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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. The episode was alright, but I really didn't get into it until about halfway through when my favorite NUNS forward recon team launched. It would be nice to see some of the ole 17s in combat w/o getting torn to pieces.
  2. Mandarin would RULE!
  3. I stopped playing GTA games after I realized that I played them all back when GTA3 came out.
  4. VF-25 Focker
  5. Max Jenius

    Graham's Sig

    /wishes for Yamato to release a VF-17(1?)
  6. Even though I like Gamlin better, Basara was ok. Basara also fit in w/ the theme, albeit in a cheesy way.
  7. Ozma is cool. Klan Klein is cool so far, but there's potential for lame-ness. I'm diggin the Misa-ish chick that judged Miss Macross and has been pokin around. Ummmm and Ranka's friend. She has big tittahs.
  8. My grandfather flew P-40s in WW2. That's an awesome pic! Here's a person he flew with in the 75th Fighter Squadron, Don Lopez, who was a deputy director for the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum for years. I got to meet him and go "backstage" at the A&SM, which was a neat homie hookup benefit. He just died last month, which sucks.
  9. Bleh. I'll just keep my other Skull Leaders and save the cash.
  10. Well, the Jihad was to unify humanity and have Paul live up to his birthright, paving the way for Leto II.
  11. I've long thought Dune would make for an exceptional anime if they took their time and just did the OG stuff. (Mayyybe Dune 7 just to tie things up)
  12. Yeah, in the sequels now all of a sudden it's like "Look! All the crap from the prequels just all of a sudden showed up!"
  13. I'll bet it will be the same predictable crap Disney/Pixar's been churning out for years now.
  14. I definitely agree with the SAC comparison. I've been saying that to my friends for years.
  15. Yeah, I'm a big Dune fan. I've read all 6 of the originals and the first half of Dune 7(while interesting, I'm afraid Brian Herbert doesn't capture the same magic for me).
  16. I've been looking for some good science fiction material to get into. Maybe even Science Fantasy as long as the story is good. I'd prefer something grande and epic, but I'll pretty much take anything with substance as much of the good sci-fi illustrates a point about humanity etc. I like space and the nature of reality type stories, but it really doesn't matter too much what the story is based around. I've just been looking for a good book to read honestly because I've been reading mostly science fact/theoretical physics/astrophysics crap lately and I could use a break. So I ask you MWers that are more literate on the subject than I am to post some of your favorites and maybe a quick blurb about why you like them. I don't mind small spoilers, but don't go giving up the ending or anything that critical.
  17. LOL Robocop's depraved society is probably a good prediction. Also I agree that Aliens should have been on that list over some of the other ones. The author of the article didn't seem to do much research outside of the Sci-Fi films that are on nearly every list. Space tourism as a "hit?" BS. They just tossed it on there in light of Arthur C. Clark's death and because 2001 is the go-to movie for anyone wanting to sound like they know anything about Sci-Fi (not that I claim to btw).
  18. I was never a big fan of GI Joe outside of the toys. I have very little knowledge of the story outside of the profiles printed on the outside of the packages and even then I barely remember it. So really I'm immune to childhood rape and perhaps even fanboyism in this case. Should be interesting lol.
  19. QFMFT. Lame, cliched ending sucked. IMHO book ending > Theatrical > * > Alternate The alternate may be *closer* on paper, but I think it changes too much altering the tone.
  20. Awesome work! Do you plan on reversing the colors on the chest to make it 100% accurate? Or was this personal preference?
  21. I won't pick one up, but it does look very accurate. I like how they did her hair coloring.
  22. I saw it. It wasn't bad, but all in all it was pretty boring. Don't like KITT's role in the climax.
  23. well by OG, I meant Daniels. . . but Owen Wilson would actually be sort of interesting considering Heat Wave & Jack, but I think KITT should always have a scholarly voice and I don't see Owen Delivering on that front.
  24. I'll just wait and see. Why can't they just make faithful adaptations of the novels? :|
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