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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Here is my Hunter when I quit. Self crafted Black Dragonscale Shoulders, Breastplate, and Leggings. I wasn't about to grind out rep to get the Boots Pattern, besides, you need 4 Fiery Cores and 4 Lava Cores to make them. 351076[/snapback] My guild has beaten Majordomo Executus and is currently working on Ragnaros, don't worry, those drop like candy in MC. I've got two main characters on Ner'Zhul Millia - 60 Rogue Gorefiend - 60 Warlock Both are in the Liquor Store Mafia. All you WoW players should hit me up if you ever make a character on that realm!
  2. grats man!
  3. Funny. I've always thought he'd be a great Darth Vader voice if JEJ couldn't be obtained. Hell, even a younger vader with more growl.
  4. Well she wasn't quite human... so blue hair... red eyes...
  5. amen to that 341877[/snapback] I just got my 2nd level 60 character on Ner'Zhul. Depite it's shortcomings... WoW is the popular one so I play that. I like the MM aspect of the games.
  6. I could see that working somewhat.
  7. MW isn't for this purpose.
  8. Amidala was 14. Anakin was 8. You'd be amazed how many couples you can meet where the woman's age exceeds the man's by several years. If Anakin was some dark, brooding character it would have been more obvious to the Jedi that he was evil. The dark side of the force is the passionate side of the force, where intense, inward thinking emotions give you strength. You see Anakin slowly over the course of the movies shift from being a compassionate force sensitive "chosen one," thinking of helping others all the way to the /vaderno. I like how George had Hayden play Anakin in both Episode II and III, especially considering that he is Luke Skywalker's father someone famous for being a "whiner." Also, about the loose ends, iirc Lucas said for years it would be the one where all the mysteries are solved. Anyway, that's how I feel about 'em. I'll have to pick up Episode I on DVD now to complete my collection. I don't think I like any SW enough to get much more than what's already been released (As far as DVDs go) but who knows, maybe the rumored television show will be worth watching.
  9. Daedalus attack!
  10. The hand of CROM guides you. 341142[/snapback] May they never be too small. Amen.
  11. James Cameron would make the Aliens that hug people to death underwater with a colony inside the Titanic (the REAL reason it went down) if he were to make it now.
  12. I always loved the VB and never had any problems with it. I think I'll try to find one someday.
  13. I might actually check this out. Perhaps an awesome dub will finally come. As long as no Robotech cast are in starring roles. Reba West getting shoved out is a plus.
  14. I like new and interesting ways to interact with my games. The games industry has become way too lazy, much like the film industry. Idiotic children growing up don't understand the potential of the medium. The DS and Revolution introduce new ways to manipulate the gaming environment. Ways that will spark the imagination of any developer worth their salt. I just got a DS. Its bad ass!
  15. While it wasn't anything special its funny that people would call it a contrived mess. It continues the story in a relatively logical and creative fashion. Keep in mind the source material wasn't especially great to begin with. I thought it was a fun movie to watch and it made me believe in the characters. I always had a hard time picturing these humans fighting gigantic monsters and beating gun-toting villains with swords. Well, the movie represented both of these quite well. In the end, this movie is a treat for those that played through the game, nothing more. I also find it funny that people can't accept Sephiroth, someone who nearly became a god, showing up with his sword in a world where you can conjure a city-destroying dragon from nothing.... oh wait it was the orbs that you absorb through your clothes/skin... that makes perfect sense now.
  16. I just wish there was a better explaination for why they wanted her. Seemed kinda dumb to me. I liked the movie, but I guess I just thought River was more special.
  17. Personally I think Dune is the greatest Sci-Fi saga ever. Having read the original 6 books I'm just amazed at them. Its like Herbert traveled into the future and wrote everything down. He had an interesting take on economics and statecraft which holds true today especially considering his oil analogy and everything surrounding that resource.
  18. Yuffie.... she's mah girl!
  19. That's true, but it has nothing to do with why I don't like new anime. For instance, I really like old fastback Mustangs. It has nothing to do with nostalgia or mystery -- I wasn't even alive then, and those cars are too popular to be mysterious. I just happen to like them a lot, and they happen to be old. I think the eighties Mustangs suck all kinds of ass, and that was the same time I'm nostalgic for when it comes to music or TV. The two are different and I happen to like the old one better, like many other people. 328033[/snapback] All I'm saying is that anime is almost passe now. I watch old animes I used to like in disbelief.
  20. Its like the old people on Family Guy "Yeah! Stuff we remember!" I seriously think you're just getting old and you've seen tons of anime by now. Its no longer some neat thing that nobody else does, its no longer mysterious to most people including yourself. Its become mainstream.
  21. I like it, its a fun show.
  22. The ending follows the manga, but it ends it after they manage to break out of the demon's stomach.
  23. the manga is cool the filler episodes are not.
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