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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. When did people steal when recording off their TV? If he's hosting it, he's still sharing it just the same... just using a different media. You can say "that's illegal!" all you want, but it's a silly law that's hardly enforced. If I like something, I'll buy the official release but there's no reason I should have to wait an extra year to two years to check out a show people in other parts of the world get to see for free. The companies can whine about it all they want, but last I checked the customer knows what they want best.
  2. If he gives me an extra fruit he got for me while they were giving it out for free every week, no crime has been comitted. Duhhhh Television broadcasts are for all intents and purposes free, if someone makes a recording and shares it I see no wrong in that.
  3. If I'm not making a profit and sharing with other interested parties, I could care less. Why should it be illegal to give something away that was free in the first place? Just because something is illegal, doesn't make it wrong. (the reverse also applies, but it irrelevant in this case)
  4. I think the ending was inspirational and contributed to one of the central themes of Macross; the power of music.
  5. No different than recording on a VHS tape. It's not stealing if people in Japan can watch it for free too. Personally, I don't care much about the anime industry anymore as it's been fully raped and lame-ified.
  6. What was that big giant mobile base with the huge cannon in the middle? Like it was roughly triangular and some joes would cruise around in it.
  7. Oooh, also another part that I thought had a lot of... heart was it? Was the scene where Optimus rolls up right before he runs into Megatron and transforms. The music during that transformation sequence and their exclaimations upon meeting eachother really worked for me. On that note; I'm glad they made Prime the main hero of the movie, but I wish he wasn't portrayed as such a weakling compared to Megatron. Speaking of which; one thing I did miss was that the fights lasted longer and were more personal in the older material. Not just the big leader fights.
  8. I've always told my wife and others that I *LOVE* the arrival scene. It seriously made me feel like I was 5 years old again. It was one of the scenes that showed me the possibilities of the live action film. Michael Bay is a tool though, so I'm still hoping he doesn't ruin it.
  9. I must be the only one that found the Guilty Gear series to be boring and uninspired. 2D > 3D 4EVA BTW!
  10. Blanka/M. Bison/Ryu Toy with them, then bring the pain.
  11. Well, had you not chopped off the first part of my sentence, you would have seen my reply to your comment.
  12. I was at the store last night and almost got the Best Buy pack, but they had the 2-Disk Special Edition w/o the extras for $5 cheaper so I went with that.
  13. Even though I know voice imitation is relatively easy, I wouldn't want to see a story with Hikaru/Misa/Minmei without Arihiro Hase. Since he's dead, I'm happy with what we have.
  14. Figures, I get close to beating FFIV on the GBA finally and now this. >< Ah well, I may get it for the eye candy. Hopefully FF6 will follow.
  15. Only $40 now? Mannn... we early adopters got screwed!
  16. What flicks are those from, looks like one of the 7 Samurai are in there and Sanjuro?
  17. I think I'm going to beat him to the punch with my "What are your top 5 "Top 5" threads?" thread!
  18. Wow Ratchet, you really are interested in ppl's top XYZ eh?
  19. Who knows? Yes it does, it's the future where barrel length is irrelevant! And yes, they do count as tanks.
  20. The big ole tank in the GITS movie was pimp. There was also the similar one in Stand Alone Complex episode 2.
  21. Subs all the way. It has to be an especially awesome dub for me to not mind, even then I use the dub sparsely. I'm used to reading quickly, so I don't miss anything.
  22. Dammit! The AC has been broken here so I'm a little insane.
  23. Super Dimension Fortress /thread
  24. Is the Predator attacking unarmed ppl now? That's a party foul. We'll see, but that kind of mindless killing is more of an alien thing. The AVP comic was ok, but I don't think it's be all, end all. Plus we've seen that before, if it sucks, well it sucks.
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