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About da_gremlinz

  • Birthday 09/08/1979

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. yeah. i'm glad i got mines. was excessive and grabbed two.
  2. they had one left at animeXtreme. i think it was $250 cnd
  3. this along with the greem fast pack low vis are amongst my favorite out of all the customs i have seen thus far
  4. s'okay. no hard feelings i guess i should maybe just refrain from complimenting or just do it in a manner that won't be interperated the wrong way. my bad. didn't mean to come off as being negative. That is sick (extremely awesome) Since we have a lot of native english spokers (sp?) from around the world here and in every place they have their own version of slang (not to mention engrish and it's variants) I guess that if we all start writting in slang sooner or later a war would erupt!! I've learnt a lot of slang just reading these forums but considering the international nature of the forums plain english (or something like that in my personal case) would be better. My two cents. Terrific work electric indigo!! i was suprised that people missunderstood the slang. i mean if i wanted to say something negative, i'd use something alot more straight forward than "rude" (although, i would more likely keep my opinion to myself at that point). i never though "rude" describing someone's cgi rendering could be interprated as a negative remark. oh well. on another note. i gotta say these renderings are slick. to electric indigo: to get the background renderings to look nicer if you enlarge them, you can always try giving them a touch of gaussian blur (only a few pixels) then res it and enlarge. after sharpen it useing the sharpen filter. its an old try i found works quite well if you want to upscale shite low res images. it might be worth a try
  5. i'm dying to see the new pic and i can't wait til you do a 1/48 version.
  6. i will part with mine.
  7. and i thought i was bad for getting two low viz 1/48's
  8. asa mentioned before. GFF's are lousy toys but hella nice for dissplay. just got the zeta fix which was a pain in the ass to assemble but looks stunning once complete. the crossbone fix is also pretty impressive. i love the GT but the ownly drawback that really bothers me is that it has limited motion (if you want to keep it from falling apart) meaning limited poses.
  9. i listen to broken beats (jazzanova, 4 hero, etc.), drum & bass (rufige kru, deep blue, alpha omega, etc.), i love jazz, used to be into hip hop but can't really stomach it much anymore with the exceptiog of a few groups like the oddities. house is alright as well and i really dig ninja tune type stuff as well.
  10. da_gremlinz

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Check out the Masamune Shirow thread in the Other Anime & SciFi section for some discussion about those Appleseed toys. thanks. will definately check it out.
  11. thanks!!! looks great. desktops on their way with your permission of course.
  12. lol. i've heard some pretty interesting uses for it as well.
  13. i am really diggin the paint job on the super o
  14. yeah, same as what toonz said. if you could sort us with some multi-angles, like wm cheng's model posts, that would be sweet.
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