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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. It's a pretty good show, but I've been boycotting it since they switched from following canon stories to more... filler type poo for like over a year. They should be getting back to the "real" story here soon. Finally... I've noticed a decline in animation quality though that turns me off.
  2. One thing I really think is cool is that the member ranking system I "invented" is still around. Makes me smile.
  3. Once again, our government trying to idiot-proof our society.
  4. It's Keyser Söze.
  5. Well by definition, no space battle can be "realistic." Outside of hard physics.
  6. True, but we need people to talk in movies. I like the focus on action... but watching some fool sneak around will wear thin quickly.
  7. I'm looking forward to this thing. I'm liking it more the more I see. I hope that it does not disappoint.
  8. Stampede. Hands. Down.
  9. Ummm... this guy's complaints are decades behind. I was saying the same things back in the day... /yawn lol.
  10. Cameron had better not drop the ball on this one.
  11. He looks alien... neat... considering the TFs are alien in origin. They have their camo modes and their alien modes. Some of the movies designs look like ass, but some look cool. I'm disappointed with Megatron's hands (though they are rather claw-like which I kind of dig) but as a whole I like his design. I do wish that they would have made his hands better though, seeing as how they designed him from the ground up you would think that his robot form would have nicer hands. But as with Darth Vader, I won't let hands ruin a movie for me. As for the BTs and Alternators... I think that the majority of both look like ass outside of their vehicle forms. So, I suppose there is a flip side to that coin. All in all, I like them because they look like they can move with the fluidity that I appreciate in lifeforms.
  12. Can't watch that right now. But yeah... I own G1 on DVD and in digital comic form and having the rear half of a truck as a calf/foot may cut it for toys and a children's show, but obvious transformations it don't do it for me anymore. I like the organic look of the robot modes, they won't have to have the show's magic morphing faceplates either with the new look.' Edit: Ohhhh hahahah it's that Prime video. Yeah... it's kinda cool as a demo... but see Eugimon's post. I agree with his sentiments.
  13. Look up homage and get back to me. Honestly, they could have gotten anyone so I'm glad they're digging up the old timers. I'm playing wait and see on this one... but I'm liking what I've seen so far.
  14. People need to get over G1.... seriously. It was cool for the time, but some of us don't want to see the same thing rehashed over and over. Plus, while I love the G1 cartoon, for the most part it was pretty stupid. The old designs would look dumb next to live actors. So if a badly animated show with no detail on the characters and several inconsistencies in both plot and mechanical design can be successful, why can't a popcorn flick by Micheal Bay be successful?
  15. Alba CANNOT pull off the blonde hair, it's hideous. She looks more ridiculous than The Thing. The only thing from the trailer that I thought was cool was the Silver Surfer taking Johnny up to space. Personally, I wouldn't mind him doing that to the rest of the cast.
  16. I had nothing really against the movie other than whispering the twist to my wife in the first 10 minutes (I guessed). I mean, it was ok... but it left me feeling kind of empty at the end. I think that with some minor tweaks it would have been a lot better. Surprisingly, when I think about it; it's in the top 2 Shymalan movies for me (the other being Unbreakable).
  17. Duncan was cool if you were one of the wannabe kendo dorks growing up with that. Connor is way grittier, Duncan is a fruit booty. I wanna refer to Duncan as Proto-Emo. They're ninjas with bladed weapons. . . so something has to bleed. None of this robot bullshit. It will be interesting to see how a mutant turtle goes it's seperate way lol. So . . . another franchise that lags behind the maturity of the original fans. Yeah, basically kids will watch almost anything. They're counting on the people that grew up with it, have kids and don't know any better...
  18. Hmmm... should have pulled a Stallone and called the movie "John McClane" or just.. "McClane."
  19. I want a gritty, bloody TMNT like the old comic. This one looks like it's for the kids again. *sigh*
  20. Am I the only one not too impressed by the new trailer?
  21. I don't mind the designs. Except the tank. Still, all that matters to me is that they kick ass in motion. Also, I'd be somewhat let down to see the same old designs. I mean... I grew up with them, let's see something fresh that maintains the spirit of the originals. I think it has potential. I like the almost organic look of the robot modes and look forward to seeing the Transformations. I wonder if there will be a variation of the *transform* sound featured. You never know, maybe they'll incorporate nods to the original series like perhaps Megatron scoffing at a mere human firing his familiar gun mode at him. I'm going to stay positive on this one, I can't wait to see what they come up with. If it sucks, well.. I won't buy it.
  22. All I've got to say; Nintendo Wii + Macross > *
  23. QFT This greatly saddens me.
  24. Man, I remember the F-14 being one of the coolest planes growing up. Makes me feel very nostalgic.
  25. Looks pretty generic.
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