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Posts posted by iguanaman8989

  1. Just heard back from HLJ, they can't replace the missing canard, but they've offered an exchange with reimbursement for the return shipping.

    They also offered a bit of store credit (10% value of the item) if I wanted to keep the figure as-is, or to allow a full refund upon return.

    Since I really like the toy and a YF-19 looks ridiculous without the iconic canards I'm gonna go for the exchange.

  2. I too love the YF-19, and if you can stand some VF-19 ish "improvements" the Bandai VF-19Advance is a worthy replacement. If you can pick one up of course. The bandai offering has a better color IMO, and the toy mostly nails it, not to mention coming with a fair bit of accessories (minus all that armament from the Arcadia, which would have been nice). The fighter mode side profile is much nicer than the arcadia, and many of the mechanisms from the arcadia ar carried over and done a bit better. Now I don't know about the re-release that is either upcoming or rumored or already out, but the real selling point is not having to pay arcadia prices for it, and still having a well done toy.

    Just a thought. And Welcome back!

    Not really a big fan of the Bandai design. I like the cleaner and simpler look of the Arcadia, as well as the cooler color used.

    Had I known about the DX when it first came out I probably would've gotten one at retail, but that ship has sailed.

    Same situation with the YF-30. By the time I knew it was even a thing it was far too late.

    So after the Arcadia YF-19 I'm aiming for a DX VF-31C.

  3. Been a while since I've been active here, 2009, after I got my first Yamato Valk, CF VF-0A.

    I now have 2 Yamatos! YF-19 was always a favorite design of mine, but I wasn't paying attention and missed out on Arcadia's initial release.

    Ended up settling on a VF-19S, and now love it! (YF-19 reissue is currently on preorder)

    Also snagged a Legacy Falconzord, after the Toys R Us website restocked at the lower price point.


  4. Of course we'll need to wait for the actual release and reviews of it, but it seems that the stands are there more to keep the whole thing from toppling over, rather than keeping the arms from sagging.

    The gun and flight deck are a lot of stuff to be holding out that far, and there's no substantial counterbalance to keep it upright otherwise (can't really tell about ship mode though).

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