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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. I know it's not an option above but...... If i left reallllllllllll early i would take a D. MONSTERRRR,,
  2. orguss01

    1/60 Yamato VF-1A CF

    Ahh yes this is what i wanna hear from Yamo.... no more punny little girly arms...
  3. OMG time to get that extra RHunter MPC out of the closet............
  4. I've seen Hnter go for close to that but,..... OMG !!!1for the skull??
  5. Hey SOL i need two sets..
  6. OR A VF-2S,, that transforms...........
  7. WOW didn t see the two seater action going on,, nice... Who made that one... those dont come with Rohbys kit right.>??
  8. Which are the visor decals, the one in the right corner.??
  9. Nice work chief. Welcome to the boards...
  10. pAYPAl Ok>???
  11. *Only* things really neeeded in the 1/55 line...to make them true MPs 4. posable hands 3. A pilot 2. airbrake/ heat shield 1. those knees from the Yams or even the TYNMY MPC valks.... -didnt someone do a custom with turning knees? other than that they are really nice toys...quite impressive considering the age... Hey Drifand- nice collection...... I clicked on the link to your collection and just have to ask. How is the B. Alpha suspended like that..???wires???smoke and mirrors?? Long live OGRUSS!!!!!!
  12. The wings are sooolong on the vf0 tothe s's.... Sv-51 lokks so fragile, no just this one but in general ..
  13. ONly two kites????two more???they do look "FAB " though...darling..
  14. OK sign me up>>>> New thread for orders or same one???
  15. Yamato 'ish Space ship Yamato site.... this site is cool check out the schemata.......Yamamto home page
  16. "Dont worry i got you ..." "YOU got me....Whos got you??????""" This guy is/was responsible for millions of kids around the world running around and jumping off couches in their underware with towels around thier necks.......
  17. orguss01

    SD Banpresto ?

    WHEEEWW!!!!!! thnks !!!!!!!
  18. orguss01

    SD Banpresto ?

    Hey guys, i just picked up my first sd banpresto...... sd's form this site..... If any one else has these maybe they can answer my question, are the boxes the same?? i mean, i got a vf-ij/gbp and it has the vf-1s(hikaru) on the side of the box, did i get the wrong box, or do all three have vf-1s on the side?? thnks guys....
  19. DUUUDE that is sweet, Did i mention i like JM's??? Did i mention i like custom Jm's even more......?????
  20. Hey were not trying to increase their profit, J/K I like the supplemental idea, buy the whole sheet, then if ya need to make more, buy the supplemental .....this way you dont have to decide which you are making before you buy the first sheet......
  21. **reads post** **checks supply of vasaline**
  22. Hey Sol, this is my recommendation from the last thread, Could we also get another left side wing so we can make at least two Jm's out of one sheet rather than just one andd have the rest goto waste. Or maybe sell these in pairs.?? Vf-1s/vf-1a, M&M???? Wha happened to the funny JM skulls???? How bout suplemental sheets, extra wing pieces....funny skulls, anything else missed or that dont fit on larger sheet.. I am so glad this is finally coming to light..
  23. jUst saw it thursday night...fantastic visuals, i sat closer than usual (on purpose)and got totally imersed in all that is good Shirow... The parade scene wow!! I thought i was in Blade Runner!!!!! Oh for all the Socal massive it is playing in Brea...Nice sound system.. Subbed, not dubbed......
  24. orguss01

    custom joke machine

    I thnk the head looks great white, it might be th visor color that is throwing it off a tad..maybe a shade darker green if anything....??? IMvryHO
  25. He's got one-----from' for sale' section..////// Humble recomendation/request.--Solscud on your sheet you have multiple wing decals for the right wing, i think,and one for the left, maybe we could get one more lefty. Since you do have multiple tail wings and armor skulls, otherwise we would have to decal one wing, and paint the other if we tried to make two JM's out of one sheet... I love JM's and all of the JM' work you, Rhoby, KidK., and now Jung, have done ...just want this project to be a hit....MW exclusive!!JM Hisotry
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