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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Called fan service. I've never made a big deal about it.
  2. I don't so much get into the Japanese guy belting out MAKUROSSS... but I like the overall theme, which is why the opening song of DYRL(Macross Theme) kicks so much ass! The Robotech theme is ok... still pretty meh... and I saw/liked Robotech first! Robotech has a lot of repetitive themes... variations of Minmei songs etc... heavy synth stuff and it sounds very tinny/treble-y. While I could say the same thing about the Macross OST being heavy on the treble, it comes through with more oomph on my 5.1 system. Maybe it's because Robotech music was recorded in a church in a single day, but who knows... some parts kick ass though.
  3. Wow, this forum sure has gone downhill....
  4. Only a couple of Robotech songs really stand out to me. Macross music sounds better to me overall and the themes are more inspired. I also like the Minmay songs a lot better as well, despite not knowing the words. Takes me back to my youth playing NES Macross on Emulators w/ Shao Pai Long on repeat LOL.
  5. From a sheer power standpoint I think the upper level Protodevilin would pwn everything else. Birdman... we still don't know exactly what that is/was. Looked like basically a sentient SD cannon though so... who knows...? Not enough info.
  6. Speed Racer wasn't gritty at all. It was stupid. Just like the Wack movie. But to each his own.
  7. Has He-Man ever used a shield in the cartoon? I never saw this growing up and it bothered me. Same with that double-edged axe.
  8. I heard some people had fun with the movie. I mean... it's Speed Racer...
  9. Anime doesn't translate well into live action unless they're not afraid to go batshit crazy.
  10. Ah, well I just meant to point out that whites and asians weren't the only ones made fun of and that they included the Arab nations as well. I honestly don't mind and think it adds a sense of humor to the games. I wish my ethnicity (Mexican) made it into a Red Alert game... it's like when an artist is parodied by Weird Al; that's when you know you've made it!
  11. GLA count as Asians? Well I suppose Central Asia is the new PC terminology for the Middle East. Hehe, reminds me of the taunting voices from multiplayer Red Alert 2..... "Surrender! No, not 'I surrender.' YOU surrender!" - French guy. Speaking of Red Alert 2, I miss my desolators... Hmmm... yes.... Whites vs Asians vs Blacks vs Hispanics vs First Nations = Red Alert 4. I'd actually buy that just because they had the balls to do it.
  12. CnC is all about stereotypes... I'm surprised they haven't come out with some sort of African coalition with Basketball tanks that harvest chicken/watermelon as a resource... I mean that's what CnC games are when you think about it. They get away with it for some reason and we can all have some good fun.
  13. I wouldn't mind them making another (couple?).... It's like a nice piece of chicken. It's cooked and seasoned just right, but it's chicken so it doesn't stand out... but it's CHICKEN and it still kicks a solid degree of ass. But then again, this is from a guy with Mr. X as his avatar...
  14. I saw it. It was pretty good. It was also pretty low-key though, so people may be disappointed at a movie that isn't so "in your face." Wasn't great though, like an enjoyable extended episode.
  15. Red Alert has always been about stereotypes... sorry. Goofy? Outlandish? Where have you people been? Does nobody remember the Super Pooch? I'll probably like this more than SC2... we'll see though... I'm hoping Blizzard has something surprising up their sleeve.
  16. I like Sheryl, so she probably will get screwed in the end. Just like every other Macross character I like.
  17. I liked it. Plot progression... didn't appreciate the clip show aspect... but the Rock-Off between Sheryl and Ranka. Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that the characters in this series will follow the same pattern I've encountered repeatedly. . . the characters I actually find most interesting always fail lol.
  18. Yeah, because that's really hard to do these days. He just cusses and drinks his shitty ass beer. Too bad there isn't an Angry Beer Nerd to set him straight.
  19. If that all happens, then why not just skip the middleman and watch SDF: Macross?
  20. Because on MW, we used to be required to put appropriate topic titles on their posts or have them deleted. Part of the reasoning behind this was to avoid lame "joke" titles. I'm not required to read the entire thread before posting, I just posted my thoughts.
  21. Meh. I just choose not to mindlessly latch on to anything simply because it is Macross. If you guys like it, then that's just fine. I've just been disappointed with the last five episodes and have been hoping that something more interesting/exciting than the WTF-1/Quamzin Jr. happens. There is a lot of potential though, so I suppose "hate" is a bit strong.
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