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Everything posted by Protoculture

  1. Sorry HP, there's actually a pair of boobies in RT: Shadow Rising .... Hail boobies! :D :D
  2. Boobies notwithstanding, I believed that is thing of the past. RTSC is just to pleased (with mixed result) the existing fanbase. RTSR aka Astro Plan is just a whole lot better! The old RT geeks be darned! RT needed to rebooted with new animation adapted from an original (bootleg inspiration .... that's what RT is) just like it adapted SDFM, SDC Southern Cross & GC Mospeada. Then HG roped in Korean studio using aesthetic Mospeada elements in RTSC. Having Astro Plan as RT: Shadow Rising is just continuing the tradition! Hell, I'd say yes to that! As long as RT don't touch on Macross anymore!
  3. Obvious-fricking-ly yes!
  4. Don't be surprise if this thing actually WILL BECOME RT: Shadow Rising, the series! HG has strong connection in China, heck, Robotech (Chinese dubbed-version) has won awards in China for an animated series (seriously)! Quoted from Wiki: Awww, I guess HG now will be pimping the Astro Plan as Robotech! Which is a good thing, ripping off an animated series from China that ripped of an animated series from Japan. Hell, yeah! I'll be waiting from ye, HG! Gimme the ROBOTECH: Shadow Rising, NOW!!!! :lol: :lol:
  5. A transforming mecha vs aliens ala Macross from China? Hell, I'd buy that!
  6. Did you just quoted me, VTF1? Actually, to think about it, that is the most number of posts I made in a single year as compared to 2009 in RT.com. Whacking some uninformed RT fans seems my new hobby nowadays since my source of amusement ... Blackrose & Seto get the banhammer. But still, I held no grudge against MEMO or Mav, since they've no issues with me. But I do have a beef against Pizza. Furthermore, since I am a Robotech AND Macross fan, I'm not overall prejudiced against RT as it is. I do expect the RT.com mods to start lock the darn thread, as explosive it is in Warzone forum. But, it seems even Steve Yun is paying close attention to it .... since nothing happen yet, I'll keep on the ball rolling. Hmm, it seems well enough, no name calling just yet ..... atleast for me. I think my RT street creds will help me buy time, but hey, I'll try to avoid the banhammer. Coz me still loving Lisa Hayes as much me loving Misa Hayase & Sylvie Gena & Sivil & Sheryl Nome.
  7. I agree with Seto, its a gradual thingies ... but most fans will outgrow RT franchise out of simple reasons ... maturity, life, burnout. Or simply, they find Macross, the REAL DOPE!
  8. After 5 long months, last week I finally got my greedy hand on this great MOSPEADA tome at Kikokuniya bookstore.Bloody hell, my Mospeada experience has come full circle. It made me going through all weekend last week on Mospeada viewing marathon. Great stuff indeed!
  9. Ahhh, being getting the RT.com banhammer, dontcha .... I do wonder when you're going to be banned after Seto, but hey, I have long ditched RT.com after Seto got the ban, settled @ RTX but get bored pretty fast, lurking in MW is far better option. Now, to play devil's advocate, why don't you enlisted to RTX & become the next voice of reason there? Let's see how long you can survive in MEMO's fiefdom ....
  10. Ahhh, the RT RPGers at Palladium Board. I made several fanfics fleshing out RT-verse for 'em over there. As compared to any general RT fandom at RT.com or RTX, the RPGers atleast are level headed & not blinded by RT fanaticism. Most of them are likely have not watch RT as an animation but stumbled onto the game through their passion of RPG gaming. Lest I remind you guys, the BEST MACROSS reference site back in 1990s covering even MACROSS 7 would be Dave Dietrich's RPG based Steelfalcon sites like Macross Mecha Designs. Damn, this guy iwebsite introduced me to Macross 7! His site was the gospel to many Macrossies in mid to late 1990s. STEELFALCON.COM These RPGers don't give a hoot of going ons on RT.com, just enjoying the game as it is without having to get somebody to drum canonicity into their heads. So let them incorporated Mospeada & SC designs into their gaming, its their choice rather than browbeat other Macross designs. Yeah, I myself from time to time do egged them on to incorporate mecha from Macross Zero & well, integrating Macross II (Palladium did published Mac II RPG) into their RPG gaming, but that efforts turned out to be a surprise that some of them actually checked out Mac 0 & ended up appreciating Macross franchise. Well, RT RPGers remained only a tiny fraction of RT fans in the fringes of fandom. So far, I clicked with 'em better given they appreciate my fanwork which are mostly done to enrich their RT-verse for gaming purposes.
