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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Match that up with some cool special effects and we have yet another SW movie. SCORE!
  2. DYRL is cool, but I fall asleep when Misa and Hikaru are on Earth. It picks up when the Macross finds them though.
  3. I wonder if that Tie-Fighter is actually in the movie.
  4. an SDF-Macross Bong?!!?!?!
  5. Some are photoshopped. Some aren't.
  6. He must be a gypsy. Or a carnie. lol
  7. I've heard you like guys with small hands... I see your preoccupation with homosexuality rearing its ugly head, but judging by your profile picture its not at all suprising.
  8. OMFG Vader's hands are too small. I've put up with Lucas up until now... but this will not stand. The whole series revolved around the size of the characters' hands and now we're left with nothing. CURSE YOU LUCAS! CURSE YOU!
  9. What about this?! They can't even get 10 orders! http://www.monstersinmotion.com/catalog/pr...roducts_id/5335
  10. wrong. "James T. Kirk" ( 123 000 results) versus "Jean-Luc Picard" ( 144 000 results)
  11. Graham > Shawn!!!?!?!?! Shawn (7 290 000 results) versus Graham (22 700 000 results)
  12. then people will bitch about the lack of space battles wait a minute... space... lightsabre battles? ... lightsabre battles in space?
  13. Odd. I thought her action scenes in Underworld were fantastic. Oozed style, confidence, and moved like a girl that wasn't about to trip over herself. I've also heard that the scenes of her with steely gaze while shooting firearms is actually her with steely gaze while shooting firearms-- a rarity supposedly, since most actors flinch to some degree. Supposedly that's also part of the reason for the sunglasses in Matrix-- to hide flinching eyes. Her physicality is pretty admirable, especially for an actress that can actually act. Anyway, I'd take either Beckingsale or Theron over the andgrogynous abomination that starred in the original animation. Go figure. -Al I didn't mind her acting at all. I just found her action scenes in Underworld and to some extent Van Helsing(crappy anyway... or as I like to call it Underworld II: Because Underworld Didn't Suck Enough). Her steely gaze looks to me like she's confused as she trudges aimlessly through various shooting galleries. I was looking forward to Underworld, but I just found her disappointing in an already disappointing movie. I'd rewatch it to maybe see what it is you're talking about but I distinctly recall a noticeable lack of style on her part. Its cool that she doesn't' flinch, but there's no "wow" factor for me when she's killing em. I haven't seen Blade Trinity, but I'd rather watch I and II ten times over Underworld/Helsing anyday. I'd go back and check if I'm mistaken, but that would mean I'd have to get around the plot of the movie first. Frankly about halfway through the film I turned to my buddy and was like "Man, I know why I don't like this movie; I'm not some 14 year old, fat wannabe goth chick." Seriously... the coolest part of the movie IMHO was the dude doing the "brain liquefy punch" on that other vamp. She is a good actress, but I think the UW script was so piss poor, even she couldn't save it. I totally agree with you on Beckinsdal/Theron > Androgynous Abomination. Phantom 2040 = suck Aeon Flux = suck Reign = suck Did I miss anything? Aren't those all by the same dude or animation studio? I hate anorexic, androgynous, ugly things running around trying to pass themselves off as human.
  14. read the first chapter... never got into it... maybe someday
  15. I love Anakin as a whiny prodigy. The Jedi keep him around to try and control him because he IS the vergance in the force. The chosen one. But, he lost his mother and blames himself for it, one could even say he blames the Jedi for it. That's what Vader was... a tragic and frail character beneath all the imposing armor. Everyone seems to want to make him some badass that's even MORE OBVIOUSLY EVIL which is just stupid IMHO. I like him as the whiny kid, Luke-like child that made the wrong choices. Mostly I like Obi-Wan kicking ass though. He was always my favorite. I think we've got the vehicle design thing down. Its just simple aesthetics, but I think one of the reasons I do like it is because of the afforementioned car analogy. Speaking of which; When is the new Clone Wars coming? http://toynewsi.com/index.php?catid=8&itemid=5540
  16. IE - I'll make up excuses for the OT and not the PT. Anakin wasn't too much of a crybaby in the first movie. If you were being taken away from your home and family at that age, you'd be upset too. The reactor scene was like every other scene where he was in the cockpit and showed his natural piloting capabilities, much like Luke. Luke was a whiner too you know. Of course the enemy lacks the cool factor. They AREN'T THE EMPIRE. This is about the birth of th Empire, not "the cool enemy before the empire."
