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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I always figured much of the Zentradi reaction to culture was in their pants...
  2. Or maybe he just didn't care? All Astromech droids look the same, and after 20 years its probably a footnote in his memory. Plus, R2 and Obiwan never really hung out. I think the Vader not remembering is more suspect.
  3. Yeah, but then it would be pretty much just like the old ones in terms of plot. I hate when creators plagiarize themselves... if there really is such a thing. But you do know what I mean, right? Making things in sequels or prequels that are just like their previous films? If its done right, I guess it works... but I can't think of an example that I like.
  4. They explain why only the three of them do it in the next movie.
  5. Maybe they'll realize that people don't want to pay $30 for a disk containing only 3 episodes. They also don't want to wait for months, sometimes years(as I have before) for the next issue of their manga that they also pay through the nose for.
  6. Lloyd was a little kid in a movie made for kids. They typically don't have much range. Yeah, Palps is the one bad guy throughout. Everyone else was just his pawn. Hell, the OT had Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt as extra bad guys. OMGZ!
  7. IIRC it is explicitly stated that there is no father. By Lucas.
  8. Wasn't the gunpod mounted on Max's arm pointed in the opposite direction? No, not in that scene
  9. Err....because I wasn't really sure whether to post it in the anime or toys forum. I mean it's a book, so it's not an anime, but then again neither is it a toy!?????? . So I thought, post it first in the Macross anime section so people who mostly visit that section will see the news and then move it to the Macross toy forum as I guess (in my mind at least) a book is closer to a toy than an anime . Graham If its a pop-up book we can call it a toy.
  10. Hehehe. That was kinda neat. I smiled.
  11. I hope every red lightsaber in ep III has the distinctive evil hum.
  12. Its like people that want Star Wars movies to be just like when they were a kid, of course growing up with things a certain way makes you partial. Great strides have been made since then though. When done well, the third dimension is a wonderful thing and I think Nintendo did great with Windwaker. I was never very impressed with OoT or the N64 in general though.
  13. Prolly because the Actor has gotten old in the past 20 years...
  14. "Z to the O to the double-R O..."
  15. Woo! After an excellent romp in Windwaker, I hope they maintain the level of quality.
  16. I'd fight this topic. Oh, look! I won.
  17. It looks more like they're at batting practice than weilding weapons. omfglolz! its like they're posing for pics or something?
  18. Pretty funny. Seth Green is living my dream. Making stop-motion animation from 80's and 90's toys. Sure, the humor is "derivative" but you can say that about pretty much everything this century.
  19. That is an RT term. It is called M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A or ride armor in Mospeada MobileOperationSoldierProtectionEmergencyAviationDiveArmor I thought they were called "Blowsuperior"
  20. I neve liked Jabba either. It may as well have been a fat chick.
  21. Uh... Opus; this is Macross World, not "Opus' Homo-erotic Fantasy World."
  22. Wait... they're not giant or anything? WTF. I guess Anchorage would survive anyway.
  23. Why would they want to go to Anchorage though? I don't think there's anything there that an ant would want.
  24. So fat and ugly don't mix with being evil? Fat people are jolly.
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