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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I guess you could try that out.
  2. There isn't anything on the Lucasarts horizon, but this just might be what you're looking for, at least to tie you over for a bit. http://www.xwaupgrade.com Not all of the upgraded models are of equal quality. But most of the Alliance and Imperial fighters are something else. The X-Wing and B-Wings are especially well done. It's not nearly that difficult to get into space in SWG:Jump To Lightspeed. You're even given a starter ship, now with hyperdrive, and upgrades really aren't all that expensive. That review you're reading is a massive exageration, as JTL was designed to be playable even to newcomers to the game. The gameplay however, is MMORPG fare. Kill fighter after fighter, levelling, with slightly shallow plots and missions. It's no X-Wing, and it's no XWA. -Al I was always partial to the Rogue Squadron series. I dig more of an arcade style feel to my SW shooters. Its a real pity that the last one sucked pretty bad(stupid non-ship levels!). I think my favorite was playing through Rogue Leader with my best friend. We were hootin and hollerin after we blew up Death Star II.
  3. I have the Fire/Blazer Boots and I think they totally suck compared to the other ones.
  4. Blazer = Ownage. I've been kinda hoping for a Yamato Conversion... hasn't happened.
  5. Cuz it feels like it.
  6. "You can't stop me!" "You're old Megatron! Yesterday's model, ready for the scrap heap!" "We'll see who's ready for the scrap heap!" "JUNK! That's what you are! JUNK!" "SILENCE!!!!" haha that's one of my favorite parts.
  7. The JPEG compression on mine made it a littel grainier and there's some colors that I didn't put in there. If anything my pics look worse because of the crappy downsampling MSPaint apparently does. Ah well... Gai still looks cool.
  8. I dunno, I kind of agree with Togo here(after cleaning up most of the unrelated banter). Would the site admins like to elaborate on their reasoning so it isn't brought into question again? Like Togo said, it would be an awesome site if we could see more than one thing at once.
  9. Maito Gai. Naruto's version of Agent ONE. All in MS Paint babyyy
  10. The internet can't be stopped. With computers, there's a way around everything. Maybe if the film and music industry realized that their product isn't worth $30+ for a DVD and $15+ for a CD (both mediums costing less than $2 to produce) then it wouldn't be so bad.
  11. I wanna see where it goes. I've grown tired of the animated show's declining quality. But the manga still gets me excited once a week.
  12. Is nobody on this forum into this show?
  13. Every time you post at the bottom, there's an option to upload a pic.
  14. Yep. Because writing reports all night because two native chicks decide to fight eachother in the hallway really turns me on. They probably don't like Star Wars either....
  15. I had to stay up til 8am against my will last night. Sorry.
  16. If you think I'm a fanboy, then you don't know what a fanboy is. But that wouldn't suprise me in the least. Fanboys don't fall asleep in the middle of EVERY movie PT+OT.
  17. ZOMG HG IS DOING SOMETHING GAYZ0R LOLZ!!!11 Was this really worth a whole thread?
  18. I wonder if any SW fanboys even exist anymore.
  19. NO PHOTOSHOP ALLOWED! MSPAINT ONLY!! I swear this happened in a show once... its SUPPOSED TO BE HARD. That's why its funny. Anyone can bust out Photoshop nowadays.
  20. You do know that WETA went to ILM for help wen doing LOTR right? With the exception of interaction with real-life actors, I see no glaring examples of poor CG in the PT. Now, you can call Jabba in ANH all you want, and granted; nothing will top the gigantic puppet. Without CG, the prequel trilogies wouldn't have been as good for me. I think despite its flaws, the worlds presented in the PT are FAR more vibrant and seem much more alive to me. But, we are in a transition period and of course people will cling to the men in suits and tethered models for quite some time. Heheh, the paragraphs really flow when you're writing about something you love. And yes, you're not supposed to see the strings, but there are many instances in the much ballyhooed OT where you clearly can. "Oh it was made in '77." Ok. Ep I was made in '99 and in many ways pioneered Special Effects as we know it. Again. But again, people see things differently. I mean, personally, I thought the battle in Ep II owned ESB's Hoth battle. Much more exciting to me.
  21. Sure. But gritty isn't really the operative word here. Drop "gritty" and my preferences still apply... Who knows, maybe the CG Grevious will look better composited. EDIT: Saw the shot from what looks like actual footage that I missed earlier. Looks better, if not perfect. -Al Hehe, yes. The actual images are way better. What ever happened to suspension of disbelief anyway? I mean all this CG bashing seems to be a modern version of "I can see the strings." In the end, it detracts from the film no more than being able to tell that the earlier films used models.
  22. You're kidding, right? *Shrug* I guess I'm a big sucker for gritty photorealism over glaringly CG. And I've never been a fan of ILM's renderer. Hard to tell what the body shot of the "fake" looks like, though... and I admit it looks a little light and flimsy, and lacks the heft of the CG shot. -Al Ok. Well this is 2005 and photorealism doesn't always mean gritty.
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