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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Tell him those 1/55 prices are way old. Nobody in their right mind will pay that much for them now. (the VT and VE)
  2. Funny... the fake, if it is fake, looks better and more convincing to me, so far as feeling "real", than the official CG shots. -Al You're kidding, right? Yeah, but its SW, it will always be for kids.
  3. spent way too much time on this....
  4. But you forgot the casting/deployment cost as well as the stupid character quote! Yeah, like Radd said, everybody's doing it. Do we really need an announcement of everything HG does here? I mean, they have their own website if one was that curious... Some people really love to bash HG. I only do it part-time.
  5. Not me. My woman knows that even someone as awesome as myself must take the time to appreciate the geek side.
  6. Its a fad. Its time will pass.
  7. Yeah, Jar-Jar was being set up to be that foolish. But I never saw anything that would ruin a movie. How about Jawas? Those could be considered annoying and childish by some. They should call this one "One Force to Rule Them All"
  8. And I used to think you were cool. Annoying side-kicks... nothing more.
  9. If you're reading, then you already know...
  10. Man, people really blow Jar-Jar out of proportion... even 5 years later. I mean, when I first saw him in theatres I jumped on the bandwagon too. But now when I go back, he's in league with C-3PO and Chewbacca.
  11. Hikaru. Because I'm pretty laid back and a playa to the end. Plus I think Roy is the best thing since World of Warcraft.
  12. That's a good idea, especially for drivers. You know when they bring this to the states in a little while you'll snap it up. I'd go for the street fighter moves myself.
  13. LISTEN TO MEESA SONGA! Jar-Jar = Ewoks = C3PO = Jawas = Kid stuff. Anyway. I've only seen 2 episodes of Enterprise and its a pity that it isn't that great. I mean, I think Bakula would have made a pretty cool captain... I haven't seen anything that wows me yet though. Speaking of which... Picard would have been a badass Jedi.... DAMMIT STAY ON TOPIC!!! >_<
  14. Says the Trekkie. Star Wars > Captain Picard > *
  15. People still watch Star Trek? The force tells me there's a disturbing lack of Star WARS in their lives.
  16. BFT.
  17. Bootlegs kick ass. Maybe if US Anime/Manga Importers didn't gouge everyone this wouldn't be a problem. Though I am unaware of the costs in Asia....
  18. [James Hettfield] OT GOOD! PT BAD! [/James Hettfield] With shiny chrome covering up the realism!
  19. I still don't much get how you can be "realistic" when designing stuff that's fantasy. So the designer of OT ships put a lot of pipes, vents and cables everywhere... they even went so far as to make up labels for these designs. I fail to see how this is "realistic" or a clear advantage in the design. It just seems like you're really reaching for reasons here Sundown. But its your artistic taste no matter which way you slice it, so agreeing to disagree seems to be the way to go here. I mean.. hell you like the design of Darth Maul and that's obviously derivative and cliche. Everyone likes Darth Maul though, even though he says like 2 things. That's as bland as it gets man.
  20. Do you guys really want to bring down a great thread over this? Behave. All of you.
  21. I think we will all say that just because we know this is the last one... This is the one that ties it all together. I dunno, looks like there are far cooler things happening IMHO than the other films. Maybe I won't fall asleep in this one at all!
  22. This is the one I've been waiting for. *hope I can come here and say "Best. SW. Ever."
  23. Fans are the ones that took midichlorion count as that. I always thought of it as a litmus test for force sensitives.
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