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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. orguss01

    VF-1D Gerwalk

    WTF 1/48??????Is this MB4M custom???
  2. Nice...she's a keeper....
  3. i'll second that,, she'd porb tear me apartn with the rruff stuff though.. the one wiping her katana is cool also.. On the real side....... the cat girl and the "evil" cheerleader are cute.. way to go EXO... Did Sol take his camera aswell???should we be expecting' non phone' pics from him?? dont get it twisted we love what your giving us, all the highlights without the crowds and lines...
  4. B)) B)) B)) yeah dont act like that SD card aint chock full of um... sell me sum swag......
  5. Did any one ever respond on this..Im not there but .....bump
  6. Dont expect sympathy from EXO, check my WANTED Con t shirt thread...
  7. WOW,, nice... 1/100 GBP, Snake Eyes is a bad mofo, and DARK CRYSTAL?? Cute cosplay gals.....COBRAAAAAA!!!!!!!! they are going to make a 1d???1/55?? or is that a one of??? thanks for pics... How bout a group pic guys??
  8. I just bought a 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of EXPERTS CHOICE #124 clear decal film.. I was gonna try and make decals for my custom JM, anyone try this brand?? I am very hesitant to use, dont think i'm ready for this yet, plus all I have is a inkjet... If i cannot return them maybe i'll offer up for sale.. pm if anyone is interested...
  9. orguss01

    Thunder Hammer

    this one makes me feel sick.......like i was zentran on the other side of that..."oh S!!!!" Hey Rohby what was the hardest part of this custom..any problems with the material used accepting/retaining paint. is it all decals???.??
  10. maybe it was just your raffle ticket.. 07....
  11. yeah good job B and kick ass photo 's Solscud07...< lol your badge @ con) ....that light box is bad ass...
  12. Cool , im hanging on a thread literally.. You made 40??...wow well this will just attest to the awesome job B( and everyone else) did getting this thing organized and promoted...GREAT turn out.... not as 'cozy" as your girls apt club house but def bigger, more organized, and better turn out...... plus not all of us can have the awesome thunder hummer like yours ...soo ..at least we can have a t shirt... .
  13. How would I know you would sellout......so many new faces... My ADD prevents me from attending all day events so i usually just fill up in a few hours...if i got there early i couldn't stay long/all day...(sick attempt at humor, ADD folk j/k) I wanted three.....one to wear one to frame sucks cuz I'm the one who inquired in the Con thread about the shirts.....I love the SD TH... what happened to days of preorders, making excess and selling the rest on line..........??? Thank you very much for the one lL. thanks for getting these made.... we got sum talented dudes on board..........
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO........................ I missed the shirts....of all the designs...this one i must have.. i LOVE the color and design.. SOL you have to hook this SD lover up ... I am sure there are a few people who would like one who couldn't attend...(make more, I will even front some cash to get this rolling..) like I said I am down for two more...1L and 1XL My gf really wants one( she thinks it's cute, that's cool considering she only likes Gundam and EVAngelion..)
  15. Hey did SOL ever come up with a T shirt design for this year???Just gonna print up the flyer art work?? hate to see this CON not have a shirt..especially after all this planing and prep work.
  16. how about a special drawing for those that prereg'ed really early????.......................???????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????.............................................................. ..................................doh !!!!!!!! worth a try....
  17. GERWalk shots.....!!! Didn't have time to fiddle, had an hour til dealer tables closed and we wanted to watch Appleseed in 35mm..subbed. (I luved it!!)SAY NO TO BLUETOOTH!! ! Saw the MW posse said Peace, grabbed some shots, and bounced.. :D Good to see some of you guys there. I did get to pick it up far a couple seconds, felt nice, i did get to change the pose a little for my pics but would have liked to articulate it more, i was scared of breaking it , didn't wanna be "that guy". That was production piece??? I think it weighed little less than Toynami's??like a big Yamato 1/100... I didn't notice if it had screws in legs to separate legs. i would wanna fill in those legs to make them a bit heavier, for stability. Maybe i'm just used to ol' skoo die cast ( yamto/bandai) then heavy plastic in the toynami's Actualy it felt like heavy model,die cast verniers woulda been nice...the articulation was smooth and buttery...( again with the butter)... I aint selling my old 1/60's totally dif creature IMHO...
  18. I'll be there Sat afternoon and Sun morn..Ill prob be repping last years Con T so should be eaasy to spot... oh yeah i dyed it blue..the dark olive faded after like a billion washes...Feel free to shout "Hey Orguss!" Can anyone recommend vendor booths with old resin and Macross/Orguss related (old)stuff..or is it prty much new DBZ,Gundam, Bleach type stuff..( i missed last year in LB )
  19. The full size Minmay I made from butter......
  20. No way bro..are any of those(your) customs gonna be at the COn??1D?
  21. Mirrored C pit and recovery pod features..nyce.......!!!!!
  22. SD thunder hammer??????SICK flyer...Can i get one at the CON???Or two??
  23. I vote no, maybe a separate category for commissions. I think showing off YOUR work is part of the contest.. not "look what i can afford contest" ....then it becomes a p*ssing contest.. Maybe it would be ok to enter something via proxy member, say if member couldn't make it (to the CON) but still just wanted to show it, but not if the person purchased it..and shows it as their own... I mean if i made a cussotm sod it to some guy and he gotta 1st place...somehow that dont seem right.... edited to be more clear...
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