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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. Found one on that one auction site $120shipped E to the Bizay
  2. Get those scans yet??
  3. Yeah what he said.... where/how do i get my hands on that???It's my fave from SAC.
  4. Did any one see the Toynami booth, i saw a small pic somewhere online( while i was trying to see what i misssed) and they were showing off the Beta TREAD. It looked prty sick..Ill look for the page again ............. {edit}OK i just went and searched that RT site and found pix from AX05, looks like they've been working on this for a while ..goes to show what i kow about Toynami. ANYWAY the pics looked sick all linked up to Alpha...
  5. URggg..this was gonna be my first AX but i arrived 20min after reg closed on Monday.. all i wanted to do was check out the exhibit hall and buy a couple small items...see my wanted list... Good purchase BoBe..very good..
  6. Example of mech bay..... Looks like FoamCore board with styrene attached.. Check the tubing on wall,, Labor Mech bay.....
  7. I am a profesional sound engineer and would be happy to lend my services if needed, incase Mari decides to do a number and needs to set up anything (mixer, mic, speakers, etc). AND I never got a confirmation email. AND I may have something to enter in the JM/SD/nonscale catagory.
  8. I second that. Looks more powereful with the thicker legs and torso. I've been looking to put a 19 in my collection ..this might be the one How much DID you pay if you dont mind.? .
  9. Kinda Gotchaman-ish (aka Science Ninjas, G force).
  10. My notifications havent been working for like three months..it's hell keeping up...someone help ....
  11. You are right the M lovers are so fragile..I have a few of each...one MINT set of each TIP- Loosen screw on arm snd shoulders before articulating..even almost unscrewed the tension is great enough to hold arms in poses without stressing the threads/male portion where the breaks usaully happen.
  12. Hey sscud, ever think of doing long sleeve..that might be cool..so we can wear them all year long..
  13. So bendable that it can say contour to an object,say my car,,my face...?? george Clooney in a Lambo coming right up..
  14. orguss01

    ID these SD's

    Thanks, thats what i was guessing but the amount of GBPs and dif. valks(max,couple 1A's) thew me. Four non (gervalk) on the model link but i count like 10 on the magazine page. I wonder if they are just painted or did they make a few we dont know about. Anybody have the ones missing from the model section? Wonder if they just switched parts around..
  15. orguss01

    ID these SD's

    ANy body recognize these? Hobby Japan "85. Mac mag.
  16. Thanks Sol!! Good idea. Any good commercials (anime related)? Most old commercials are pryty good anyway.
  17. Did you ever get those scans done?? I'm still interested and i am sure others would like to see some of whats out there.
  18. very nice choice of mecha.. I love that you put the other animes.esp ORGUSS... but why no M. Lovers??those things have a sick silhouettes.. Hey Sol what are the ships next to the SDf1?>>R they the DYRL ARMDS?? My $1/100, maybe nix the ARMDS, add M lovers and maybe a Zentran fighter pod or even Zentran scout ships( in keeping with Star destoyer/Hoth drone theme ) aside from that.. the only other thing i might suggest is make the SDf slightly larger, just slightly?? I have alwys loved the Super 7 T, but always wished there was some anime mecha on it. Nice translation Sol.
  19. TRANSLATION!!!??!
  20. i woke up,took shower, checked MW, shat my pants, fainted....... did it all over again...about two times...
  21. I vote !! PIN IT!!! I LOVE IT... all soo valuable ..this thread rocks.. This page intriuged me because it illistrates what is called the motor/sensory humunculus..which is a graphical representation of the portions of our brain which are responsible for motor and sensory regions of our body. Desending from top..Legs..hands.face.genitals.The dif sizes of body parts represents how much of the brain part is taken up by that portion of the body. Note large regions for finger tips and lips..Brainy Can anyone read this, seems like it would talk about some type of electroneuro originated brainwaves which could help to allow a computer to "see" your movement before the person actually starts moving.
  22. So you from around the Orange County area kiririth ..?? Your idea sounds great..what kinda location you talking? a hospital confrence room?confrence room at a paper company? (Dundler Mifflin love The Office haaa)
  23. I like those alot...slick..f-22ish .. How bout these ..OD's
  24. MWC05 is where I got the SD GBP.. Much love for Seiichi-sans..
  25. OK so the one on the cover is made by who?? or am i right and it is cg? I've seen the game, but the figure?? and nice catch on the gervalk straps Sol,. seen em on Yahoo JP..pricey sometimes?..in sets..all bent up..I still need the SD SDF-1, i got a few of those Bnprsts..
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