  17. Sheena Easton also was on Brisco County Jr. a show that sadly never made it past one season.
  18. You're saying the VF-19 isn't at the very least inspired by the X-29? Seeing how many forward swept wing aircraft are floating around this sounds like BS to me. By the way I'm with everyone else about the spoilers, if you don't like where the thread is going don't click on it. Instead of trying to force the thread in the direction you want it to go, start your own. The VF-19 is as much an X-29 as the Naboo Royal Transport is an SR-71. In that they share a couple similarities, but the majority of the design is original. My point earlier is that people don't run around here calling the YF-19 a beige X-29 like someone earlier said the Naboo transport was just a chrome SR-71. They're different... hell Coruscant has similar architecture to Earth.. OMG ... what a ripoff. That's all I wanted you to say. Why must we hold movies to that level of scrutiny? Its a different time period in the story, so naturally it would look different from the OT. Times have changed and priorities have shifted from the elegant, smooth lines of the PT to the junkyard utilitarian look of the OT. My whole point from the beginning is that you should suspend disbelief a little when you go to movies and with Star Wars people like to pick them apart and hold the OT up on this pedastal. Maybe its because I didn't see Star Wars until I was a teenager, but I look at all the movies the same way. ESB is the only one of the OT that I don't fall asleep during the middle of because frankly ANH and ROTJ are boring as hell until near the end. Yep, imo PT>OT simply because it feels more complete to me and I like how powerful the Jedi are. Obi-Wan has a greater role, something I appreciate because Luke is really annoying to me, then again in a way he is intended to be. I just like seeing my favorite part of SW(the Jedi) in their prime. I could care less what the space ships look like because they're irrelevant to me. Of course I see some that I think are cool... but whether they're "original" or not has no bearing on this opinion. If all people cared about was originality, then we wouldn't like anything made in the past 1-200 years at least. It was initially a blockade because of their unfair taxation. Sideous encouraged further military action so he could generate a sympathy vote for himself when a vote of no confidence was called for Valorum. I imagine he got his nominations through use of the force. They put it on one ship for that campaign and they were doing quite well until a young vergance in the force came around. Yeah, it would also be a risk to put a vulnerability at the end of a long, poorly defended trench. It would also be kinda risky to leave a wide open doorway to your reactor core... ah well... we've never seen anything that stupid before have we? lighten up... at least it wasn't a Death Star this child blew up .... hmm... kinda like another Skywalker. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's but many of your points could be used against the OT as well. One member summed my views of the films up perfectly as "escapist fluff."
  19. Man, its a movie, I don't care that much about it. You say its a chromed up SR-71... whatever. They're movies and I'd talked too much about them already. I'm just glad that I enjoy the films and I don't have your eyes. I mean, where do we draw the line between originality and just being preposterous? Hell I could see the Naboo Royal craft actually functioning in an Atmosphere... not the millenium falcon... in fact its very inefficient for that. It would stand to reason that they would make them somewhat dynamic for the sake of efficiency.... whoever designed the OT ships didn't take that much into account. It strikes me as odd to because if he were so utilitarian then he would design them for atmospheric use as well wouldn't he? In the end though I don't like to hold them up to that much scrutiny because that ruins the enjoyment of the films. Talking like Comic Book Guy hurts my throat.
  20. See? A solution has presented itself already. Good call Azrael.
  21. Doesn't the title of this thread say Star Wars Episode III Pictures??? Anyone stupid enough to open that link and not find spoiler info deserves to be sent to Iraq and spend time with insurgents. Just Joking, but seriously the title is self explanatory. If you follow the link you deserve to have the movie spoiled for yourself. No one is forcing others to read the post made in the thread. You can simply ignore it. So lets not insult each others intelligence. We live in a info rich era. If you walk into a toy aisle at wal mart the Star Wars toys on display are going to spoil some of the upcoming movie for you. So my advice for those that don't want spoilers in their life, sell your computer, don't watch TV, listen to radio or conversations from friends and coworkers, and become a hermit. Not trying to flame or insult anyone but my position still stands. The purpose of the prequels was to show Anakins transformation into Vader, the Fall of the Jediand the rise of the empire. Any fanboy off the streets could have told you how this was going to happen. It doesn't take rocket science to deduce that. So what? There's still a great deal of story to it. If its not worth discussing then why do so many Star Wars fans FLOCK to theforce.net to talk about all of this? Why have a spoiler and a non-spoiler forum? Why even watch any of the prequels to begin with since we all know what's going to happen? It doesn't matter right? Just take that discussion elsewhere man. You can post pics of the movie without them being spoiled. Stuff that's implied by the other films is ok. Stuff that is not... is not. Its a marvelous system I assure you. That's my position I share with Duke... and well Good... bad.... I'm the guy with the delete button....
  22. My friend... where can I get some of the poo you're smoking? It's very clear that the Naboo ship there was inspired by the Blackbird. Twin engines, mounted in wing, smooth lines all around, and long tapering nose. Yes, there's also a number of differences, but I feel you're deluding yourself if you actually believe that the SR-71 isn't the basis of that (Heck there's SR-71 variants that look less like the Blackbird than the Naboo ship.) Street lamp? So by your logic I guess all cars look the same too? All cars are inspired by the same basic design. All cars share MORE characteristics than those 2 designs. I can see that they share A FEW features, but not enough for me to say inspired by. Hell, by your logic we could say that it was based on the FREAKIN CONCORDE or even Boeng's Bird of Prey with just as many shared features. Hell, the one in the second one must be a rip off of the B-2. Its like saying the YF-19 is a rip-off of the X-29. Oooooh... we're touching holy ground now.
  23. Don't be stupid, we don't know the details and you don't know that any of it is inconsequential. OF course it doesn't effect the overall outcome, but movies wouldn't be very fun if all they showed were the things in the end. This is the other half of the story, of course it has an effect. Not on you, but on the characters. We're learning a lot about the history of Vader, The Republic, and the Empire. I've personally had things spoiled for me in this thread. I'm not really upset about it, but I'd prefer not to take my chances.
  24. Same here, especially the duel between Anakin and Obiwan ! I kond of disagree. The very nature of this thread is chock full of spoilers. If you don't want spoilers don't click on a thread that says "Episode 3 PICS." Having Spoiler warnings posted every two posts will make this too difficult to read, and unnecessary since everyone know this thread is full of spoilers anyway. You missed my point. I would say just about everything posted here is fairly common knowledge if you are a Star Wars fan. My worry is about extreme spoilers, big time secrets or perhaps pictures that may spoil a good scene or a surprise. If someone had come out in '80 and spoiled the whole Darth Vader father thing, I would have killed them. That's a major saga spoiler. That's what I mean. Duke is right. Don't post spoilers here. TheForce.net has a forum dedicated to that so people that can't live w/o spoilers can go there.
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