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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. Decal sheet??nice..but looks like im gonna have to hand paint the skull 1-s colors though. MMMM I smell group buy...five packs????My translator isnt working on this page, wheres this guy located?
  2. Liking the Stwrs stuff though...I woulda died for that....nice...
  3. Whoa there big guy,,, nice and easy... First of all I am kinda glad I didnt get the first run , I would 've ended up with 4-5 defective shirts.. that woulda prob made me ..so maybe my tardiness was a + to me in that case.. Not tryin ta dis or anything...not asking you to pander to our wants either.. .just this is not what EXo's thread was selling...not because WE dont like it..because it's differant than the sample posted, with no mention of moving the graphic...understand OUR frustration, WE cannot have a "good" con shirt??. believe me i hate whining and complaining...but I just want to show off that sick little SD Rohby drew up..sucha good design it deserves to be centered..... I believe in one PM I did offer to front the production of a second run-T, if you are willing to send me some contact info, I will front the third run..(providing enough people still want to see this centered on T).
  4. That guy.....makes everything cool for himself and sells us s*..,he said the same thing about last years con shirt and long sleeves... He even managed to get the Th centered for himself but not for us??even after everyone was like wtf????..thanks ..... The reason you were left holding the bag is because that is not what was offered to begin with.. I'll prob end up buying these anyway , cutting them up and frickin sowing onto a jacket....
  5. On our usually boring daily commute from work and running errands my girlfriends son was like "what's that, a robot or sumthing??? on the back of that truck..""see over there " he points.. I saw what he was seeing, a large robot arm, but I thought it was a large factory robot.."Cool " i said giving it a second look,,as i made my move to pass on the right i noticed it was bipedal......"OH HELL NO!!It's frickin Skull1!!!" Drove a couple extra bloxs to get a good pic.. The reason I posted here is because it had custom decals/paint job. On the gun pod and leg it had TEK9Cycles graphic.. maybe the owner is Macross fan..??? Here's their site, it even shows a good pic of the valk..TEK9 I pulled over to talk to the guy hauling it and he said he didnt know what it was, just moving it...then he grabbed his cellphone and gave some guy directions to his location.. We drove away kinda stoked...these things are Toynami and the sculpt isn't the best but come on it's a 5' 1S...
  6. NO TO THE PERMA BAN!!!! Yes he acted out toward mods with the name calling...bad taste..but mods dont take it personally. Yes he made a new account..worst of his offenses....for which he should get temp ban..sorry bro.. (consider it his rock bottom, he had to have it) Is limiting his posts possible? Maybe like 3 a day... Maybe there should be a rule...post must be like 3 real sentiences to qualify... but even this seems too strict.. HE did post alot, but come on, really?, like many said just scroll though.. His enthusiasm for MACROSS is just what we needed...it seemed that everyone was getting "ho hum" bored about Macross world..nobody's updating the main page..model section???toys?? Same dozen or so people contributing to the threads...everyone just lurks... If you met him you would either like him or . He's kinda like Mystery Science Theate3000... You are either gonna get his sense of humor or not. IMHO he's a funny, enthusiastic, animated guy. ( how i would be if i wasn't so serious and depressed ) LET him back on the Macross,,it's cold in space....maybe let his toes get a little cold to teach him a thing or two but don't leave him floating...(anyone remember- HAL?? HAL ??? OPEN the bay doors HAL!!!HAL??)
  7. ??? from USPS...someone try and light it on fire... 136 Nonmailable Dangerous Goods The following dangerous goods (hazardous materials, as defined in DMM 601) are prohibited in the international mail: Explosives or explosive devices. Flammable materials.Pyrophoric, flammable, or combustible liquids with a closed cup flash point below 200°F. Flammable solids, including matches. Oxidizers.<li>Corrosives, liquid or solid.<li>Compressed gases.Flammable. Nonflammable with an absolute pressure exceeding 40 psi at 70°F or 104 psi at 130°F. <li>Poisons, irritants, controlled substances, and drug paraphernalia.<li>Magnetized material with a magnetic field strength of .002 gauss or more at a distance of 7 feet.<li>Dry ice (carbon dioxide solid). For S's and giggles look what can be mailed..infectious mat. and rad. matUSPS
  8. Nice,you had the robo-chrono-watach thingy too(forgot real name)..i wore that Sh*t like a Rolex or a TAG H. Thats cool the way you mixed up your figures..me and my littel bro used to do that too.... so when the Transformers and GI Joe finally got that comic book together it ws nothing new to us... Thats funny you started this thread because I was just telling my girlfrined's son when we were kids instead of having a room each, my brother and I shared a room so we could have a "toy/play" room. We had the the first Nintendo, Sega Master system, Atari 5200 & 2600, and a book shelf full of transformers and GiJoes.I had a special shelf for my things,Takara Redshoulder, Jetfire and the SDF-1... Spoiled but i guess thats normal for us "latchkey "kids, parents feel guilty for having to work so much..everyweekend to BEST or ToyRUs... oh wait i forgot.... i got kick ass grades...
