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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Hmmm... I'd almost prefer a Trans-Am. My room-mate and I watched seasons 1 and 2 of Knight Rider and for the most part the show wasn't too bad. It was always entertaining and even the bad episodes were usually at least entertaining. There were only TWO episodes that we absolutely hated. The trans-am STILL holds up in "cool factor" to both of us, and unlike me, he didn't grow up w/ the show.
  2. Transformers has always been a toy commercial. But that's ok, right? I'm fine w/ the other complaints, but the GM thing seems kinda weak.... TFs have always been about merch. babyyy. I agree eugimon. Any movie can be broken down to it's barest components by it's detractors. The thing is that ppl that usually complain about these movies (and I'm talking in general, not specifically in this thread) usually are reluctant to post about anything that they actually like and when this happens they're the standard "safe" picks.
  3. Could be cool... as long as they get stuff right.
  4. I haven't seen an Uwe Boll movie yet!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH
  5. Blown away? Eh... no. Satisfied? Yes. I mean, honestly I take what I can from the movies I see nowadays. Plus, I've never really pumped movies up to godlike status. The only director I really hate is Kubrick, but he's dead so I don't have to worry... unless Peter Jackson starts gettin an ego...
  6. I hope they find a cool way to make Prime on more equal footing with Megatron.
  7. Oh noes... because nobody has known about this for... months now? "Rar.... any movie with product placement sucks!" Cmon now. I was no secret from the beginning that they were going to sponsor/use their cars in the film... where have you been? Plus, that wasn't really a 'camaro,' it was an Autobot.
  8. Damn, worst news since I found out about Arihiro Hase.
  9. This issue does not warrant this much discussion. RT/Macross is that dull these days eh?
  10. During "Starscream's scene" ... did anyone think "wow... maybe they SHOULD do a live action Macross.." Also... I thought the Autobot arrival/gathering scene was really awesome. I got a major nostalgic feeling in my gut, no joke.
  11. Made me feel like a little kid again. Only problem I had was that some of the action was hard to follow at times, but usually I get better at following that kind of stuff with repeated viewings.
  12. the series was always cheesy in G1 so I'll wait til the show comes out to make judgement... I do not like the art though.
  13. I've seen Family Guy directly rip off The Simpsons more than once. Though I'm not a South Park fan, I agree wholeheartedly with their description of Family Guy. I think that the show REALLY lost it after their "comeback" when they added the "obligatory pop culture reference starring the Family Guy cast" to EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. Yawn. The Simpsons has gone on too long, but they've pretty much done everything else...
  14. So far this movie reminds me of the ridiculous Kenner action figures that accompanied the first Batman movie by Tim Burton more than anything else. We'll see though... Begins ruled so I'll give it the benefit of a doubt.
  15. From Wikipedia... basically what I was going to say.
  16. I wonder how this will do. Seems interesting.
  17. I never liked Fallout games. I'm not down with the post-apocalyptic backdrop. It's just boring to me.
  18. I've known for years how they could make his head able to turn... maybe make the mask out of I dunno... FABRIC. They've been going nuts w/ those rubber suits for years though. . . Overall it's meh to me. It will probably look better in the actual movie though... still it would be interesting to do something more basic with the suit.
  19. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
  20. Well I can't say it until I'm satisfied it's as awesome as I think it is. Gonna go see it ASAP.
  21. I just saw this a few weeks ago, pretty funny... hehe... "Goldbug," I always thought that whole scene where Bumblebee gets his name changed was weird.
  22. Actually, I wouldn't worry about showing someone that prop. I don't hang out with a lot of people into that kind of thing and those that are, I'd be willing to bet haven't even heard of the prop being stolen. Even if they did know, I doubt that they would recognize it. So maybe not immediately, but... yeah... Plus... how many people hang out with those that would recognize an original Rembrandt? Very few people I know would even bother to look.
  23. If I took it, I'd keep it for myself. lol
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