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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Aeon Flux sucks. Charlize is hot. Kate Beckinsdale is hot, but not an action star at all she really sucks in action movies.
  2. See the car analogy. Considering they're from DIFFERENT PLANETS lol. I have no problems getting a similar feel from the stuff in the PT. Its just a matter of geography and time period. We didn't even encounter many planets in the until the PT. They're designed for GL, not the fanbase. They're sellin toys and Legos like hotcakes, despite this opinion. Well, you're entitled and there's really nothing anyone can do. Its fun to discuss though! I really don't think you're being fair to the Naboo ships at all. Its not a ripoff of a street light, but Slave I looks more like a streetlight than the Naboo cruiser or whatever looks like an SR-71. That's like saying ANY ship with a long pointy nose and twin engines is a rip off of the SR-71 which is just ridiculous. Its like saying the Hulk looks like Shrek dammit! Its just really reaching. This is not
  3. I wondered that too! The portal! And them chopping Kell in half to make 2 Kells!
  4. I've been saying this very same thing about the design asthetic, minus the pictures, since Episode I. So many people always dismissed my car analogy, but there it is, in full colour! The car analogy is perfect. Seems to be why those dissin the PT designs haven't touched it. While I do love the old designs, I like the sporty, refined look of the PT. The OT was so influential that for the duration of the 80s it seems nobody knew how to design a ship any other way - Gray with otherwise dull features. At least with the movie I saw. Now there's awesome looking ships abound.
  5. man... what the show should have done was NOT RIP OFF THE MOVIE... I mean... it just seemed kinda lame for there to be a) Another Macleod Immortal b) Another Dragon Katana They should have made him use a different type of ornate sword. I mean.. katanas are cool.. but it kinda seems like a cheap ripoff of the Masamune Connor has. I liked the series a lot... but yeah... it was cheesy and I'd place it 3rd behind the first and third highlander movies. At least we all agree II sucked.
  6. Yeah, and I need to check my basement if I still have her Playboy pictorial. *drool*
  7. More like after he discovered the Force hidden in potato chips. OMFG and look at the cheap lightsabre effects! CHILDHOOD RAPE ALERT!! So any pointy nosed, twin engined ship is an SR-71 now? Come on.. that's like the people that said the Hulk looked like Shrek. As for the previous designs being iconic... well sure... I'll give you that, though they're nothing really special I suppose if I wanted a hunk of metal to take me around the galaxy it would be a SW ship. The OT and the PT are supposed to look different, so it makes sense that they got a person that disliked the OT designs. Helps establish how different things were back in the day.
  8. YEAH! METHOS! I wish there was a tad more about him though... he must have some interesting history being what? 5000 years old? Elizabeth Gracen... former Miss America and Bill Clinton conquest. What a fox... well at least a couple years ago... I don't dig the blonde.
  9. Yeah, I wonder what's up with that.
  10. Man.... I've been waiting for like 6 years for this damn movie and its soooo close I can taste it!
  11. Connor Macleod > all. I'd go for his Katana too... but I like the Sorcerer's Katana in Highlander III(a film I thought was better than Endgame and II, though I haven't seen the alternate of II) What's up with all these alternate versions lol! Amanda was cool... except in that damn Raven show. Duncan was kinda cool... but he ain't got nothin on Connor. Connor is hardcore. Quote from IMDB review; Highlander 2: The Quickening is a movie that doesn't require suspension of disbelief so much as it requires a full-frontal lobotomy with a chainsaw Also ; Check out the IMDB trivia for the movie. Most hilarious.
  12. played it. its the dumbest game ever.
  13. I remember many of those toys...but they were lame whenever we tried them. They're definitely many cuts below Transformers and Lego.
  14. If anyone decides it is time for me to get rid of my toys/anime/games it will be me and me alone.
  15. That guy may give him some trouble...
  16. Pff... I don't want to go to a movie so I can think about what the bad guy could do. That's just lame. I want to see the bad guy doing awesome stuff. Vader did do awesome stuff for the time. This is a SE film, just like the originals. I wanna see crazy action. PLUS they're fighting a DROID army... and the droids thus far have much trouble dealing with Jedi? The solution? A droid that has a better chance against a jedi.... not being force sensitive a wall of lightsaber blades seems to be sufficient.
  17. Heh, I'd like to hear the kinds of sounds you'd make doing high-g turns in our own, non variable jets.
  18. Yeah, that was a strike against the list. They could have easily displaced one of the shittier toys... I know there's many...
  19. I like Grievous. He was badass in Clone Wars. I can't wait to see him in Ep III.
  20. Case closed.
  21. I remember at one point MW had a connection for old anime openings... anyone else remember that? I got my Mospeada tracks from someone on this board, and I'm 80% sure its Shawn.
  22. Bolded for truth. Neither of you should have to get rid of anything you enjoy. Perhaps a better compromise can be reached.
  23. *sigh* This has been happening a lot lately. Try using search people.
  24. Most of those toys are utter crap. I could think of about 80 more deserving entries.
  25. merry xmas. htttp://www.genmay.com
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