  9. I have a Paasche H (extrnl mix) and it works great for spraying Future.. I also have a VL (internal mix) but don't use for that due to difficulty cleaning brush's internal parts and adjusting the needles/tips ...hassle .... I do thin it out a bit with water or alcohol. Apply a thin cover coat, say 60/40 ratio , then come back like a few mins later to do a thicker more concentrate coat 75/25...this gives the future a chance to flow over the details of the object and provides a substrate for the thicker coat to adhere to. Watch the pressures and shooting distances though... too high a psi. will push the setting Future around before it sets.Can dry in ripples....so don't get too close at high PSI.... .but i also heard if spray gun is too far from object to be sprayed and the spray mist if very fine the Future will dry in the air, resulting in fine dust looking pebbles in your paint job, which in some cases can be lightly brushed/rubbed off with ammonia based window cleaner and paper towel edge. pain in the *ss ..... and kinda scary...... This happened to me when i was working on my JM. Spray was fine but distance was too far due to having too many parts in the spray booth and trying to pray parts in the back of booth...... Amonia based glass cleaner is best for clean up.
  10. I just found a cache of Original Future at my local neighborhood mom and pop market, they have old bottles but none of it is yellowed, the isle they are in never get sun...... Is it OK/legal to ship this stuff though.?? I can help anyone out who needs it if they cannot find it.. or maybe i should keep my find a secret...ahh MY PRECIOUSSSSsssssss....
  11. From those USPo doc looks like Gewalk isn't a final stage...transitory mode..so maybe the 1/55 like in the movie "found" the gerwlk mode going from plane to bat...or maybe they just forgot to put that in the text for the patent...
  12. Thanx......... water on my fire....1/200 is that all we get?? ..i thought i was heaven. 1/60 scale heaven...
  13. Ahh so why the tease.... Printing place mess up should = free shirts..who's the designer???..Sol-ie likes this more?? So it's either defective nice and centered shirts we all got from Con or.... off centered shirt with big ass valk... I smell Yamato in this... third run!!!third run.!!third run!!!
  14. This has prob been covered but China has Macross ejector seat.. Imout!!!!!....WEeeeee......!!! from..CHinese air power.. China aint no joke, that Badger is a prtty mean bird..6 LrCM's.... I was checking out their AWACS..Chinese survl birds... fat lil bastid......... Some one is gonna get alot of pushups for this..from the galleries. LOL.....some Gomer jumped up and pulled down on the nose... that guy on the right in the cap"n"coat is about to chew some asssss.......
  15. And we are getting which ones...centered like the ones sold at CON??
  16. 2 versions??..i prefer mine centered please...
  17. Whoa is that real???I likey looks very small, smaller than F-22...smaller than Yf-23????
  18. Please more master and also any pics of Rosie The R??Looks very effective. One of those tools you find after completing tons of model that makes you want to go back and do them all again....
  19. Sounds like a pipe dream but I'm down.. Check these out for idears. My cousin and I were talking about these the other day.. Some older guy at this club we go to always wears a TB shirt....check the $tag. Tommy B Subtle design...I can imagine this design with a pencil sketch based graphic..not heavy thick lines.... Foker shirt would look good in thise style..big 1s..or even a BIG SDF-1,DYRL style,in the bottom corner.... Bolwing style?? I can imagine Foker wearing one of these, weekend, drinks...drinks..drinks...ladies..long board shorts and sandals...hair all crazy...passing the uwee gooey..lol
  20. This is evilbay but someone into customizing may need so i put it here. This guy The boosters look like guts for booster pods and the tips look good for ostirch pods?? 1/20scale????4 1/8 x 4 3/8?? this guy has a resin flag shipif anyones looking..looks nice.
  21. Just dumping my sd card.... HOW THE MG TH left the con....Very nice home for all those parts.. It was salt on the jealousy wound...ouch.... . WHOEVR made the TH is pro ranks....
  22. Review at Collection DX...Wish I knew about that model sale.... He likes us....ghost/not registered..... official, "hello"..."welcome" hey guys whats Pony-Toy Go Round??? and who brought this up?????xstoys ?? Shawn?? Egan???WAS it you misterryno stirring it up with talk of pony toy go round??Did i miss something????? http://www.collectiondx.com/node/2720
  23. ahhh , they have these at the art store by my house..nice learning experience anyway right Miriya??? thought about masking then spraying or just gonna hand brush??
  24. YESSSss. 2 more please...1L -1XL
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