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Everything posted by Randalt

  1. "I'll get you yet, Rick Hunter!" Oh man... Breetai, you big meanie!
  2. Wow, that happened to you? The local network where I lived only bought the first 80 episodes, so it was frustrating to go through the whole cycle hoping this time the final five would be shown, but no, start over again with the 1st Macross episode, "Boobytrap." I bought those episodes on tape later and showed them at a con's anime room, saying "10 years ago we thought this was soooo cool." I suppose I should be thankful they were broadcast in order...
  3. Back when Robotech was airing in Atlantic Canada in '85-'86, I was hooked on that soon enough, not knowing its history as the three different anime series. I found out when I bought the Robotech RPG, and there were appendix notes on the "Supervision" and "Inspection" armies of the Protoculture, how Kamjin scavenged three Glaug pods from a forgotten weapons depot, and lots of mecha notations. "Wow," I thought, "there's a whole story that's been hidden here. I must know more. More!" Then I found the Macross Compendium online, catalogs of anime model kits, a 3rd-gen VHS Hong Kong-dubbed DYRL movie, and so on. The Robotech Art 1 book explained how Carl Macek hammered/mutilated the three different series into something with 65 episodes for TV syndication. I loved finding out about it all.
  4. What hath science wrought?
  5. Wow... I can honestly say I wouldn't think of looping that for 10 minutes. Beam it at a Zentradi armada and they would all steer their ships into the sun...
  6. Probably a non-issue, but what do people think of the possibility that Ranka might think she just saw her brother get squtched by the red bug at episode's end? We know it's Gilliam, but how would she know, assuming she knew her brother Ozma flies a VF-25? Too many assumptions...
  7. You and me both, dude! I am such a slacker... I listened to it anyway. De Kulcha!
  8. The mortality rates of Valkyrie pilots and/or associated mecha tend to infinity in direct proportion to the amount of FAST Packs, armour & missile pods jettisoned in battle. -edit- Roy Focker being a supreme death-defying pilot, and just too damned cool to die in Macross Zero, succumbed years later whilst waiting for his lady to finish making pineapple salad.
  9. It may be apples & oranges, but let's compare the newer Macross F biomecha with similar organic Protodeviln designs in Macross 7, specifically Valgo's spawn in episode 31. Generated 50 or so at a time, as needed. Much like the disposable monster-of-the-week from a Sentai series. Two types of battle units in both the old and new series (so far), with both of the new gold and red mechs having flight and battroid modes as well as beam & missile weaponry. If these Macross F biomecha don't have fold capability there must be a larger carrier vessel we haven't seen yet. Or, they're based in that asteroid belt (unlikely)? Fleshy and pink, blowing up a large one fragmented it into smaller units, an ability not demonstrated in the new series. Also, the new biomechs have an insectoid exoskeletal structure with peculiar markings. Besides draining Spiritia and increasing in size upon doing so the Protodeviln were effective in a short-ranged antipersonnel/antiarmour role, and as terror weapons. Both are extremely fast & maneuverable. The new biomecha don't or can't harvest Spiritia. Basara's sound energy/Anima Spiritia destroyed them. Is Sheryl Nome part of Project M(inmei)?! Valgo himself could teleport/fold directly to a planet's surface and disrupt a starship's ability to fold. These new Macross F enemy biomecha do not (at this point) have the near-magical Protodeviln capabilities but the M-Frontier fleet is in deep trouble unless they can survive long enough to analyze their new enemies.
  10. Overanalyzing? No, we must wring every bit of data out of this episode. And the manga. And from the doujins already on their way, I'm sure.
  11. Macross 7, episode 37:
  12. I agree, just great fun to watch. Never mind the defects, we were eager to grab whatever Macross was out there! Oh Macross Frontier, please don't disappoint us! Keep aiming for a more mature target audience, and I'll be very happy if no one mentions Spiritia in this one!
  13. The English dub, yeah. That was the first version of it I ever saw, and was impressed by Focker's manliness... wouldn't let a drink or five stop him, no sir... Hikaru Ichijo: You've been drinking! Focker: So? You can still fight- (pause) when you're drunk!!!
  14. I've watched 3 English-subbed versions of the 1st episode now, and will probably continue downloading whatever English versions come out of this. I don't speak Japanese. I keep making New Year's resolutions to learn, and maybe 2008's the year it sticks! I don't have much to add that hasn't been said... I like the subtitle fonts Infinite Zero/Anime In Action uses. "Galactic Fairy" would be a pun on Sheryl's surname "Nome" and the mythical fairy/elf creature called a Gnome. Space Nuns fighting red devil mecha! (Couldn't resist)
  15. Are you making any other weapons to go with it?
  16. That'll look cool with your Mospeada armour! Good luck with it!
  17. New Member, 1st post- I use Google Alerts with the keyword "Macross" so a daily digest of Macross netlinks gets mailed to me. Now with the Macross F series coming out I can't resist joining a Macross-specific community. Good to be here!
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