC will reign. I dunno about as a whole, though I do see more PCs than Xboxes... then again; I'm on a college campus. Still... nobody answered my question about what makes Halo awesome. I heard the repetitiveness gets old... that's about it. I've seen some vids of it... but still... meh... Having your friends there is one thing that is very valuable... however... it is nice to have the whole screen to yourself. That was one of the things I HATED about Goldeneye... I mean hell; the game was choppy already! I used to be totally into Goldeneye, but then I tried Quake and it was alllllll downhill from there. Sure, I'd play DOOM and Wolf3d... but Quake... wow. Oh yeah... what's this Id bashing anyway? Doom 3 rocked the house.... it totally sucked me in.
  23. Nothing against Halo or XBOX, but I have been voice chatting w/ my buds for a while... and yes... it is cool. Public servers can be annoying, but that's what mute is for!
  24. I would like to know how PC FPS gamers can be described as being in the minority, remember when we compared Halo and Half-Life's sales records? Sure, HL had more time, but even when we divvy it up by year HL still outran Halo(Half-Life = >8 million, Halo > 3.53 million). You don't have to spend $500 on a part to play the most recent games either. Hell, MS just said that they jumped the gun stating that Halo 2 had sold over a million already. I love my XBOX and Gamecube... but I love my PC more. The consoles do serve an important purpose in my gaming life though.
  25. Yeah, thos Chumba-Wumbas rock
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