  11. I consider myself as the Fandom Type 4. I'd always continue remembering & watching Robotech on nostalgic basis as per my fondness to the series. I might even throw in a couple of fanfics along the way. But I'd always be the 1st & foremost, Macross & Mospeada fan because that what galvanised me to search high & low while appreciating classics like Orguss, Gallforce & Megazone. Heck, thanks to Macross that sped up my appreciation of mecha-genre anime, I found Patlabor along the way & even UC era Gundam series. Thankfully, I lived in Asia where all things Macross is readily available as legal & bootleg version, while RT DVDs are scarce to find nowadays apart some bootlegs from China (yeah, I rue the day when I had actually imported high-priced ORIGINAL RT DVD Asian release from Australia, & chagrined to know years later that a dirt-cheap bootleg version of REMASTERED RT DVD version available from a street peddlers ... bloody hell!). Macross prints outnumbered Robotech novels in certain stores, & Macross models & toys practically littered the model shops. I mean, RT is darn scarce but Macross is practically everywhere with new freaking series, products, movies coming out. Being rational, logical, emotional, fanatical mecha enthusiast, it is perfectly normal for me to go the Macross route. The journey is full of bumpy ride, potholes, but hey, as many over zealous zombies of Basara would say, our Macross experience is totally .... BOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Did he? After colorful insults he hurled at me for disagreeing with me at RTX? In the end, do I actually cared? Perhaps I don't really care what that twerp says. Besides, I get my RT news at this thread (MW of all places) since I hardly keep in touch with going-ons on RT.com or RTX.
  13. I am the same guy over RT.com, RTX.com & MW. Ohhh, even at RDF-HQ (pretty dead site anyway) & Palladium Board. And a few msg boards I no longer bothered to visit anymore (RTX is sharing the same fate). I'm not an expert, but simply hardcore RT purist (who choose OSM in defining RT-verse - practically the animation is the Gospel). But being purist is no fun, since being close to OSM, I enjoyed closer affinity to original animation that made up RT. Besides, I'm burnt out on RT (& Macross to a certain extent). But currently undergoing a Macross marathon thanks to VFTF1's thread over @ Macross Series sub-board on Macross 7 appreciation thread. No more Rick Hunter or Ichijo Hikaru ... those sissies ... But Nekki Basara all the way ... BOMBAAAAAA!!!!
  14. Huh? Did Doug mentioned moi? I'm not really that important in RT-fandom, perhaps the only lone crazed RT fan in South East Asia who are active online (there's another guy, MedMapguy, but he got banned pretty quick from RT.com over disagreement with Tommy / Steve, but that's different story altogether) & one of millions Basara Nekki's mindless minions in Asia. He singled me out cause I just happened to defend Seto's views (which jived with mine since I am also a Macrossie) & call out Doug's bluff in RTX.
  15. Awww, I kinda missed the early days when most MWers flayed, skinned & roasted 'em alive during the grande ole hunts ..... That is intellectual kinda fun, but not the adrenaline kinda fun where we flayed 'em & flushed 'em out. Oh well, better that than nuthin' .....
  16. Seriously, are we done yet ... with RT thingies? I find Mac 7 discussion far more stimulating than average RT thread which somehow get repetitive. Perhaps a new round of RT-fan witch-hunt would do the trick! Pick-up the pitchfork!
  17. Seriously, having Valk designs not by Kawamori gave a refreshing look in M2. Having character designs by Haruhiko Mikimoto is definitely a plus. So the story is kinda meh, but having New UN Spacey beaten to a pulp by Marduk is definitely something to look for (yes to mecha porn). But having next gen Destroids are the next best thing in M2.
  18. Aww hell, Haruhiko 'Hal' Mikimoto didn't lose his touch at all. He made me fall in love with Minmay again!
  19. Waitaminute? I know atleast Minmay cameos in Macross 7 on several occasions, but Mac F (apart from flashback sequence & Richard Bilrer's locket)? Which Sheryl concert you talked about & which Mac F episode?
