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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. I need two large....
  2. What happened to your auction,,,,i was just going to suggest..... like six memberes get together, buy this kit, and get it repo'd .......
  3. Here 's sumtn ~~~~~~~~
  4. Loves it!
  5. oil based or acrylic? what your thinner /solvent?
  6. ZOMBIE thread!! I was about to ask this same question but remembered someone already did. ok so besides the poop method, i think i would have to stripp the green enamel paint off first>? what would i use??? would i be able to paint over w/out stripping? (the monster... stripping the monster)
  7. Well the way i see it it can be bad for buyer in two ways... Example 1...Lowball Backlash... Low viz for sale make me an offer..... offer made.. PM back from seller:::::"Dude, $X, for a low viz? are you kidding?".. ??? seller offended , buyer pissed cuz no idea how much to offer, keep guessing good $price???? Example 2...Floating price point Offer made...."You are first to PM, butttttt i got a higher offer from X (non existant mmber/ not even involved) if you can do a little bit better it is yours" All the while X thinks he has got it locked due to his good offer...and maybe an encouraging PM from seller.. Keep guessing price???? I dont like that form of sales either, I would rather see an outrageous $price, as a baseline, with OBo Then maybe if someone PMed witha slightly lower price than posted no one is offended.. the seller can always say "i am holding out for price posted but will give you a PM if nothing happens...." I guess the "shoot me an offer" method just requires more communication and honesty....something newbs dont realize/respect sometimes....
  8. how "bout PH ...besides light, that can have a great efct on plastic...paper yellows with Ph changes...in the art world we use buffers to prevent valuable papers from yellowing...not sure about plastics though..???do Maybe furniture polishes or waxes change the PH...... PH refers to the abiltity to accept or release Hydrogen ions. please correct if i am wrong ...............
  9. But you are sending whole S" load of goodies for sale right,,,>???
  10. The SV-51 gives me the willies!!!! That thing is menacing...alive???
  11. I want the gervalk and valk versions... I would have bought the lot if i could sell the others off,,
  12. Welcome back from hell......
  13. Yesssssssssssssssss!
  14. I'm waiting for the Lowviz GBP supposedly coming out in 2006...yeah thats it......... low viz GBP....yeah with fast pack amor included..... yeah thats it... thats the ti....."""
  15. any word on this???
  16. Mind telling us what ya paid for this one?? yeah i remember drooling over this when it was mentioned that it was gonna be a prize from recast master Rhby....
  17. Ok i just wanted to respond to people that bitch about prepaying... A year or so ago , a friend and I were doing a club at a local night spot.... We aranged for an artist from up north to come by and do his thing, reggae chat. We were so confident of the turn out we gave his manager a guarantee of "x" amount of dollars for his artist to show up...this guy is well known and has a following in the reggae world so we thought that amount would be resonable.... Turns out the club did not do it's share of promoting and the turn out was not as we expected... I ended up having to ask his manger if we could pay later in the week, after the performance...he didnt like that one bit,,,, (good thing i had an extra sak of sensi laying around to calm his ass down..redeye..) It was a great show so we didn't trip too much when we had to pay out of pocket to cover the show....( plus i had digital recorder going so.... .) But if we were to do it again we would definatley do the prepay thing.. Most clubs/ events do charge more the day of the event, just cuz from a promoter's stance it gives a sense of "solid-idty" to the turn out and a sense of profesionalism to the performer... and also rewards those down from the get- go.. See ya guyz there... Suggestions: 1. Invite RTechies to spread the cost...( puts on paintball mask and gets ready to dodge spoiled food ) 2. tickets for food...(ex. 1 tic = so many pices of meat /pizza, extra given out after all who have paid get their share)
  18. I cannot help you there....but.... I would like to offer to pick up any "Conner" coming into John Wayne...i live pretty close so it would not be too mucha hassle.... maybe just put a little gas in me tank...gas is a bitch in socal... So PM me with your info and i'll be in touch... See ya guyz ther..... Orguss01....over....kssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  19. If ya dont mind me asking. What kinda phone do you have chief? I have been checkin specs for a while now, cannot decide... I have the same philosophy....getting a device/phone that can do it all is actaully a child hood fanatsy...guess technology finally caught up with all us dreamers. NOW if the military would just put legs/pillars on a VTOL..we can get this valk thig going......
  20. good fortune...any word on why the wait though??
  21. One batch of interest coming up.....
  22. orguss01

    1/48 Jetfire

    VaiR E FRIKKIN NICE.. hey are those the new recast hands ??
  23. are you being serious or sarcatic? i can't tell if you are or not half the time that's a great collection though my jaw literally dropped as i was scrolling through the whole page it's wow...just wow... No I am serious... I love talking about 80's video games at parties. I told some chick she could give me a blowjob if she could name all the fighters in Mike Tyson's Punchout. Unfortunately she came up with 4 names and 3 were wrong. Cuz we all know it wouldn't be as good if she didnt know them all...you must be a good looking dude to have to give girls tests first.. she problalby knew all the characters and played dumb...
  24. EAT THE TURNbUCKLE >>>>>>>> Oh yeah the 0D rocks , i think my fave from ZERO....
  25. Bandai, 1/55, vf-1a,Hickie has rough/tex. box-FYI
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