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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Those chicks look gross.
  2. Looks interesting. I'll have to check it out sometime.
  3. Otogi 2 is pretty cool as well.
  4. I still need a 1/48 VF-1S and a 1/48 VF-1J Millia. Then I'll be done.
  5. Yeah, its supposed to be their battle mask...
  6. Don't make me have to lock a good thread guys.
  7. Jesus God, man, I've got 5 years on you. I saw the first Star Wars movies before you were even born! Its not like I was missing anything.
  8. Palps and Anakin were friends before Anakin turned, and Palps revealed himself. That's what the PT has taught us. Yeah, but in the OT he's like "Yo, old buddy." and Vader is all "sup dawg?" I thought the sith lord master/apprentice relationship was more antagonistic. Yeah, but in ESB Vader asks Luke to help him kill the Emperor. That what being evil is all about selfish ambition and betrayal. It's just like that time in the 6th grade when my buddies talked me into playing a game of D&D with all evil characters and the first thing I did was kill them all off.. Then again, he said that the Emperor had forseen that Luke could defeat him. Then again, in ROTJ, he betrayed Vader and wanted Luke to destroy his father. That's why the Jedi are cool. They don't playa hater, they playa participate. And those "nipples" don't look like any I've seen.... then again... I don't get to the states much. How was it sheer luck when he fought Maul? Hell Maul looked confused "Duh... other people can use force pull too?" Maul was a dumbass and payed for it.
  9. Lets not forget Metal Gear II for MSX. The TRUE sequel. Putting tutorials in the game is perfectly justifiable; ITS A GAME. I predict that there will be stealthy espionage action in the next one. And MGS2 makes alot more sense after playing it a second time. Complicated? Yes. Contrived? Perhaps. Abortive? Nah.
  10. Palps and Anakin were friends before Anakin turned, and Palps revealed himself. That's what the PT has taught us. Yeah, but in the OT he's like "Yo, old buddy." and Vader is all "sup dawg?" I thought the sith lord master/apprentice relationship was more antagonistic.
  11. Eh. DB does just as well. A couple words here and there are different, but I read the manga anyway first and foremost.
  12. Has it really been that long? I need a life ... Yeah, I can't believe we've been in this place so long. If I recall, I think Shawn actually drew the Trans Am so that can be his entry. I just added decals, fastpacks, wings, arms, gunpod, more detail, and changed it from a US highway to the Milky Way. Ah yes... the Shawnmobile. Man, has it been that long? I'm getting old.
  13. So, Vader did have a plan to kill the Emperor aside from possibly Luke. I always found this strange though, the Emperor referred to Vader as 'old friend' etc in the OT. I guess I have much to learn about the sith.
  14. I heard AonE is going to keep subbing them. Dattebayo as well... but I haven't heard much since a few days ago. Don't worry. Remember when everyone was worried about GITS:SAC? That's the internet for ya. With computers, there's a way around everything.
  15. Hurin is right. Locked. My masterpiece is finished anyway.
  16. Erm... yellowlightman, that's why we made the spoiler thread. I told people to keep spoilers in check(linking pics, whiting text). People did not do that. Exo, YLM, many more people than Togo have asked WJ about his site and not gotten a response. We know its his website and he can do whatever he wants, fine. That doesn't stop people from bitching when mods delete a thread. This is Shawn's site, he runs it how he wants and we are extensions of how he wants to run it... yet still we have - This http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9414 et all bitching about it... Is it ever sufficient for a mod to say "This is Shawn's site. He runs it how he likes and he says that we're doing an excellent job. So STFU and stop harassing us in the feedback forum."? No. It isn't. Should Shawn take his site down now? Just because you have your own website (given out for free at most ISPs) doesn't mean you can't answer a simple question. Especially one asked by many people for years. PLUS even if you don't want to answer, that's a really stupid reason to have your account deleted. Asking someone a question on a board people have the option of coming to is hardly harassment. As for him being a resource... whenever I visited his site the stuff he had seemed non-canon or EU, which I'm not really into. Though I recall him having a good VF-11 write up. Exo, part of the reason Togo asked is BECAUSE there are so few resources. They're so few and this person only allows people to have a peek at the information he has. If that's how its gonna be, I'm glad he's gone, I'll just turn to Egan or here for my info. In any case, whether you like or don't like Togo;
  17. Valid question... nothing wrong here. Valid. Maybe slightly abrasive, but I deal with worse on a daily basis. Again. Valid. Again. Valid. Not even a-hole. Response to yellowlightman's light flame. Response to dodging of the question by Nanashi. Another statement of fact. Statement of fact. Final response. This is after I had cleaned up all of the other flames (at least 3-4 posts). So tell me where he's such an a-hole. What would warrant someone just up and leaving? Asking a question repeatedly when you haven't gotten an answer yet makes you an a-hole? Nanashi dodged the question repeatedly(when he could have at least ACKNOWLEDGED IT) and left.... because of the above posts? If the above is enough for someone to have their account deleted, then someone has issues. Togo wasn't really being all that rude.
  18. Pff, why all the Nanashi sympathy? Yes, he has a website. Yes, its his to do with as he pleases. But its a pretty valid question he had, hell even I asked it politely, no response, well aside from people flaming Togo for having the gall to even ask the question. What the hell? Togo is childish much of the time, but that was not one of those times at all, he asked a legit question and got flamed for it. Then, because for some reason Nanashi, rather than answer it in simple terms decided to pick up and leave. Which is more childish again? If Windjammer/Nanashi/whatever wants to be a baby about it and have their account deleted; more power to them. We should use discretion when honoring a member's request to delete their account? Hey, that's not our call. I don't think we should do it at all personally, it just adds to the Drama Queen-ness of it all. Just like freakin Quadrano639 and that whole fiasco. If he wants to come back, that's fine with me, I think he contributed a lot albeit in very small doses. I think that as long-time viewers of his site though, we should get a small explaination. Its not like he "owes" us anything, but people sure come off as dickheads when they can't even give a simple "because I want my site to be episodic" or whatever. Togo wasn't berating Nanashi, unless stating facts about experiences with a site is berating an individual. Nothing he said was untrue and he in fact complimented the content. The posts I deleted were FLAMING TOGO right after he asked his first question. Anyone getting flamed like that would get a little irked and considering that it is DT, his posts were mighty tame. Anyway, have we had enough drama yet? I'm gonna lock this if it gets out of hand, but it seems to be something people would like to discuss for a time. Don't expect it to last more than 24 hours though regardless, this is exactly what Drama Queens/Attention Whores want.
  19. If I were Palpatine, I would use my mindtrick powers on some hot supermodel, not some slave on a desert planet located at the ass of the galaxy. Do you know how hard it is to find a virgin in this galaxy? Well, outside of Star Wars geeks...
  20. Yeah, I'm goin bootlegs all the way. Way more for your money.
  21. GL should play The Architect.
  22. Here's the section on Grievous. Other sections are linked at the top. http://www.theforce.net/episode3/jtf/grievous.asp
  23. On the facts link posted it said that Grievous' biological parts were an alien we had not seen before.
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