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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. The "Paint it Black" intro was all I ever remembered... well... besides the dancing chick in the beginning...
  2. Hey! It's Tony Montana's snowspeeder! Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking when I first saw it.
  3. Stupid show. Always hated it.
  4. A VF-17D would be an awesome valk-girl... perhaps TOO awesome even...
  5. I heard DS is getting Soul Calibur....
  6. You mean "The Boss" isn't the boss?!!? OMFG!!!!11!
  7. Finally. That's a VF-1 alright!
  8. no, its for your booster...
  9. Imagine Drache running around there? Or Spider?
  10. Dude, they should do a 3d remake of Metal Warriors for the SNES.
  11. Hmmm... suprised there's not any "OMFGLOLZ!!!!11! JUST LIKE JARJAR BINKES!!"
  12. http://www.physorg.com/news1824.html Voice Controlled UAV
  13. NO! I should just delete your post for being lazy. Lazy ass.
  14. I was gonna say that last night, but it wasn't worth it at the time... I'm left handed too, that explains everything.
  15. Don't like it? Go make your own movie and make a million. I dare ya.
  16. It's not so much that the color will mask it... but the brighter, fruity colors of the original GBA made it look like something for young children. Silver says, "I'm a toy, but a toy adults can play with." Never really was an issue for me. It could be pink and I'd still play it. I use the devices for games, not fashion statements. The jury is still out on the DS for me, but its looking tempting...
  17. You must have read my mind....
  18. haha People think silver, black, or white will mask their toys they carry around?
  19. I hope this game rocks... I really do. I also hope it comes out on one of my platforms (PC, GCN, XBX)
  20. Weird; I'm on a firewalled <T3 college network(w/ many others activating at once) Athlon 64 Socket 939 3500+ Asus A8V Deluxe 512MB DDR400 ATI Radeon 9700 Pro Sound Blaster Audigy Nothing really spectacular in my setup... Authenticated in approximately 5-10 min. I was playing at 11:40pm AK Standard Time on Monday night. Perhaps certain configs are difficult... Buying it standalone will still require Steam... hrm... quite the pickle. There are several forums dealing with these issues however, hopefully some of them will have some answers for you all. It really is a pity that you're having so much trouble with something so wonderful. I hope it works out soon.
  21. I wonder what conditions produce these "hours or days" because me and several others were posting like mad in the PA Forum HL2 thread and it seemed to go pretty fast for all of us after like a 3 minute hang at 20%. This was while Valve's servers were getting hit pretty hard too, we were looking at the Steam content server activity graphs and it was lit up like mad. Possible problems - Dial Up connections?(Only seen it on broadband...) Slow Computers?(Only seen it running on Athlon XP(Friends')/64(Me, socket 939) Old OS?(Only seen it on XP and those worked) Do any of these factors sound about right to anyone having trouble?
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