Ok i just wanted to respond to people that bitch about prepaying...
A year or so ago , a friend and I were doing a club at a local night spot....
We aranged for an artist from up north to come by and do his thing, reggae chat.
We were so confident of the turn out we gave his manager a guarantee of "x" amount of dollars for his artist to show up...this guy is well known and has a following in the reggae world so we thought that amount would be resonable....
Turns out the club did not do it's share of promoting and the turn out was not as we expected...
I ended up having to ask his manger if we could pay later in the week, after the performance...he didnt like that one bit,,,,
(good thing i had an extra sak of sensi laying around to calm his ass down..redeye..)
It was a great show so we didn't trip too much when we had to pay out of pocket to cover the show....( plus i had digital recorder going so.... .)
But if we were to do it again we would definatley do the prepay thing..
Most clubs/ events do charge more the day of the event,
just cuz from a promoter's stance it gives a sense of "solid-idty" to the turn out and a sense of profesionalism to the performer... and also rewards those down from the get- go..
See ya guyz there...
1. Invite RTechies to spread the cost...( puts on paintball mask and gets ready to dodge spoiled food )
2. tickets for food...(ex. 1 tic = so many pices of meat /pizza, extra given out after all who have paid get their share)