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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. Nothing is sacred
  2. orguss01

    MW Con 5

    SD/ JM??
  3. maybe two , def one
  4. More Bone-y, i love you Bone-y!!!
  5. I like this idea.... I would like to see more detail parts/mods added to the 1/60 too 1. canopy 2. intakes and fans 3. airbreak 4.wing flaps... never mind im;' gettin OT Why not just find The GBP Tree....recon drone, satelite? it' s gotta be emiiting some kind of radiation /protoculure signature
  6. TheTransformers just had a better/ memmorable transforming sound ........
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just found this thread.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, my sweetie, i missed her................??????????? THEE most beautiful eyes in the world..........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Can you guess which memebr has the hots for Hindi gals.???
  8. So magnum ammo is hard to find,,??? this is the reason why i didnt buy from gun merchant...he says something that lead me to believe the ammo for that gun would be hard to find....but it is strong though????
  9. $40 EACH ???????
  10. Anyone>>>???
  11. Chain mail anyone??????Post on Paintball board
  12. Thought it would go good next to this, just sent payment to seller... good deal huh??????. MIB Scramble...
  13. I just purchased one of these..it's not here yet, does anyone have one built? I know it is small, but just how small when built, i dont know..
  14. heh if it didnt cost so much id buy it and turn it into a giant Macross model rocket :-p Id like to get it, fly it around the appartment when i get all tipsy, have my girlfriend leave me( cuz they hate that "S", esp if ya make flying sounds), lose the apartmnet, then live in it....
  15. Oh So interested in new stickers....
  16. Wow!! that knee assembly makes me nervous, is it solid??or flimsy??
  17. Yup models... Hey dudes do a search on ebay for "eggplane"
  18. Hey Sol, did these get made? i must have slept on it, dont think i subscribed, any way, any idea who made these so can begin my seach .....??
  19. Dude i am tripping, advanced desings at BOSE, alien technology? BOSE SITE Some people will say "so what?" some will jump out a window in envy some will see the implications.. think............ valk legs...................... Big up and respekt to BOSE!!!!!!
  20. peep out some old models, they are 1/100, not much details but scale/....
  21. Wy did I not see this?? still avail??? anybody finsh these, painted ? decal- ed?
  22. orguss01

    Latest custom 1/48

    RED tip missle slook so right on The Hikmiesters valk.... said in Arnold S voice-" GOood One"
  23. dope link , the dancing robot car is saaaweet....
  24. M lover, esp L. are hard to find...
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