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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Meh. 3D is kinda neat, but doesn't really add much to the experience besides watching stupid people reach out and try to touch the image.
  2. For what it's worth, Renegade was actually fun multiplayer. It wasn't that great, but still nice to play a different style of FPS.
  3. Meanwhile, back in On-Topic Land... The thread is "of 2010"
  4. Can't wait. Hope they don't blow it. A friend of mine got some Green Hornet tapes for xmas one year and we listened to them back in the day.
  5. Looks interesting. Have never heard of this, but the trailer leaves me curious!
  6. Love this movie. The prequel should also depict the origins of Macready's Hat.
  7. PotC 1 was good. After that it just became a Burton Level Depp Wank-fest. At least Barbossa is in it.
  8. King Willie says, not only do I have to kill you, but I have to take your soul.
  9. BEST: 1) Anime Series/Film/OVA that aired this year. Haven't really watched anything made this year... that I WATCHED this year was the Hellsing OAVs 2) Science Fiction Film To be honest, I'd go with Predators. I had the most fun watching that one. 3) TV Series Mad Men! 4) PC/Video Game Red Dead Redemption 5) Consumer Electronic My Samsung Fascinate! WORST: I don't really have time for stuff that sucks enough to be the worst.
  10. The main complaint I have is that Megatron should have a different style alt form from OP imo. Say what you want about the other forms, but Truck vs EVIL Truck just sucks.
  11. I liked it. I just saw it last week & had a blast all the way through. Lots of nods to the original. LOVED the end credits music too!
  12. I for one appreciate how incredibly different the look & feel of the world of the lynch movie is. It's so foreign to me that I can imagine it being thousands of years in the future. I just gave the disclaimer because I could see how the movie & miniseries both could turn people off. The book really destroys both of them.
  13. Yeah, I was kind of annoyed at how suspicious links to the Prequel series just happened to show up in something supposedly based on Frank's notes. Also, don't judge Dune based on the movies or Miniseries. It's got too much going on to ever make a good movie out of imo. Rama is awesome too btw.
  14. Dune is my favorite book. As others have said, the first 3 books are very good. I do like God Emperor as well, and the rest after that are worth reading if you like the Duniverse. The ones that his son wrote aren't bad persay, but there is a definite decline in quality. I just read them(hunters/sandworms) for some closure. I haven't read any of the other stuff that Herbert's son wrote & don't really care to.
  15. Going back in time & watching/reading Hellsing. Definitely my anti-Twilight.
  16. Well, I didn't hate it. I understood pretty well what was going on, but it just didn't get me excited. I don't think it was a ripoff or anything, I left the movie feeling satisfied.
  17. I don't think this movie was made for me. I can take it or leave it after the initial "wow factor." Maybe a 2nd viewing is in order for me to appreciate it as much as everyone seems to.
  18. This is one of the few shows I can really count on to be thoroughly entertaining every time I watch it. I'm so far behind though when I try to watch the new ones I'm so lost. I need to beg my wife to be dress as Dr. Girlfriend's new outfit ...
  19. Well done. I actually loled.
  20. I like a clean work space, the icons on the left are all from this week. I made my xmas list easy to find for the wife.
  21. Never liked this show much, but I slogged through it. Should have made it about Wolfwood with Vash as the supporting character. Not the worst show out there by any stretch, but definitely not my cup of tea. If this release comes at the right price, I may consider it.
  22. Hmmm, not me. I don't like beer enough, I'm a dirty martini/shots guy. Cut right to the chase. SOMEBODY should do it though. All I know is I hate RR.
  23. Just get past the Fire Valkyrie & make me a Blazer... then onward to the Nightmare!
  24. It is pretty good. I played through with 2 friends & had a blast. We just set it on hard mode and went in. Kinda repetitive, but it's mindless action & for the first time in a tf game it kinda captured what I imagined being a tf would be like. Other tf games felt stiff to me.
  25. Fair enough, but there are 2 movies to go and... I mean, the rebuild is already kinda cheap in a "let's charge you 4 times for the same basic story!" kind of way anywayyy... but still awesome.
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