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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Yeah, I may go with the start from scratch route. At least until I figure everything out.
  2. Love the banner, perfect!!!
  3. I'm back too! My buddy hooked up my sovereign with some fancy shields and weapons! I'm all blinged out now & ready to see what's new! I think I'm... Canis.Majoris
  4. I fell asleep during the big action sequence, it just got boring. Gliding was lame. I did enjoy the rest though.
  5. I thought Ronny Cox already won? Well, maybe in my mind..
  6. I'm kinda Spiderman'd out. Especially if he's going to be rebooted as emo boy. ....but wait... are those web shooters(Parker invented) I see?
  7. See, I only know Conan from the movies. This thread does make me want to check out the books. Plus, I planned on giving the new Conan a chance. I guess it's kind of like James Bond. The movies gave most people a different idea of the character than the books, so when the movies return to the source it upsets some of us a bit.
  8. Should I read the manga first before watching this series? I've been chipping away at it, but the animation seems so much more fitting.
  9. hehe New Conan smokes pot & surfs. RADICAL! All jokes aside, I'll wait until it comes out... Arnold just had such a presence back then it's hard to separate him from Conan in my mind.
  10. The newer the Macross, the less I like it. I'd rather stay reasonably happy with what's out there than have it ruined by Protochlorions or whatever. They kinda did it already with Sound Energy & the warp stones... I really don't want to venture any further past that. (I like M7 & Frontier... but those parts were pretty big strikes against both) Though, it could lead to more mecha pr0n... hmmm
  11. You know, Captain Planet wouldn't have been so bad if they actually used the rings on the bad guys. It would be a show about an Eco-Terrorist Cult of Gaia. I thought it was funny that they had a character Duke Nukem though.
  12. I can't wait! This is the first Valkyrie I've really wanted in a while! Plus, now that Yamato is doing M7, we can be sure to see a VF-19S Blazer (PLEASE?!?!)
  13. I thought it was better than rotf, but dragged on too long. Past a certain point the explosions lost all meaning. 7/10.
  14. Finally! Not a fan of the S, I like the D better.
  15. This is perfect! I ordered the first book a couple weeks ago, I haven't started it yet... but now that its cool enough for MWers?
  16. Sounds like a let-down, but I don't trust reviews written by people that don't understand why The Thing built it's vehicle.
  17. All I think of when I see the commercials is "generic."
  18. Alarm clock that doesn't play AM music, so I hook my droid up to it so I can listen to Coast to Coast every night.
  19. Can we please have a movie where Prime doesn't go out like a punk or only kick ass for 30 seconds?
  20. You're losing your edge. I hope you're being ironic.
  21. Maybe Christian Bale will bring his Batman voice back down to Begins levels this time around. More gadgets and detective work would be a definite plus. TDK was cool, but I still prefer Begins. Bane could be interesting if they did him right & played up on the more intellectual aspects of the character to augment his strength. Too bad Nolan isn't brave enough to make a movie where the Clock King & Calendar Man team up. /sigh.
  22. Wow, this is the last thread I'd have expected to see drama in. Anyway, I may be behind the times... but I think it's cool that Rodimus has a Hot Rod mode. I was hoping it would and just might pick it up.
  23. Might have been interesting if they took out Einstien before he took out Hitler, but made Hitler more powerful due to the lack of Einstien. Then it would be up to Doc & Marty to save the day.
  24. Why? Johnny Depp would serve no purpose other than to sell more Cowboy Bebop swag at Hot Topic. Keanu isn't the best actor, but I dunno... I root for him anyway.
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