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  1. Just received the 1/48 Riobot Legioss AFC-01H this morning. It's a beauty.
  2. Billy, watch out! You'll be banned by Azrael for posting that!
  3. In case no one has noticed, a couple of Sheryl Nome's songs have become "available" recently. These are the full songs. Torrent can be found via Tokyo Toshokan, or: Diamond Crevasse and Iteza*Gogo Kyuu Ji Don't be late
  4. Why don't you just d/l the codec pack and upgrade your software? http://www.cccp-project.net/
  5. I would like to say thanks to Shouta and Eej for providing the subs. Hope you don't mind us making comparisons between both your work. We're nitpicking. Eej, please keep releasing the *.ass files cause then I can play it with any other version (1080). Thanks!!
  6. I'm just watching the AiA sub, and it seems to make more sense than the Gattai subs! Example the scene where Ozma Lee enters the bridge: Gattai subs: Ozma: Ozma Lee, entering Captain: How it goes? The business? Ozma: We've managed fifty. Captain: Right up your alley, huh. AiA subs: Ozma: Ozma Lee entering. Captain: How about a wager? Ozma: Fifty on our guys. Captain: You're on. And according to Gattai, Catherine Glass is a runner up in the 8th Miss Macross competition, whereas AiA claims she's the winner of the 8th Miss Macross! Then again, the scene where Klan Klein is engaging the Vajra, Gattai subs make a bit more sense: Gattai subs: KK: I'm on my way back from surveillance, so I've got live ammo. AiA subs: KK: This is what we were searching for! We have actual ammo too!
  7. Just rename the RAW file to match the ASS file, or rename the ASS file to match the RAW file and VLC or MPC should pick it up automatically. I suggest using Media Player Classic though. VLC tends to screw up subtitle placements. It wasn't there (on the first post) when I posted. Where is the origin?
  8. Where do you d/l the *.ASS file from? It'd be great to play the 1080p version with it.
  9. Thanks, veffidas! CCCP and Media Player Classic works like a charm. The subtitles are also placed correctly. Very very good.
  10. The RAW filename is: [Zero-Raws] Macross FRONTIER 02 (D-MBS_1440x1080 16x9 x264-AAC).mp4 So I don't know whether they've actually upscaled it or whether it was actually 1080p. When I play it back, it's 1920x1080 though. I don't know why it's 1440x1080 in the filename. Edit: Oh, I just read that 1440x1080 are not square pixels but rectangular pixels, so it'll actually come out 16:9... and apparently VLC knows how to do this.
  11. Just d/led the full 1080p version! It's amazing!!
  12. Anybody noticed Sheryl has a birthmark on her left leg? You can see it as she's floating towards the "artificial gravity" area.
  13. I've just d/led the AiA version and the video is encoded using H.264. As, I said, it doesn't matter whether the extension in .mp4 or .avi because that's the container. It's like coke in glass bottle or coke in a plastic bottle.
  14. The extensions .mp4 or .avi or .mkv are just indicative of the file containers. They do not actually tell you what codec the video is actually encoded in. The video codec could be MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264, DIVX etc. The harder to decode (on your processor) codec is the H.264, and also the higher resolution videos (720p HD). AFAIK, VLC will play .mp4 files no problem.
  15. I'm surprised the RAWs have not appeared yet. Hmm.
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