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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. Sweet find mi fren. I kinda like the original ..cannot wate to see what you come up with,,poster poster, poster, poster............
  2. Yeah i need larges!!!!!!!! um... maybe people here are very healthy. Or some people need to fit all thier muscles in that shirt like A1 321879[/snapback]
  3. MMMM Bonaparte Shirow
  4. So transformer or Mac?? Looks 1/55, says 1/48 vf-1s?? auction
  5. So transformer or Mac?? auction
  6. JUST hyping it up!!!!!!!......from your site Rohby.. IMO the best angle shot ..... Love how fat and wide it looks w/ FP's !!!!!Look at that !!! ANy pics w/ Fp' s in Gervalk mode Rohby???
  7. EDITED LAST POST , thanx for making me think twice guys...make more sense now? Well from the boxset art we saw @ the CON there was no mention of AnimEigo !! (well at least not large enough to see like the HG symbol on the box..prob little blurb on side of box... HARMONY GOLD .Animeigo did a little work on this serries ) Kinda like buying a TAkA just cuz it is Taka, when the Bandai is the same. Kinda like giving homage to the original...kinda??
  8. Check this if you want the Animeigo release .. AnimEigo I feel kinda blessed to have these cuz never wanted to put money only into HG bank accounts..at least you will be supporting Animeigo along with HG....and give Animeigo props for the translation and hard work.... If they did dub it would they hire the same actors??and bring back the freaakin Minmae song...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Edit-Confuzed ADV w/ Animeigo...opps
  9. stray post, supposed to be in "series, movies.."
  10. Back to top , ROHBY ROHBY ROhby......!!
  11. the shirts weren't done yet. It should be done by next week or so. Nick posted up a new thread about it. Sweet! I haven't attended a single MWCON, but I have a shirt from every single one! represent! represent!....at least he supports the cause.. ..
  12. Its got freakin' feets jets (nozles) n' s**t!!!!!!!
  13. We need pics on this thread. Please! More pics?
  14. orguss01

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    Thats were i got it,..i think i was in the room when you said it..." you were like"the Jm's are 1/55 and this is the 1/48" that was you right..?unless they heard you say it..anyway ... This thing its the shart.!
  15. MEMO1DOMINION -that would be sooo sweet of you to do, i tottally missed all of Miss Mari.... MWCON5 + DYRL interview+Shawn's video archive of Japanese comercials? MMMMMmmmm...Macross
  16. Maybe a commission category....when i saw those i almost said F this and packed up my Monster..it can be discouraging when you are going up against a "paid" project. When a person uses his extra time to prepare a model only to be beat out by a piece which is profesionally" done can be heart breaking.. Say we were having car races and a pereson spent every hour they had outside of work tuning thier car with the facilitties and materials they had... Then show up to the race only to see a sponsored car sitting there with technician installed parts and electronically tuned everything... Kindava differant class don't you think? my $ .02 EDIT- sorry didnt read your post EXO suggesting the seperate category..so i guess i second your idea..By the way Anasazi my hat is off to you, i stared at those two for like 15 mins straight just tripping...WOW ,,XStoys was like a new proud father.. BRAVO!!
  17. orguss01

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    The freekin arm armor, right side of pic, opens up, slides open, and that frikin missle you see goes in to it... It has ball joints, to quote Kid K.."it has ball goints up the A**" Cracked me up He is working on Fp's too.... I am gonna die.... Rohby add airbreaks and... never mind, just get this thing done and repode This is the 1/48 of JM's ............. SICKKKKKK!!
  18. Shawn is a great guy , i freakin flip when i ponder life wihtout these boards.... Thanks Shawn (and Grahm) I wanna cry when i think that this is the last year there....very nice Thanks Sol....( and your girldfriendds) Seiichi-san is sooooo nice to deal with...you guys better buy stuff from him when he opens his web site. The place was filled with smiles and was a great time for all... Thanks dudes. Embarrissing side note ...... when got home i thought of how cool it would be if we were all part of the same flight squadrin, you know if valks were real and we were all pilots... some guys would be good destroid pilots and some would be great valk pilots...most of us would prob spend all our time in the garage champing up our valks destroids instead of models and toys (i hate using that word). Yes we would be on helluva squad...!!!!!
  19. orguss01

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    OMG!!! I've seen what he pilots and it is amazing..... Blew me the freak away...like tanmen but variable...CraZEE arm armor... Anybody got the pics ,....it is in the background, upper right hand corner in one of the Con pics...
  20. I need a high res scan of this pic here or a profile shot of Phalanx. Finishing touches on MWCON cstm.. this one
  22. I will pay wed.( really this time), but it may be slightly after the deadline..7:00?. I am not at secure conect so i wont send my Paypal from here.... I may be entering cust cont...
  23. Please .......
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