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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. It was a decent movie. The movie "homages" mentioned before are kind of weak. Anyone that ever teleports in a movie is now a Jumper reference? Cmon. American superiority? I think more Americans died in the movie than Jordanians....
  2. I like the editing better, but I wish that they had kept more scenes from the OAV version.
  3. But Terminator is just one example, really. Sure, it's a popular franchise but you could just as easily say that Americans think the concept of Time Travel is evil.
  4. /sigh I liked Eva as it was released. I don't plan on watching these new movies for anything more than to see the new animations. I feel they've destroyed most of what I liked about the designs and now they're pulling a George Lucas on top of that. I guess I'll have to give them a chance, but the mantis eva thing really makes me think that Anno is on crack.
  5. There are plenty of Japanese shows/stories with evil robots....
  6. No VF-(1)17 = not a good toy post!
  7. I remember reading that page. Interesting fanfic at the least. If anything it adds to the franchise.
  8. Yeah, they should have Reese die before Connor sends him back... Seriously, if everything else got upgraded then why not the terminators themselves? Seems kinda stupid to make a series about one movie then destroy everything leading up to the events of the first film. The same Reese wouldn't be sent back & he'd tell Sarah different poo. Hmmmm... I prefer the classic T1/2/3(partially) types.
  9. 1/48 DYRL Nousjadeul-Ger!!!
  10. But you wasted all those keystrokes in the interest of saving him 2 keystrokes!
  11. Great Teacher Onizuka.
  12. /obligatory SW hate.
  13. Two things; I don't think he was "coordinating" them persay, just telling the other radio operators where a safe refuge was. Also, iirc, the people on the radio were Civil Air Patrol (or something like that) & Ham operators. I'll have to check when I get home, but there wasn't much coordination fosho lol. I actually liked T3 though... bunny-hugging Arnold from T2 didn't do it for me (though the t1000 ruled of course!).
  14. I think they could have pulled off the original ending. Other than that, it was pretty spot on. The Silk Spectre II was kind of wooden though. Rorschach was the best, great casting as well. Besides the Silk Spectre II, it was spot on. It dragged a little, but I think I agree with Alan Moore that it was better when I was able to read it at my leisure in a comfy chair by the fire. Still, it's a great flick. 4/5 for me. Read the comic, and thought it was a good adaptation. I don't think it says much of the director that he can imitate comic frames, but you gotta appreciate his respect for the source. Oh yeah... what was the song playing during Doc Manhattan's arrival on mars/montage?
  15. I don't think that this will be in my price range. Still looks badass!
  16. I say companies should impose a 3 sequel limit before they move on.
  17. lol... the 80s.
  18. I wasn't too impressed with Ledger's Joker. Too much trying to be edgy/cool and not enough like the comics for me. Sorry, but the Joker is both over-the-top and insane. I think Nicholson's version, while not necessarily the best, is truer to the source.
  19. Nice to see some people still remember Hexen. Wraithverge = Greatest weapon ever.
  20. I don't like how it is sounding like they're naming the supergroup "Watchmen"... weren't they called something else when they teamed up? I guess it would be logical to simplify things a bit.
  21. I wish they kept the original ending, honestly. I was disappointed.
  22. So with all the complaining about this movie (I still haven't seen it), what would constitute a "good" AVP film?
  23. Oh yeah... Steam ID here - anbuitachi
  24. I bought the full version. It seems like it would get boring (btw, expert is the way to play). The demo is totally easier than the full game on any difficulty.
  25. Bleh. They ruined Eva 02. Looks stupid now.
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