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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. Ok guy's me my brother are tryin' to figure out whether one of our memories is real or just someting we created... In the 80's there was this figure that you could stretch and rip apart..tear the arms and legs off. Not strechArmstrong.It was soft and green..like Play doh but it "healed" it self when you put the parts back together. Then you could rip him apart aagin. I think you had to dip him in a tank of the solution that he came with.. I know somebody out there had this..help us out please....We might not get to sleep if we dont figure this line out and you know how that sucks.... Orguss01...over............csssssssssssssssssss
  3. Just great, more SD stuff..."oK stop the pressess, release the dogs, crank up the search engines and make a new pot of coffe!! Looks like we got a Valk hunt on our hands..HEEEE HAAAAA!!!!"..(tears off hat and waves it in the air)
  4. OUch , those hurt my mem. card but will try them just to see how it looks.. i need something smaller like <50mb stuff.
  5. Does any one know of similar "small" AMV files like this one? i can put these small files on my pda and watch when Im bored..NICE!!!
  6. THis kicks soo much ass..it would be real cool to hear some "splosions and jets boosts cut through the music for good measure.
  7. Filled with destroid that is gonna look crazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! NICE creativity>>>>Very nice work area aswelll...neat!!!!
  8. Not avail yet, but ohhh boy!! if this makes it out..... http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/08/magic-s...-ram-dual-qvga/
  9. Looks like ep. when Stig found his back up,,,NNNNNnnoooooooo...
  10. NICE PICS This is really turning out better than most of us expected!!! "DAMN IT"- my wallet/bank account
  11. Did you ship those yet??
  12. before he changees anything, we got problems boys.... pricing without shippping pilot- $6 Gun - $13 wings with holes- $5 each no holes- $3 365331[/snapback] Hi everyone, I did send orguss01 a refund for $2.00 today for the wings with no holes and i did offer him to send onces with holes at no charge. Here I show my transaction (payment To thomas perez Jan. 31, 2006 Refunded Details -$2.00 USD USD) Shipping is not included because i don't know how many items a person will order. Hi, Well the thing i can do is the next time you want wings i will not charge for one wing set which are 2 wings. You most make sure to send the right amount of fee charge so it can be even. For now i can send you another pair with holes and i will mail it myself. Thank you Did you aship that yet?? 365333[/snapback] 365334[/snapback] I will send wings next week with holes 365360[/snapback] Thank you sir. I will post here when i recieve.
  13. So you are going to send me wings or a refund? before he changees anything, we got problems boys.... pricing without shippping pilot- $6 Gun - $13 wings with holes- $5 each no holes- $3 365331[/snapback] Hi everyone, I did send orguss01 a refund for $2.00 today for the wings with no holes and i did offer him to send onces with holes at no charge. Here I show my transaction (payment To thomas perez Jan. 31, 2006 Refunded Details -$2.00 USD USD) Shipping is not included because i don't know how many items a person will order. Hi, Well the thing i can do is the next time you want wings i will not charge for one wing set which are 2 wings. You most make sure to send the right amount of fee charge so it can be even. For now i can send you another pair with holes and i will mail it myself. Thank you Did you aship that yet?? 365333[/snapback]
  14. we got problems boys....
  15. OK so i recieved ones with no holes.......and I paid for ones with holes soooo.... sending PM....
  16. Yeah but dont look too good on the shelf...I like LOST better anyway... SENDING PAYPAL>>>>>>>> red bull gives you wings. 358340[/snapback] yes it does 358343[/snapback]
  17. MEcha look good but characters look like "S".. Redo the face and expressions....!!!
  18. Tiny cameras capture the action, live weapons, GPS tracking THE START OF THE ROBOT WARS!!!!!!!! I belive there already is, just no planes yet. 361732[/snapback]
  19. Medical technician....... Polysmnography technichian....Sleep tech...sleep studies, diagnosing sleep disorders....watch people sleep,,,,monitor brain waves,,,,breathing,,,,electrodes......wires everywhere...shart shift.....7pm-7am Haaaahaaaa I wrote the S word and it put "poo shift"... Im going to Satalite/Sirius!!!!!!( Howard fans?)
  20. Haaaaa !!! and a smart turtle neck, very seasonal...always the smart dresser..metro? nah not my man Roy
  21. Coool..$10 is a good price..esp if you love the SD thing, ya know i do... and considering i have never seen this either... good catch...
  22. I need wings..... More pics of finish goods and they are not clean. I will be taking orders or offers for these recasts. 357883[/snapback] pricing w/shippping pilot- $6 Gun - $13 wings with holes- $5 each no holes- $3 358068[/snapback]
  23. WOW vewry nice !!!!!! Hey Jenius unless this guy finished in one night I think you caught his "thought echo" from a few weeks ago..your reading his mind.......LOL
  24. Pics look good, nice and open. Dont have to wondre whats going on in the other rooms.. easier to make anouncements..people wont miss things...looks good.. This year should be sweet........ I think we should at least make donations since there is a reserve fee..[ prepares to dodge small objects flying at high velocities]
  25. Anybody got any DUST items?? Those things look close to "real", as in could be sitting in some wharehouse in Russia.
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