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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Negative. I'd like the series to stand on it's own without taunting us with similarities to previous episodes. It screams "C3PO was really built by young Anakin Skywalker" to me.
  2. I hate Macross Frontier because of the constant "bait and switch" bs being used every episode. If you're going to reference something that happened in a previous series, then do it and stop letting everyone down with lame ass retcon or lookalikes.
  3. I cut back from buying EVERYTHING to just buying the stuff I REALLY wanted.
  4. meh. boring explanation.
  5. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZhdZLGTP-2w&feature=related
  6. I've been interested in the RC planes with the miniature jet engines. I can't afford them, but they sure do look cool!
  7. So long WoW! Starcraft and Warcraft were always too kiddie for me. Despite being about wars, there's always this cartoony nature to them. I always liked Diablo's darker setting. Its looking very sweet so far.
  8. Blame it on The Man for raping anime too.
  9. No, really this looks gay as hell. So far liking absolutely nothing I've seen. Never liked GI Joe much anyway, but they don't even look cool at all.
  10. I must say that I feel that I've grown out of anime at large. I find one or 2 shows to download and watch and check out some stuff I've heard about through the grapevine. Yes, the anime industry itself feeds the pedo/rape stereotype in many ways. Not blatantly, of course, but I can easily see how people would get that impression. Hell, it isn't even lack of exposure, I think the more exposed to anime I get the more apparent it becomes. Part of the reason that I've bid my farewell to the industry is that I feel like I've seen the same stuff repeatedly. There are the cliches that crop up over time be it in mannerisms, art style, etc. I'm starting to notice the more ridiculous aspects of the medium more readily to the point where I've decided to actually investigate older manga/anime to get something "different" that hadn't fallen into the conventions we have today. Macross gets by because its Macross.
  11. Considering the source material, I think Bay did just fine. Sure, he could have done better and I hope he learned some lessons from the first go around. I wanna see Galvatron/Unicron dammit!
  12. I was thinking the exact same thing during that scene. Honestly, my biggest complaint about the movie is Liv Tyler. She's hideous and I can't believe just because of what daddy does her down syndrome mug gets to be on film because lord knows she can't act. Also, the fight at the end seemed weak. There was all this buildup throughout the movie and the fight didn't even last all that long. Meanwhile General Dumbass and his tard Daughter sit there in the helicopter for 20 freakin minutes instead of at least attempting to run away. Also... I felt that "HULK SMASH!" was wasted. Other than that, I thought it was a fun movie. Better plot than the first one, but the CG doesn't look *that* much better. In fact, I noticed it clashing a lot more than when I watched the first.
  13. I never understood why ppl like the VF-11B so much. It's one of my least favorites.
  14. Chun Li's hands are too small. And those flames on her hood? Shia Lebouf as M. Bison?! Childhood rape! (this post is just a joke btw. )
  15. No VF-171(afaik, still dling) = not a good episode.
  16. Batman vs Scorpion has the potential for coolness. The MK Games are ok... not that great, but it's basically the same fighting system MK has been for years. May be fun to mess around with.
  17. Yeah, but all I've see the past few episodes are anime cliches in a Macross packaging. I'd really just like to get on with it. Macross 7 took 10-12 eps to get around to it, so I'm hoping Frontier gets to it a little sooner.
  18. It wasn't a bad episode, I'd just like more progress in the overall story. Seems like they've been spinning their wheels...
  19. Yeah, it really clashed most of the time.
  20. Ugh. This ep was my least favorite so far.
  21. meh. had it's moments but I didn't particularly care for it.
  22. Wow, Hurin and I actually agree on Indiana Jones.
  23. The 80s ruled lol. I could see maybe a Special Edition of Robocop tweaking ED-209's animation a bit, but still I think the jittery stop-motion actually adds to the film and somehow makes it better than any amount CG could muster.
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