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Everything posted by gladio

  1. R.I.P. Sensei
  2. My nephew ,8 years old, told me that his favourite mecha of my collection is the Super Ostrich *_* Kids love orange stuff !!!
  3. It's the same toys reviewed here ? (version1 of yamato 1/60) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_..._160_review.htm Some one know the actual price on market? thank you for the answer Gladio
  4. My gf use the original name of Roy named in honor of the Fokker air craft Another 2 OT bibs From World of Warcraft ....and the best one I'm lucky beacause in Italy we have a good dubbed version of first Macross (with original song and story) and he start to watch earlier
  5. I dunno if there is a similar post . I start with my present for our new born. A macross bib Skull leader is my favourite charcter.
  6. This 21st April will be release a new version for PSN and Xbox Live of the old arcade game just look at the color of the plane: from Sega officla Site: http://sega-afterburner.com/abc_cs/story.html Some info in english http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/04/0...er_climax_site/ Sorry for my bad english i hope you understand anyway Ciao Gladio
  7. ...and they start to cultivate protoculturian ganja......roboLOLtech XD
  8. Preview video of the psp game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_9RZzWnsV4...feature=related The game will contain some online features ciao
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