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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. That wish will soon be granted 341990[/snapback] Tease...
  2. Well, I am something of a VF-4 fan... let me think... OH MY SWEET SAINTS IN HEAVEN, YES! YES! YES! ... ahem... that is, definitely one, maybe two, please. Thank you. They can keep my 3 Club-M's company.
  3. Well I'm not IN Canada but am from Canada (Vancouver, BC) ..... does that qualify?? ok then all UK Macrossworlders down to the pub for a pint 340939[/snapback] I thought you guys went metric. 340946[/snapback] Nothin' to do with measurement... a pint will always be a pint. Besides, who ever heard of ordering .473 litres?
  4. Paying $46 for a label sheet is a little silly, when reprolabels.com sells pre-cut reproductions for $23. I guess, though, if you've just got to have the originals, price is no object...
  5. Canadians RuLLLLeeEEE~! eh? 604 339640[/snapback] In a polite and unassuming manner, in no way implying that our rulage prevents others from ruling in a different but equally valid way, but yes... yes, Canadians do rule.
  6. Look HERE
  7. Finding places to display finished models causes me the same. So I guess it all evens out.
  8. This whole subtitling vs. dub issue reminds me of my Venezuelan friend who, hearing a couple of kids at the local video store whining about "Hero" being subtitled in theatres instead of dubbed like the Jackie Chan films, pounced on them for being spoiled Canadian brats. She proceeded to "educate" them (in her own inimitable manner) that the rest of the world had to deal with subtitles most of the time, so they should just shut up and deal with it or stay away. There were some colourful comments thrown in about their IQ and reading level too, but they wouldn't be polite to reproduce here.
  9. True, but then to paraphrase an adage: "so many models, so little time". . My backlog's so huge, I gotta work on a few at a time or none of them will get done. Right now, I've got 5 in progress: - Two Hasegawa Super VF-1A Fighters (DYRL Kakizake and mass production schemes) with armament and photo-etch details; both are ready for gloss coat and decals - Hobbyfan recast of the Club-M VF-4 Fighter; 90% assembled and being painted - Cutaway Starship Yamato (a simple kit, just for fun); currently assembling and painting the cutaway details - Master Grade 08th MS Team Ball; currently painting the external armour I find it nice to be able to work on one, set it aside when you have to wait for something to dry, set, etc., then keep working on the next.
  10. Mine too. I thought it was a more fun sig than the Alan Parsons Project lyric it replaced.
  11. I've heard rumours that Future might be found at Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire in Canada, or might also be under the name "Johnson's Clear". I haven't verified that, though. Thus far, my models have no Future. There's a neat site all about Future and modelling HERE.
  12. Penguin

    CMS Series 4

    Never thought of that Minmay version, but it would be cool. One of my favourite HAL works is Minmay in that outfit. Hikaru from 2012 would also be cool. As an M+ nut, Sharon Apple, Guld (in flight suit), and Myung are top on my list. A DYRL flight suit Kakizaki is a must (gotta complete the set). Gamlin in his VF-17 flight suit and would be cool too (hmmm... this flight suit thing seems to be a theme for me...)
  13. Thanks. If you don't pick a specific person first, you really have to zoom in close to separate the shout-outs in some places.
  14. That's an awesome little tool. Although, if there's more than one person at a location, how do you see all of them?
  15. I've found the pilot easy to insert after the cockpit has been built, assuming that you trim off the little posts that the cockpit has in place of the throttle and stick. The pilot's hands include the throttle and stick, so the posts aren't necessary. Yes, the decals are water slide, and very good quality at that. I've never torn one yet in the 20 or so VF-1s I've built. Out of curiousity, and completely off topic at that, from where in Canada do you hail (if you don't mind me asking)?
