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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Short, but oh-so-fantastic. I'm really with you on that short thing, but what we did get made MY jaw drop in the theaters. Then on VHS. Then on DVD. And now it continues to do so with my new home theater system Nothing in AOTC came close to the energy or aura that Duel of the Fates had. The actors were really tearing into each other in Obi-wan vs Maul. That's what I want to see in ROTS. EDIT: And this fight is reputed to clock in at 12 minutes or so, and it's being called the longest sword fight in in cinematic history. "Duel of Fates" was still the longest and most action packed lightsaber fight ever.
  2. OMFG extra software to use a peripheral?! De Karucha! Guys, who cares? Just get an mp3 player that is right for you. The iPod doesn't speak to some people... oh well. That's why there's variety out there! What's with this longevity thing? Micro-HDD players are just as reliable as flash memory. Plus, they're quite handy when you've got to transfer massive ISO files to a friend(via drag n drop. ) But I am seeing a lot of people making stupid assumptions that they have no business making... Sooooo why not talk about the NERV iPod?
  3. I was skeptical of iPods, but I had heard they were the best and I've been waiting to purchase a new mp3 player. I was an original owner of the Diamond Rio player, the 64mb one. It was awesome for the time, but it has been a while since I had seen an mp3 player catch my fancy. I personally am not fond of white being the only option for the iPod pretty much, but I eventually was sold by its multitude of features. I picked up a 20GB one for $400 last year and after recieving it I must say that I am impressed. I even use the hard disk to store large files I want to transfer to friend because FIRE WIRE ROCKS. It also makes for fast transfer of songs. I bring this thing on all my trips and it keeps me entertained throughout. Couple this with my Gameboy Advanced SP and I'm all set for the road. When I drive around my hometown I plug it into my mom's van and I have something to listen to all the time without repeats. I don't like Apple's computers, but they sure make a kick ass mp3 player! This would be the perfect iPod for a certain MW forum member...
  4. Lightsabers + TV shows = win
  5. Nah, gimme slender, elfin chicks anyday. I like my women between 95lbs to 110lbs max and between 5' 3" to 5' 7" tall. Monica Belluci or big women in general do nothing for me at all. Small is cute, large ......what for? Graham See, me? I like the T&A. Skinny chicks with butts that look like men and no chest aren't attractive to me. Sure there are exceptions, but they are few and far between. Anyway, at least we know you share the same tastes as Anakin Skywalker. Not that Portman isn't attractive, but hell... almost anyone can look attractive with a full time make-up crew working on them for hours at a time...
  6. And the Eva manga will then end different on top of that. Mmmmm.... movie ending... surreal. It would actually be kind of cool to show the manga ending like if Shinji made the opposite choice and stuck with it. (Everyone should die.)
  7. Both endings were fine. But people were expecting a big Gundamesque finale or something. The final two episodes re-affirm that this show was about Shinji and not the Evangelions. The Evangelions were major players and were cool, but in the end, its about Shinji. Its funny though, when they try to make the characters have problems and make them a little more human people hate them. Oh, and speaking of which... I do feel the need to point out that I don't buy any of the "Anno was depressed while he made the show but now everything's better." stuff. To me, it seems like hype to get the goth/emo crowd into the show. Do I think Anno is a great director? No. Do I think Evangelion is one of the best anime series' out there (this includes wonderful direction)? Yes.
  8. That statement is generalizing too much. It's only the best selling genre in the US market. Well, it helps that the US market is the largest market... Plus part of the reason they sell so well is because crazy people buy updates of the same exact formula. I mean... sure games are formulaic by nature... but football isn't that complicated.. So you could probably milk an engine for a lot longer... Who knows.. I'm tired, its finals week and for some reason I'm hanging out in a thread that I don't care about. I'll take my leave now.
  9. not necessary... I won't delete it... but ... I dunno... Gundam forums would probably be more sympathetic.
  10. The only anime endings I don't like are the ones that don't match the manga. I liked Evangelion's endings, both TV and Movie.
  11. Hayden couldn't act his way out of a paper bag...so sadly, I think him f'ing up the scene is in the cards... luckily, they've got a lot of genuinely good actors to balance his suckiness out. Ummm.... most of the actors in SW are lame anyway with FEW exceptions. People say Natalie Portman is a good actress, but other than Leon(where she was a little kid) I haven't been impressed with her work. I think Hayden is doing well, especially considering how whiny Luke is in 4 and 5.
  12. I wanna know what exactly is wrong with: Space Marines on a research facility on Mars Demons from Hell come through their "gates" that they make One man(Hell, even a squad) kills many of them As they go deeper into the base it starts to be all... hell-like I mean come on, one of the reasons the first Doom was so awesome was because of the story. I mean, the story was kind of weak, but it certainly wasn't just tacked on and it really wasn't bad either.
  13. They should just call the movie "Doom: How we ruined it."
  14. That's my favorite line from Futurama! And for the record; The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory sucked! The new one is better by default because one can only go up from there.
  15. Anyone heard of this yet? http://www.slccglobelink.com/news/2004/10/...us-785067.shtml
  16. I always thought that someone should combine a skystriker and that matchbox veritech along with whatever else they needed to create the greatest GI-Joe vehicle ever; a valkyrie.
  17. No actually, fear not. Duke is wrong. I'm wondering if he'll ever just leave... or just sit here and whine about what he thinks is going on.
  18. Don't be stupid. If you're getting sick of the site, then leave. What Shawn chooses to do with his money is his own concern. If you're getting sick of it, I'm sure RT.com would take you. This thread on the other hand, is a waste of time/space because there's simply no point in strangers discussing what others should do with their time and money, unless of course they are asked. That is not the case here. In any case it appears that so far you are out-voted.
  19. That "stutter bug" is auto-save... that guy sure did his homework... Its funny when people can complain so much about trivial things. I mean, I'm not sayin I ain't guilty .. but still... its a freakin game. If he doesn't like it, then he doesn't have to make half-assed arguments against the system etc. he can just say "I'm an artsy fartsy girly man that liked HL1's dull textures, but HATES HL2's better dull textures!"
  20. I dunno... google.com? lol
  21. I don't have a favorite this season, but there are some of my personal faves; MACROSS 7 - intro Naruto 1st outro Naruto 2nd intro Naruto 3rd outro GITS:SAC - verrrry first intro was cool... the cg intro sucked after the first couple eps Evangelion - intro
  22. Is there any way to see this w/o logging in?
  23. I thought the cg in Hulk was good. I fail to see how he "looked like Shrek." Why, because he's green too? Yeesh... People feel so smart when they can tell what is special effects and what is not. Funny thing is that so many movies are CG enhanced and you wouldn't even realize it because its so subtle.
  24. A good dual layer DVD writer can be purchased for under $100. No pity for you!
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