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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. That Joker looks retarded. I'm all for him looking psycho, but I still want him to look like the freakin Joker. I like "gritty" and "realistic" as much as the next guy, but I also like BATMAN.
  2. I never liked the original SC. Hopefully they improve upon it with what they learned from WCIII though. The graphics look great to me, very fitting. Now, the gameplay has to be up to snuff. I may like this one more than the first even! It will be interesting to see how it compares to Dawn of War... for obvious reasons (and I just don't mean they're both RTS games..)
  3. Summer Glau isn't that great of an actress or stuntwoman(for fights) all of her fight scenes in Firefly/Serenity are laughable, but they convey the message well enough. Still... I've never been impressed by anything she's been in. She's too frail looking to be a terminator imho, though that could be Skynet's rationale.. Why are people so hung up on T2? They batty and moan about continuity, but T2 ruined it by destroying Cyberdyne and "preventing" the future. T3 brought the continuity back into alignment sans bunny hugging terminators. As for Terminators being stealthy... I suppose... the T-1000 was the best at that. The others seemed to be more brute force. Because robots are strong and made of metal. (anyone get that?)
  4. T1 - Awesome T2 - Good action, sappy plot T3 - Awesome Action, ok plot, great ending T4-6 - As long as they bring things full circle in a neat way I'll be happy. But there's no point in speculation and internet nay-saying at this point. T3 made me more excited about the franchise than T2 ever did. "I know now why you cry..." HA! Cameron is such a nut job.
  5. I'm skeptical, but we'll see how they do.
  6. Ironman's hands are too small too....
  7. this has interesting commentary on the gaming review industry back in the GF days. http://www.superpcenginegrafx.com/features.html
  8. I am KnowleRohrer
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTwwbS1IXNo...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nffgrcQcizs...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omfr2jV1dec...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeG3wXSh8r8...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDnKaTT6RiQ...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu1BMJKNXwg...ted&search=
  10. My room-mate and I picked up season 1 and 2 of Knight Rider for about $20 each. We figured we'd pay a dollar an episode to watch it. Some of the episodes are pretty well written, despite taking place in the weird 80s. The episodes that are poorly written are comical/entertaining enough for us to keep watching them. I think on the whole, for the time, it was quite well put together. As far as the new movie; Micheal Knight - Ben Stiller Devon Miles - Will Ferrel April - Christine Taylor KITT - can't go wrong w/ OG I just think that would be hilarious, yet strangely cool if they all hammed it up.
  11. I always thought Thundercats were stupid.
  12. There's a couple shows/movies I think would rule as an anime. Knight Rider for one..
  13. Anyone surprised by this is a moron btw...
  14. By the end of the series, Minmei had grown up. I'd take her. But she'd be on more of an even plane in the series. In the movie, I'd take Minmei also. Though, Misa wouldn't stand a chance.
  15. My apologies if your inflection doesn't magically transfer over http. This is OT. If you want to continue, I suggest you take it to PM. Frankly, there's no reason to continue.
  16. Um, I like to read what people type. Maybe you should have been clearer... "fan service butts and butt kicking" is rather clear. As is your comment about Unit 01 getting some action. How would you like me to interpret it?
  17. I just want to know if that main dude will ever speak a line that isn't yelling. I don't want to watch some guy yell for 2 hours.
  18. You mean like it did for the entirety of the series? Yes, let's dumb one of the best shows out there down some more.
  19. Yeah, I liked the TV ending just fine. The movie ending added more to it, but you can tell that they were planning the movie anyway if you knew where to look. This new series looks homoerotic (more homo than Kaoru). I won't be watching it.
  20. I'm sad. I just bought one of the last great AGP cards. *sigh* It was a good slot... /sniff
  21. So the fillers basically just made poo up about Kakashi's past or what?
  22. They did Kakashi Gaiden already?
  23. Wasn't it more than that? Like 2 years? Sure seemed that way.
  24. Yeah, I had shitloads of posts but it doesn't look like they carried over. Oh well lol. I was one of the bigger losers though for quite some time.
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