  16. Welcome to the wonderful world of Macross modelling! 1. I couldn't tell you how long a single kit takes, since it's usually spread out over several evenings in my case. If I were to guess, a single Hasegawa VF-1 probably takes me around 12 hours in total, spread out over the course of a month. 2. The VF-11B appears, so far, only in Macross Plus (Macross 7 features the VF-11C, which is close but not identical). In the OAV, Isamu pilots it exclusively throughout the first episode. In the movie version, it shows up about halfway through. In both cases, it's what Isamu is flying when Guld's YF-21 causes him to crash. There are a couple of resin kits of the VF-11B, but no plastic ones thus far. 3. The VF-4 only appears in Flashback 2012, animation-wise. It has had some video game appearances as well. So far, no plastic kits either, just vinyl and resin. 4. Can't help you there. I don't use an airbrush.
  17. Hey... I resemble that remark!! Nope... no internal cannon for the VF-1. Although, the head-mounted laser(s) could serve the same purpose. They don't get a lot of play in the series, but I do remember a scene from when Roy rescues Hikaru from the VF-1D of where his VF-1S turns its head towards a battle pod on the ridge and wastes it using the head lasers. So, there's gotta be some power there. As for ammo capacity, I always thought it sounded about right considering the design of the plane (with modern fighters carrying around 400-500 20mm rounds, 200 55mm rounds sounds right), but the weight of the story itself would seem to render that a little soft. The whole notion of a mere 100-200 VF-1s against the Zentraedi hordes leads to the inevitable "Woo-itis" you mentioned, or else they'd have to animate a whole bunch of VF-1s running out of ammo and resorting to head lasers.
  18. I think you're on the right track there. Whenever I see that piece of lineart, it always looks to me like its a "landing in progress" pic, with the gear in the process of dropping rather than in their final position.
  19. I wasn't interested in the Oberth (beautiful work, by the way... just not my thing), but I'd definitely be down for a couple of Ghosts.
  20. That's a great book. I'd recommend it to anyone with an interest in the history of automatic cannons. While Battletech/Mechwarrior has rotary autocannons in the game, the term "rotary cannon" predates the game by quite a bit. I encounter it often when reading more official or serious literature on automatic cannons. "Gatling" seems to be more of a colloquialism, common to American writers more than the rest of the world. The minigun is a specific weapon in its own right (7.62 or even 5.56 mm in calibre). The term is hardly interchangeable with Gatling. To paraphrase Gideon Kreig, all miniguns are Gatlings, but not all Gatlings are miniguns (calling the "Avenger" a "minigun" would just be so wrong ).
  21. Absolutely nothing. "Vulcan" refers to a model of gatling gun, namely the M61 Vulcan made by General Electric. The name stuck to most electronic-motor gatling guns. But these days, almost all gatling guns are run by an electronic motor so we use the term "vulcan". But you can use "gatling gun" and we'd still know you'd be talking about the same thing. But if you are going to refer to Richard Gatling's original gatling gun, then it's just easier to differentiate between the 2 by using "vulcan". 332590[/snapback] If you want to leave out the specific names (Vulcan, Gatling) entirely, the more technical label would be "electric rotary cannon" or simply "rotary cannon".
  22. Very nice work on the white-on-black panel lining. The scheme is quite striking.
  23. There's always hope. When I got the Hasegawa catalogue for this year, it only mentioned the VF-1S/J/A Valkyrie. Neither the VF-0 w/ Ghost or SV-51 w/boosters were shown. I think any new designs this year is unlikely, but next year... who can say at this time?
  24. Definitely, Hasegawa's photo-etch parts for the VF-1 are of varying value. The little control sticks to replace the plastics stumps in the cockpit are so small they're unrecognizable in a finished kit. I prefer to use files and a pin vise to shape the stumps into something closer instead (with results of varying quality ). The grill that fits into the other side of the "backpack" thrusters is a real pain to put together, and I've never included it. That being said, there are some improved surface details for the FAST packs that I like, and there's a piece that covers up the gap behind the wings which is nice if you plan on keeping the wings in the extended position (like when you've got ordnance on the wing stores).
  25. It's Canada... our population density is a joke to most of the rest of the world. I don't think we have any choice but to be spread out. What can I say? Seeing "Calgary" in a signature is rare enough that it catches the eye.
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