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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Hehe, by WoW lore the locks should be able to destroy the world somehow.
  2. I'm sayin they're completely different. I guess if you break it down to the most BASIC definition you could say that. But I don't think any ranged caster = mage. That's like saying a dw warrior/shammie = rogue which isn't really true other than the fact that they have weapons in both hands.
  3. Hehe, Kara isn't hard. It's like UBRS 2.0. I don't even go there anymore.
  4. My wife made me start playin again. I just moved to a new town and haven't found a "real" job yet so yeah... lol. Once I get a position tho, I'll probably stop again. Locks just mage/hunter? Pff... locks own both. Your experience on a private server is probably verrrrry different than how things are done on a live one, especially if you get into the endgame content. Dude bein bored playin solo? Why wait for the same 5 people to do quests with? PVP, meet some new folks... join a guild... maybe you just made the best choice in quitting if you couldn't get into it.
  5. Without spoiling anything... is there ever a CLEAR connection made between Slusho/Evil Japanese Corporation and the monster? Or is it just red herring?
  6. I agree with Osama. Eh. Seems like a weak, limp-wristed version of G1. Toys look interesting tho.
  7. WoW is fun. I have 2 70s and a 61 (my old Main; Millia) but now I use my warlock Gorefiend(PVE affliction) and my paladin Milliatres(PVP holy). My wife finally got around to hittin 70 so she pvps with me on her druid. Its fun, but like... just remember when to call it a night etc.
  8. Moscato is a pimp.
  9. Meh. VF-17 > VF-21.
  10. I chose 500 because, well... 500 years ago ish we were in sailboats. Soooo... the space equivalent would probably be the Space Shuttle or something like we have today. Seems like a nice big jump into the future, without losing too much. 1000 years would be too crazy I think... think about people 1000 years ago. That's basically what we'd be like if we traveled that far. Personally, I yearn for time travel as simple as Back to the Future. It would be nice to be able to see some of the major events that took place in history with the added benefit of checking out the future.
  11. I don't feel that a whole other trilogy is needed. Maybe ONE movie that brings the series full circle.
  12. Journey to the West's Monkey?
  13. QFT. I always liked Ryu over Ken, but it bothered me that the person that supposedly defeated Sagat and gave him a scar didn't have some super dragon punch. That super owns.
  14. Well, it all happened way back in college. I believe it was 7 years ago during the 00-01 year. My room-mate and his hambeast of a woman had returned from Blockbuster with some movies. They began watching them etc while I played CounterStrike on my computer. I noticed some familiar stuff about one of the movies they were watching with talk of "Macross" and the "Minmay Attack." This brought back a flood of memories/nostalgia as I had been a Robotech fan and immediately recognized that Jetfire wasn't REALLY a transformer way back when my friend got him for his b-day. Over the years I'd made several connections on my own through the internet, playing games such as the NES Macross game (best macross game ever, esp. with it's version of Little White Dragon). So it had been in the back of my mind for years w/o any real initiative to find it because I felt that I wouldn't know where to start (this was before google was around) ANYWAY, all of this comes flooding back to me while I'm sitting there looking at the TV and in a moment of inspiration I began searching for as much information on Robotech as I could find. I started downloading episodes on hotline(lebhead's flagship imacross server iirc). While the episodes dled, I absorbed as much information as I could. I discovered the 1/55s that Jetfire was based on and made it my mission to find a 1/55 Millia which I did(twice). In my search, I stumbled upon what I believe was MacrossWorld's old board(or something) right before it was upgraded to ikonboard. I also had found vf1x.com and the valkyrie exchange in my search so it was cool to see lebhead/jerry/kevin all here! So, sadly, I am not one of the AFM ppl but I think after 7 years I can consider myself AT LEAST and old timer.
  15. Dear God no... the end times are upon us.
  16. I hope they change Gollum's design for this movie. The one in PJ's LOTR was crappy I thought.
  17. lol I forgot all about Candy
  18. saw the pilot, it was ok... Summer Glau doesn't do it for me as a terminator tho... oh well. Terminator 3 was better than T2 imho, but I don't like my Terminators quite so cuddly.
  19. Duke Nukem was hilarious. I would prefer a sequel to Shadow Warrior though. I guess you've got to be westwood to make a game based on tongue-in-cheek racism lol.
  20. I'll go see it as long as Peter Jackson doesn't delete canonical stuff in favor of stupid crap he came up with himself.
  21. We don't do politics here.
  22. That Nissan would be an awesome KITT. Mustang looks stupid and boxy. Argh, there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS IN KNIGHT RIDER THAT COULD BE CHANGED/IMPROVED. You just don't fart w/ KITT.
  23. Dammit. The Trans-Am may be dated, but damn it looks way cooler than that current car. The Two-Thousand needs to be SLEEK.
  24. Let him flounder. If he becomes too successful, then he may become one of these evil successful businesses.
  25. I'd buy anime if it were simply subbed and cheap. I don't care much for extras so...
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