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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Sorry that I don't post often here. I'm more comfortable just quietly observing but, since there has been talk of androids, I wanted to add that I think Guynemer might be the android of the group, and not Prowler. She wasn't listed as having an age (that I noticed) and her past is "shrouded in mystery"... Plus, there's the issue of her hair turning into what looks like blades. Perhaps not an android, but I think she'll be an exceedingly interesting character. We shall see!
  2. Thank you hulagu. It was very kind of you to post the Sharon Apple picture! Like most people seem to be, I am shocked by the change! It seems interesting though and I'm not really sure I like it, but I think I may buy the magazines just to check it all out for myself. Thanks again.
  3. Can anyone please post a picture of the updated Sharon Apple designs in Macross Plus TAC Name? Even just one. I would be eternally grateful. Thank you so much!
  4. I was watching Andrew Zimmern eat strange things on the Travel Channel, and in this particular episode they played the song Yanyan from Macross Zero's OST 2 in the background. It made me happy, but sort of freaked out. Also, this really has very little (nothing at all) to do with Macross but since it's kind of sci-fi or whatever... I was watching The Milla Jovovich movie The Fourth Kind and it all takes place in a village called Nome, Alaska. That's about it for my Macross related sightings.
  5. Macross would not be Macross without song. It is completely useless to ask such a silly question. If you don't enjoy the singing perhaps you should entertain yourself by watching something else.
  6. Not to contradict you or be rude, but there IS a nice song by Kate Bush called "This Woman's Work", where she says: "It's hard on a man, now his part is over, now starts the craft of the father..." and the song is/was quite popular for some time. It's been covered by a few artists that I know of, including Maxwell and the experimental Japanese artist Aco. Also, "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. is a song about human pain being sung by a man. "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails is a man going on about personal pain. Not the pain of being a man, per se, but still a man struggling with his own problems. So many of Nirvana's songs as well talk about things men go through. Especially "All Apologies"... even the first two lines indicate that: "What else should I be? All apologies." This has absolutely nothing to do with anything Macross related I guess. I had to do it though. Forgive me. Mods can delete this if it's an unnecessary post.
  7. I don't believe I've said anything on these forums before, but I've been very interested in the Macross world since I was quite young. I'm 23 now and still in love with the old and the new of the "Macross galaxy"... However, I must say I despise Nanase. How dare she insult Sheryl?! Haha! She is a twit and she slightly resembles someone I used to know (in a very caricatured way, of course) who had terribly bad breath. All Sheryl meant to do was help Ranka, which hypothetically would be very very very good for her career. In the entertainment industry it's about talent, luck, and contacts. I'd say Sheryl is a pretty good contact to have. Ranka already has a dash of talent and more luck than the Irish, so a contact is just what she needs. The exposure would've been a huge help for her career. And here comes Nanase... sweet, shy, innocent little meganekko twit that she is out to "defend" her beloved little paragon of holy voice without having the slightest idea of what it means to get what it is you truly want. Obviously. So yes, attack me if you will. Nanase is a fool and I will now forever despise her. Though I am still glad she's in the series somehow. Nice to meet you all!
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