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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. he's working on starship engines in heaven now
  2. I thought it was entertaining. I had fun. I don't see what the big deal is about Dakota Fanning though, everyone alway sloves the "wise beyond their years" flavor of the month/year. When she grows up, we'll see how she does. In this movie I was actually suprised that she was actually a believeable little girl. I'd give this movie a 3.5/5. If Arnold was the main character instead of Cruise, it woulda been almost perfect.
  3. Whatever happens, this is probably only going to make GTA more popular. In the end, Rockstar will laugh all the way to the bank.
  4. You can't make the Fantastic Four cool. Ever.
  5. If the bike was cooler, I'd be sold. Getting kinda sick of Superhero movies though.
  6. Your apartment's old owner has been busy...
  7. wow, that's a crazy resemblance... Oh well.. I loves me some redheaded vampire ladies... Prolly won't bother w/ the movie tho.
  8. We all know what day it is. Not Anime, not Sci-Fi. Have a good day all the pops out there.
  9. Dude... I totally feel you there. I mean... this movie would have gone up a notch with Elfman's theme. I mean, the music they had was ok, but nothing spectacular. But damn... that car chase... DAMN DAMN!!!!
  10. Me too. But still... it was kind of a waste of Watanabe.
  11. But much of SW is based on pseudoscientific technobabble. Additionally, it is never fully explained. It isn't like Tolkien's kids doing anything, its like Tolkien himself coming up with that. Plus midichlorions are a pretty minor part of the story as a whole. Anyhoo, there are plenty of SW threads to discuss this in.
  12. Makes perfect sense to me. The OT by itself is just pretty standard fare. . . only in space. Also what's wrong with michichlorions? I know there are tons of M7 haters out there that totally HATE spiritia... a mystical type "force" if you will in Macross. They claim to be all for "scientific and realistic" expainations for things. So GL comes up with one and doesn't even DIRECTLY tie it to the force itself, but rather makes it a connection of sorts... and people poo bricks. *Sigh* Maybe if X-wings transformed and the Death Star was brought down by Princess Leia singing Darth Vader and Padme's favorite song. . . Luke could fly into the DS and the Emperor would be like; "MIDICHLORIOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNSSSS!!!" as Luke shot his face off.
  13. Read what he has to say about the OT.
  14. Did anyone else feel slightly disappointed at; A) Ken Watanabe - Wasted. B) Ra's Al Ghul(movie) was not Ra's Al Ghul(comic) at all C) Katie Holmes; I've never liked her... but still the people I went with thought she was unneccesary. And yes... Bale's Batman voice did suck.. But WOW despite those issues I was pretty much on the edge of my seat the whole time. I was tensed up just like with a pretty much constant "wow" factor especially for the Batmobile chase! When they were on the train though, I leaned over to my date and said "Spiderman coulda helped him with that one.."
  15. Cheerfully withdrawn. Episode I Episode II Episode III Episode IV Episode V Episode VI
  16. I thought the movie was great. But how come nobody does this for the OT? I mean, the plot is just as contrived. There were some cheap shots in there that didn't really do it for me and I'm resisting the temptation to rebutt some of the comments. Oh well, I guess the guy is just funny... I mean.. he likes Alien 3 too, so he can't be all that bad.
  17. I didn't like Bale's voice as Batman... I also thought Ken Watanabe was a throwaway. Neeson was good though.. Qui-Gon my ass. Other than that, this movie kicks ass!
  18. ditto. seeing it tonight.
  19. I put them on because I thought they'd make my life more enjoyable reading your posts. I have nothing against swearing, but some people do it so much I can't help but crack up when they say farting. lol
  20. Do we have any proof that MGREXX has done anything but act the fool? haterist, if you're going to leave... go now. Your "fag" posts are really uncalled for. Can you swallow your pride and apologize to the members of this board? Or will you pull a Quadrano and live forever in infamy? PM a Mod with thoughts/examples.
  21. The Trigun theme is the best part of the show. That would be a cool one.
  22. It was an action/popcorn flick. What did you expect? If you didn't like T3, you've got bigger issues than I previously thought though.
  23. I don't think we can salvage this thread. Ah well, some good discussion, albeit off topic.
  24. I hope you're kidding about Quadrano. She left because she got caught in a lie.
  25. Togo and Hurin are really dragging this discussion way off topic...
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