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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I'm starting to read Scott Pilgrim & I think it looks/reads like it was written by a 12 year old. It doesn't make me want to see the movie. Does it get better & Is the movie better than the books?
  2. Haha, yeah I saw that. I figured it wasn't permanent since there's 2 movies left.
  3. PM me too! Oh man, what can I say but I have had so much fun with this movie. As an Evangelion fan, it's fun to have them screw everything up even more than before. I can't believe everything that's happening, it's so enjoyable to watch after poring over tons of EVA lore over the years. To have both expanded upon & turned upside down the world they created makes it a blast to watch! (at least for me. )
  4. Eh, I'm going to need a little better sculpt for that. I think it's definitely possible with the MP line. I want something fierce like Tyra in Galvatron form.
  5. Man, I hope that since they are making an mp rodimus that they will make mp galvatron. I mean, anything is better than the g1 version.
  6. I'm a sucker for the Mortal Kombat games. I just love the story because it's so over the top that it becomes campy.
  7. So far, I like the new eps better than all 3 of the movies I have seen (didn't see the last one).
  8. Pretty much what I thought.
  9. Hmmm, interesting. I may give it a shot.
  10. I saw Yojimbo mentioned, but Sanjuro is pretty good too. Has a neat as hell special effect at the end too.
  11. Kids as super-heroes is a big turn-off for me. . . dunno if I can take it. Especially the girl one who is bound to be annoying.
  12. Power Stone 2 is the best 4 Player Fighting game in the world EVER! (When drunk &/or high) nevermind that there's only like 1 combo for every character basically... it was all about the items/levels! but yeah... could have been a lot more...
  13. I quit. Got kinda boring. I was actually interested in the story, but then I got my galaxy and it handles like ass, making fights annoying, so I quit.
  14. No Mandarin = not a good iron man movie.
  15. umm... 2001: A Space Odyssey. Realism doesn't always float my boat. I just can't get into it. The book was more exciting to me for some reason, so I was really let down.
  16. *says "nooooooooooooo" in slow motion*
  17. Cool movies. Cool ideas. I really didn't think much about them. The first time I saw them was when I was in like 7th or 8th grade, so I guess I missed the key time where Star Wars really gets you. Don't get me wrong, I thought they were cool but they just didn't come up that often in my thoughts.
  18. Got Captain the other night, went for a slightly modded Galaxy with a bigger hull and busier neck. God, this thing handles like a floating innertube. Took a pic over my hometown in Anchorage, Alaska. They seem to be doing well in the 24th century.
  19. I got a question: What do you do when you're max level?
  20. Here's my Commander Cruiser: Super King NC99504C. Had more pics, but they didn't come out.
  21. I kinda like the aliens' origin mysterious.... same with the space jockey. Kinda like "it's our problem now."
  22. I don't understand why people like the defiant design. Blech.
  23. Yes. Vulcan.
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