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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Well that's the thing, make it so that the heroes aren't juggernauts, but still unique and powerful. But yeah, it's not exciting to me if "Raynor" is just another bike. Ok... I'll keep him alive by not using him lol.
  2. I've only seen the first and last episodes of this season... so I'm kinda lost. Seemed interesting... but I don't know... I get this feeling that the writers are rather pretentious.
  3. I honestly hated the heroes that weren't unique at all. The "slightly stronger regular unit" thing always pissed me off. When those games were out, I'd just leave the hero in the base until needed (if at all) and use the generic units. Wow... that sure rules, huh? What I'd like to see is Blizzard take what they learned from WCIII and actually improve the hero system, rather than regress back to the lame old days...
  4. No heroes? Aw man. . .
  5. They seem to have different cinematic styles... this should be interesting. I'm glad that Chan isn't retiring, but I wonder how well he can keep up these days.
  6. Man... I'm already anxiously awaiting the first time I hear "En Taro Adun Executor!" when I play as the Protoss (mah homies)
  7. Wow, I haven't heard about or from Jung in a while... then again, I haven't been around.
  8. First Blood is where to go if you want Rambo with a plot. Everything besides that has been cathartic action that allows you to shut your brain off and smile.
  9. Hmmmmm, I may have to pick this up on DVD. I missed the first episodes and they're no longer online. I like watching things in order.
  10. Yeah, it's easy to play fast and loose with the term "realistic" when you're making the rules up as you go (Nolan). The difference in costumes is rather subjective, especially when talking about a super hero movie. I mean, you say that the Joker is traditionally outlandish... while a vigilante in a suit sits perfectly well with you. These two views are incongruent to me, but honestly we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  11. *sigh* /waits patiently to get his "real" job so he can buy collectibles again....
  12. Hell yes, I'm going to see this! Make no mistake. I just hope that everyone else wasn't smoking the same stuff that the people designing Joker did. Haven't seen The Prestige yet, but the others are good.
  13. I think it looks stupid. Yeah, Joker has a grin, but he's not some reject from a Slipknot video. In such a poo? I said I think it looks ugly and doesn't say Joker to me... wow... someone hold me down... Again, it doesn't say The Joker to me at all. You make mention of Halloween characters, well The Joker in the new Batman has a Chelsea Grin AND facepaint... that's not Halloween to you? Sure looks like it to me. Not to mention Batman runs around in a GIANT BAT SUIT... lol Terminator 3 wasn't a "different take" it was a continuation of an established story, ie; canon. That being said, I don't mind different takes on subjects as long as they remain reasonably faithful. There are a plethora of different things that they could have done to do a "different take" on the Joker and still remain reasonably faithful, as it's been done tons of times in the comics. Bottom line is; as I've said before, I'm holding back on my judgement of the film as a whole until it comes out. I can still say that I don't like the design of The Joker or the direction they're taking it and no post of yours will alter this fact.
  14. What bothers me is that people think that this is what comic books are really like (through watching the movies).
  15. lol T4 should do a Futurama crossover. Or like, "Kyle Reese" was actually John Connor w/ a major Oedipus Complex!
  16. Hehe, that is X-E Matt. I posted that pic in jest. As for Burton, eh... I dislike his films more and more over the years as I get older. Still, the characters he used were recognizable and didn't stray too far from the source. The saving grace of the Burton films for me in all honesty is the Batmobile design hehe. Based on the last film, I'm willing to give it a chance. I still don't like what I'm seeing so far.
  17. Thematically and stylisticly? Maybe in "suckville." lol A bit of elaboration would help me see your pov here. In Batman Begins you have; Emo Kid on a Power Trip(Scarecrow) and Fantastical Grande Schemer w/ charisma (Rhaz). Now we have them ripping off a Clockwork Orange (that's from a quote). Why? Joker is a staple villain. You don't take Batman and make him barely recognizable and change his character in the name of theme and style. Do I think that they could make a good villain out of their vision of the Joker? Yeah, but so far, to me that isn't the Joker. I'll still go see the movie and give it a chance, but they have to really impress me in other areas if they want me to buy into it. It's this kind of disregard for the source material that led to Batman Forever and Batman & Robin imho.
  18. I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do. Go snuggle up to your stuffed T-800 doll and cry yourself to sleep as you patiently away James Cameron to return and make T4: The Underwater Adventure. But seriously.. different strokes. Based on T3, I personally am optimistic.
  19. Dude, T3's ending rocked. I loved it. Plus it got things back on track.
  20. I wish Rambo would be more stealthy like he was in the first movie. Maybe they'll throw some of that in. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the mindless Rambo: First Blood Part II stuff... but I'd like him to be sneak-ay sneak-ay as well.
  21. NOT Joker (hands too small! ) I'll wait and see, but I'm tenatively calling childhood rape here. Note - this is not "The Joker" from the upcoming film, but a picture of XE Matt I posted as a joke noticing the similarity between his Halloween makeup and the new Joker
  22. This is THE Joker. Not difficult to replicate. It's all about the one behind the makeup.
  23. The fact that he is a crazy murderer is scary. In all honesty has the Joker ever been THAT scary?
  24. Let's just nix the loonies in Bat suits too. Jack proved that Joker can be Joker.
  25. *waits patiently to see if he gets to say "I told you so."*
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