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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. There was a halfway decent Millia cosplayer a few years back. The uniform was top notch, the chick iirc was meh... but at least she wasn't a hambeast.
  2. Hehe, I remember liking this movie as a kid. It had a weird creepy tone to it for a while, I kind of wish it had stayed a little more serious, but oh well. Still a fun movie.
  3. Well yeah, if you wanna do it the wussy way. It would be a bigger challenge to go light side.
  4. This statement made me lol.
  5. I'd go rebel. Gotta be a good Jedi. (and get killed, but that's always retconned)
  6. I have the blue-box set of all three movies. I bought it because I wanted the uncut version from the Criterion Collection, as my Criterion Robocop disk was stolen or lost at some point (I still have the case )
  7. WoW is the only 2nd life I need.
  8. Actually that's not always true, the vast majority of Hollywood "class" women are smeared with make-up constantly. Pretty much any average woman could look as good as them I'd wager. Having said that, I'd take my wife over Dina Meyer or Denise Richards anyday. Though when given the choice between the two, I can ignore Denise's Michael Jackson nose for a roll in the hay. BTW Hurin; Last I checked, this is the internet. Everything gets knocked.
  9. Eew dude. Eew. Needs some nekkid Denise Richards. Then it would be one of the classic Sci Fi films of our time.
  10. Some movies make you wonder at what point the actors realized that they were in a bomb.
  11. Next to that snoozefest, anything looks good. When some fans love it specifically because it reminds them of how boring space travel would probably be, there's a problem. I would rather pay to watch any of the films listed in this thread for the sheer novelty value than watch 2001 for free. Best movie? Hmmm, haven't really thought of that one. But again, that would be OT. Why does everyone act shocked when people don't like 2001? Is it really hard to see why people wouldn't like it or is it just that hip to say you're down with the slow pacing and tacked on classical music? Update:(I don't really have a favorite but here's a short list of scifi films I think are better than 2001) Empire Strikes Back (not really scifi, but still better) Robocop Blade Runner Alien/s
  12. Wow, I just realized how old this thread was. I pissed all over 2001 earlier. The book was ok, but I rate it as worst because most bad movies don't take themselves as seriously as 2001.
  13. 2001: A Space Odyssey It's safe to say Kubrick has been burning in hell over that one.
  14. God, that batsuit is ugly. Cmoonnnnn good directing, make me forget the pain.
  15. Aww, but "Pulling a Shinji" has become vernacular in my circle of friends that has seen the movie. Honestly, I'm holding back on my judgement on the upcoming movies, but imho Evangelion's time has come and gone. I'd be just as happy if they let the franchise die.
  16. Pff, my "friends" ripped off my GI Joes while I was on vacation and sold them to the neighborhood kids. That pissed me off royally. Yeah, I had to kick 3 brothers' butts that year. This thread makes me mad. lol
  17. "Did you ask them about the GI Joe Action Figures?" "DESTRO! YOU IDIOT!"
  18. woo, multi forum spam!
  19. I'm getting more optimistic. The Joker looks more like he ought to in that 2nd pic. Batsuit is still meh... as long as batman stays in the dark lol.
  20. Just another step down in NIN's descent into sucktitude. I used to be a fan, but I really don't like any of Trent's new stuff.
  21. Eh, I've always hated how crappy the wizards are in Harry Potter. Weak spells reused over and over again. Plus every single time, it's all about Harry having "love and friendship" in his life. Love and friendship make a good wizard? Pff, what a joke. If Voldemort really wanted to kill Harry, he would have bought a damn gun. I haven't read the books, but damn, this is getting old.
  22. You have to look and talk like Garthe Knight to drive Goliath.
  23. I think that the majority of the opinions here think that while not perfect, it's a decent start that can be built upon for future iterations? I would love to see more! I think with a bigger budget, they could make the CG scenes clearer and maybe even simplify the designs a little. I would love for Bay to maybe sneak a VF-1 in there for a second if he could get it past HG's lawyers... then again here's to hoping HG won't be around much longer.
  24. Eh... I'm sick of Die Hard after the 2nd one... I'll wait for the DVD
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