  20. I'm sorry VTF, let's face it, there's tons more animes with mecha porn that beats Southern Cross / Mospeada hands down. VOTOMS, Orguss, etc .. Sure, the Internet is golden archive, but without RT, people won't be bothered to even googled what SDCSC & GCM is all about apart some niche fandom. Mospeada only have re-runs in Malaysia, in fact three times, once in 1980s, once in late 1990s & once back in early 2000s. But that's it as Gundam Wing / Seed / SEED Destiny madness practically swept all mecha series under the rug. Macross do not ever registered on the terrestrial TV radar blip in South East Asia, but certainly a runaway hit in DVD market thanks to Macross Frontier. Southern Cross ... don't ever go there, it is an unknown entity apart from that '1980's English show about robot with giants, ain't it?' . We can always agreed to disagree. In literal sense of the word, HG did saved SDC SC & GCM for its own means. Even if it means HG butchered 'em so that they can sell Macross in the states on HG's term. We may cry foul, but hey, it had already happen. Besides, nowadays with so many animes lying around, one cannot be bothered to even checked on RT, there's the Gundam madness, Naruto & Bleach groupies that overshadowed even Macrossies. That is erroneous as well. With anime conventions blossomed in North America, active anime fansub communities, American anime industry reaching its peak, free anime via Youtube / torrent sites, Westerners embracing cos-play ... No, HG cannot do squat apart blocking Macross sequels. In the age where people can import Macross DVD straight from Japan & HK with just a tap of a mouse, or downloading Macross for free in its entirety from torrent sites, HG 'counterproductive' actions is null. MW has proven despite HG actions, Macross tsunami hit the Western anime fans hard! Yeah, but in a perverted sense of personal victory, it kinda feels like how a Macross fan feels (gloating in the inside) after successfully cowed an ignorant RT punk. Either that is an insult or a praise, I can't be too sure. However, given that I can speak excellent Malay, mastered atleast 7 Malay dialects & can carry a few Borneoan (Dayaks) languages, quite well-versed in Indonesian language & still manage to use English as my 2nd language. So pardon me on my grammatical mistakes or whatever, since even ordinary US expats that I know personally cannot even understand Ozzies or Queen's English properly. BTW, I was motivated to learn English due to Robotech, not Macross. So RT did play a large role to my being able to even understand, let alone posted opinions or snippets on this very thread. Besides, despite Macross influences in my life, it never egged me to make me bothered to learn Japanese language, since it practically useless in my region. English on the other hand, is different ballgame entirely.
  21. Capitalistic tendencies to make more money aka profit at others expense. Classic case, Tatsunoko & HG teamed up and trying to monopolize on the SDF Macross over BW in regards to worldwide distribution. Integrity got shoved in the name of making a profit. Not trying to argue here regarding politics, but that is how real life works, however sucks that it may be. Case in point, majority of Macross fans in Western world are infuriated over HG 'butchered' product over the original animes, we in Asia couldn't care less & don't even give a rat's ass over Macross vs RT thingies.
  22. As a Minmay self-professed fan, I DEMAND YOU WATCHED IT!
  23. BTW, I think I just bashed DougBendo on RTX for being obnoxious ignorant sucker that he is. I kinda go up in flames as he accused me full of $#it by trying to defend Seto's view reagrding Gundam / Macross / anime in general superiority over his simplistic views in his defend over RT. Or is it because when he accused me as a Macross fanboy when I am actually a hardcore RT purist. Guess I went overboard hammering him on the status of Macross over Robotech, Gundam over everything, I even went upstaging him that RT Purist know better than an ignorant whine-boy who claimed himself the sole defender of the entire RT franchise. ........ Awwww crap, I've been picking bad habits from yer guys bashing us Robotechies eversince I joined MW & lurked here for 6 years.
  24. Let's give credit where credits are due. HG did good by introducing SDC Southern Cross & GC Mospeada as part of RT line-ups. If not, people don't even give a damn about a failed mecha with tanks series that got cancelled due to low ratings & a mediocre transforming bike series that spawned an OAV. Actually, chalked that up to dollar & yen, & obviously the greedy capitalistic good ole Uncle Sam.
  25. You should explore Macross-verse. SDFM would be a good start, plus with Macross DYRL. However, from my experience, most RT fans will automatically jived with Macross II, either because Silvie Gena reminded them of matured Dana Sterling or the red Gilgamesh mecha should replaced the red Bioroid ........ Some RT fans do. In fact, due to lack RT materials, I embarked to write historical fan essays on fictional history of Robotech specific to RT RPG'ers on Palladium Board. That kind of forward-going attitude from various dedicated RT enthusiasts sparked uRRG, RT Research & even infamous Dave Dietrich's Steelfalcon site that catered to both RT & Mac crowds. uRRG started as a way to be closer to OSM with little input from HG. RT Research started as a way to expand the classic RT RPG. You've to understand that RTSC is the only viable new RT animation & true sequel to RT-verse after RT II: Sentinels was removed from main continuity. I don't want to praise RTSC because it is actually a retcon of EoTC (by McKinney), but to me it isn't great, but mediocre. Just like I treat any B-movies in the market. It does served its purpose as RT sequel. Well, the moment RT fans started to discover the original Macross, their days of being ignorant RT fans & eventual conversion into Macrossies will begin in earnest. Once they become Macrossies, they will become required anti HG & anti RT vitriolics zombies. After that mellowed down, they will choose sides between the glorious Nekki Basara of Mac 7 or the tepid camp of Hibiki Kanzaki of Mac II in everlasting feud. But both camps will be going WTF over Zero & rejoiced over Frontier.
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