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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. But wasn't Luke supposed to be a different kind of Jedi anyway? Also, did you happen to forget how often the Jedi are involved in "aggresive negotiations?"
  2. So screaming you hate someone in a rage is limited to teenagers? I work in the Residence Halls for older students at my university and while I haven't heard it often, it has happened more than once. Those couples... He was in a life and death battle with what used to be his best friend, the dark side of the force was giving him power(anger helps it flow) and he just had his limbs chopped off. I would probably hate someone then too. And Togo- Jabba had the option. Before busting out, Luke was like hey man, this is your last chance. He can't make a very convincing death threat with his saber sitting in R2.
  3. Yeah, the corny dance-like part kinda made me cringe, but considering that's the only part that made me do that I let it slide.
  4. We already agree to disagree you cockmaster. Maybe you didn't lurk hard enough. See... people that respect eachother are able to be a lot more frank... but someone w/o friends in rl or otherwise (such as yourself) wouldn't understand that. *listens to wind whistle*
  5. Sounds like an Agent-ONE wannabe with nothing to show for it. lol Anyway, we'll see what happens when it happens. This thread is toast.
  6. I agree, that movie was definately worth the money spent. Quoted for truth. A fun movie with a lot of funny jokes. I think its a good date movie.
  7. Lets try to get a MW game going sometime!
  8. Wuss. That game was fun. Especially once you got the minigun. I loved that friggin thing. Made me feel like I was Jesse Ventura. Now one of those would be fun to kill a dino with. Especially from a helicopter.
  9. He was obsessed with Padme. That was his problem, it was a selfish love. HE didn't want to lose her, he didn't want her to live for her sake, or die as a natural part of life. Interesting that you say that Luke was only whiny for a few seconds. I was watching the film with people that hadn't seen the movies since they were kids and they repeatedly, without prompt stated how Luke was a whiny little bitch and how they liked the prequels a lot more. Interestingly enough I found myself defending the OT far more than expected lol.
  10. Were there nunchucks? No.
  11. I don't think the structure of T-Rex's stubby arms allows it swing nunchaku effectively. -Al well... I meant as a person! Ninjas vs Pirates vs Dinosaurs!
  12. I found jackson to be somewhat refreshing. I liked him in a calm, wise role. I thought that was nice. I think Lucas lucked out with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. I think Hayden was pretty darn good imho. He played the whiny "ANH Luke" type along with the conflicted "ROTJ Vader" type. At least that's what I saw.
  13. Since you guys suck... EPISODE 1 - GOOD MOVIE 5 min chop, but I'm happy.
  14. Isn't that "acting cynical"? Seems vaguely appropriate for a cynical smuggler sort... unless there are certain character expression that don't actually count as "acting" now, or the ability of a lesser actor to reproduce a reasonable facsimile automatically disqualifies any further similar work from being considered "acting" henceforth. I think Max's point is that the role isn't very demanding. So therefore Campbell could handle it. H Yes, you're right. I mean, face it; its Star Wars. I think that Harrison Ford is PERFECT for the role and since there was a lot of ad-libbing due to GL's ambiguous approach to directing Ford made a lot of the character himself. BUT, the character isn't very complex or hard to emulate and I think that if anyone could do it, Bruce Campbell could. This is especially true since the characters have already been established, so a precident has been set. I suppose I should have been more clear, and admittedly I was not being fair in boiling Han Solo down to his most base traits. MOAR CHOPS DAMMIT!
  15. If they made a game where you fight Dinosaurs with nunchaku I would buy it in 2 seconds.
  16. Don't forget Star Wars!
  17. Bruce Campbell can't act, and he knows it, and embraces it. Making him funny as hell. Han Solo? maybe he has the looks, but he can't act so: No. Uh... neither can Harrison Ford. At least not in SW. You crack a grin and act cynical. Campbell can do that.
  18. Bruce Campbell FTW.
  19. Come on people...
  20. Kiera is too skinny. MOAR CHOPS!
  21. I think Dooku looks awkward because he's fighting an acrobatic midget. I remember everyone cheering and clapping in the theatre when Yoda strutted his stuff.
  22. Well, then the issue is settled. Shotties for anti-raptor combat. Nice try though. In the book some dinos managed to escape and were hunting animals rich in the amino acid lysine. While I liked the book more, I didn't see anything really wrong with the movie. I wish they had included the younger T-rex though and it toying with that man before killing him. Also the swimming dinos and their "escape."
  23. Its funny because they act like they have the power to bargain. Oh and is anybody besides a sprinkling of people going to stay on topic? We already know how you feel about SW...
  24. Han Stifler! (I know the shading is bad, but I've been up all night) Actually, I think that the actors he chose for the characters in the original really became them. Sure, they probably could have done slightly better, but I can't really think of anyone else playing Leia, Han, and Luke.
  25. I take it the gay porn industry is doing well then?
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