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Everything posted by Kamion

  1. Kamion


    hmm... Just as I thought... Looks like I'm going to have to pass on this one... Still, looking forward to Graham's review!
  2. Kamion


    Yeap, me waiting for Graham's review... I'm skinned at the moment... Just spent loads on buying Spiderman & Spidergirl comics from Ebay!!!! haha... Probably wait for the GBP-1...
  3. 2009 - the natural end of my life. Cause then I would get to see the start, experience "Macross", fly VF-1's, rebuild civilisation. Though it would be painful that everyone else on earth died. *sigh*
  4. Misa, I'd like to be mothered. haha.
  5. Kamion


    Lucky you, the left leg came out in my left hand after 2 weeks (I have the original). But then, SUPER GLUE to the rescue! It's pretty visible if you know where to look but if you don't, the ugly break and glue is not that visible when looking at the thing. Although, I have the replacement someone made. Just haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.
  6. What is this? The launch arm thingy?
  7. *sigh* but the numbers of the more refined poll is not as high though. Only 49 votes compared to the 132 votes here. But the result is interesting. Right now, we have a tie between buying both and not buying either! 3 votes for Milia only and 2 votes for Max only. Come on everyone, cast ur vote in the other poll please!
  8. Kamion

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    Hmm, did you commission this custom or have you recently bought it? Are Jung's customs up for sale??
  9. Just to bump the other more refined poll up which only has 40 votes now: Click here ---> More Refined Poll
  10. The Corrected Poll will drop off the screen pretty soon since it's a "Poll only" thread. It would be interesting to see finer results.
  11. Yup, I agree with that. The poll should be redone and it would probably show that the majority lies in "Neither". I already got the 1/60 M&Ms. So I won't be buying the 1/48s. They're just too freaking expensive. Unless they come out with a new design and not a repaint. I already got the 1/48 VF-1S, Low-Viz and VF-1J. Kamion
  12. haha... scary... and it just shows how "un-innocent" this world has become. But I think you should be REALLY careful. I would be freaked if some scary inhuman voice said things to me on the phone. I would say it's probably someone you know, most probably your Mrs that arranged all this. Alibies from your friends and family can easily be made up. TRUST NO ONE!! PS: Are we driving Mechamaniac to madness rather than helping? hehe.
  13. Kamion

    Custom 1/48 CF

    *bow*bow* We're not worthy! We're not worthy! *bow*bow* As always, I can only drool at Jung's customs. I can't imagine the degree of his attention to details and even more so, patience!
  14. Actually, what's wrong with the "Sabrina" stuff? You see Micky, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck walking all over Disneyland. It's the same thing. I don't see anything perverse or even remotely scary about the "Sabrina" stuff... the slumber party, yes! But the "Sabrina" stuff, definitely not.
  15. Finally finished downloading this morning but hey, I'm stuck at work. Figures.
  16. Dude, these guys are the pro's man. If they're having a problem that they can't solve, I doubt anyone can.
  17. Can't wait!
  18. Kamion

    I've just been laid

    You know what, I just remembered that I had a nightmare the other night that the backpack hinge on my Low-Vis broke off the other night after reading the posts here... haha! Scary!
  19. Chose your least favorite two limbs, and hand them over Yah! I was just thinking they look really cool in that photo but I gotta strike a lottery before I can afford to dish out for the helmet! Am already thinking 3, 4 times about VF-1J super!
  20. 25 in 3 days time. Quarter of a century old... and nothing to prove for it except some Yamato valks.
  21. what a beauty!
  22. Dang... Even I'm tempted by that price! A second set of M&M's? Mmmmmmm...
  23. I have one reissue 1/55 1S... It was cheap so I bought it. But upon getting it, didn't like it at all. So it's still sitting in the box up in the loft somewhere.
  24. Pranet Prance, Pranet Prace... It was rather ridiculous in the first few episodes... but then the Pranet Prance sorta gets stuck to your head and soon you wanna see more of those repeat footage battle scenes... I have no idea whether I like the series or not but I watched it until the end... I just came away liking a few of Fire Bomber's songs like My Soul For You and Remember 16 and of course Pranet Prance...
  25. But who are they??
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