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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Wow, well that's a little more out there... but thinking along the "horror" genre. Well... what about a protoculture influenced race that encountered a group of Zentraedi without having the benefit of ASS-1 crashing. Maybe the only OTech they have is stuff scavenged from killing the big bastards. Sure, the full fleet could wipe out any civ w/o OTech, but without Bodolza a large portion of the army would be in disarray and the more far-flung Zent groups wouldn't know what was going on and continue with business as usual. Maybe the Zentraedi are stranded themselves... It would even give people license to have some classic Zentraedi characters show up in the form of their clones. New uses for OTech... humans would have to be pretty weak though for the horror/mystery aspect to work though. Fun to speculate... but yes... I doubt that they will break out of the SW1 mold. Basically Plus is the only one to have broken away sufficiently.
  2. I could never get into this show. It just seemed too pretentious to me with little or no reason to be. The narrator always sounded a lot more pleased/excited about what was going on than I ever was.
  3. I actually liked the Virtual Boy. The games were a bit simplistic, but the depth effect was neat to me. It never left me feeling sore or whatever, but probably now that I'm older these days it would lol.
  4. I always wondered what the island kit looked like. AWESOME!
  5. It could have Bluegrass from Silverhawks... he piloted the Mirage AND played the guitar. Relative of Basara?
  6. Really, the last SW "Jedi" games I enjoyed were Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast. After that I just got bored with them. They need more Co-Op games involving X-Wings and Tie-Fighters though, I'd be down with that. My best bud and I had a blast playing through Rogue Leader co-op.
  7. You ask people what they think should happen and where the show should go in your first post and then make snide comments about it just because they don't like essentially the same stories over and over? You may as well make this comment about every post in the thread since it's all about a different Macross. Do people not complain of repetitive sequels? Basically you're agreeing that Macross is repetitive and self-plagiarizing. PARDON ME for getting a little tired of it after almost 30 years. I'd rather they end the show than cling to the same old formula. There is lots of potential in the Macross universe for good storytellers.
  8. I saw Macross once on TV in the 80's. It was called Rowboat-Tech or something like that... it was the damndest thing. . . (obligatory RT joke)
  9. Hell, why not make it about the ASS-1 before it crashed. Show the Supervision Army in action. You could still call it Macross. That's the problem Messiah, I keep wanting to watch a different Macross show and in most cases it's the same show.
  10. Basically what I'm saying is I'd like to see something vastly different that doesn't follow the standard model.
  11. Meh. Who says that Protoculture can't have something similar? I siad it would be interesting, some people don't need to see that same thing over and over hehe. Then again, some do. Hell, maybe reveal why supervision army and/or protoculture ships were made to be modular.
  12. I'd be interested in a prequel series or oav focusing on the protoculture and what lead up to the collapse(?).
  13. I can't find M7 on Central Anime's tracker. Anyone know where I can pick it up?
  14. Eh... I'm leaning toward Sheryl, but Macross shows like to screw over characters I dig.
  15. the parasyte eve movie is kinda stupid imho... but some people like it... different strokes I think they could actually do alright with many games if they made them into a miniseries. I mean... all of them don't have to be made for theaters. RPGs would probably do well either as super long movies, or miniseries, while other games could probably be boiled down to 90-120m easily. For the record, I'd actually be interested in seeing a FFT movie (w/o the turn based stuff lol). That game had a pretty sweet story.
  16. Chrono Trigger will be interesting. I never got much past the first time skip. Seemed totally awesome, but then other stuff came up and I never got back to it. Glad Square is doing this. I get to play the games I missed out on (like FF4, classic, not 3d).
  17. Wow, that kit brings back memories of days of MW past!
  18. I hated that, it saddened me to hear as a kid. Then I found out he was alive and kinda nutty these days.
  19. Final Fantasy Tactics... with turn-based action!
  20. Macross 7 is a fun show, but if you're into more serious Macross action, then you'll be disappointed. Cool highlights - Gigile's true form Max/Millia doin their thang DIAMOND FORCE EMERALD FORCE I really dug the Macross 7 fleet... it "did it for me" plus there are some key eps involving the fleet as a whole. Other than that... it's meh. I mean, I like it.. but it's not my favorite.
  21. It seriously made me have flashbacks about the first game. They've really got the look down.
  22. Maybe he was the inspiration for "Old Kid" in Invader Zim
  23. Hopefully the 171 is perfect eh? We Nightmare fans haven't gotten much love outside of the fatties and the unbearably thin models.. I'd like a down to earth realistic 17/1 with a good self image...
  24. Dude, that guy has been old as long as I can remember. He was old in The Thing, which came out the year after I was born... I remember thinkin he wasn't long for this world when I was 5.
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