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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. I caught that one, but it seemed out of place seeing as it's 1962, and she really shouldn't have been born yet. Unless of course this is a complete reboot.
  2. The Takara Juns are both excellent. Great posability and sculpt. No accessories to speak of save a few extra hands, but the wires in the cape help create some dynamic poses. My Ken and Joe (or Mark and Jason as it were... always gave me a chuckle since my name is Mark and my brother's name is Jason ) show the same age as yours. The soft plastic of the helmets is definitely getting tacky. I also didn't like the stiff plastic boots, which pretty much rob any posability below the waist. I guess beggars can't be choosers. We can always hope some Gatchaman anniversary in the future nets up some better 1/6 figures, but I won't hold my breath.
  3. Hell yes! That Chris Reeves Superman is on my list for sure. Filthy rich? Not quite. Comfortable, perhaps. A little bit insane? I may resemble that remark.
  4. Anyone else here old enough to remember "Presto-Magix"? It's a shame the dry transfers are so finicky, 'cause they look really nice if they get set right, and they`re great for weathering since you can scratch them up without the peeling or flaking that can happen with even a set decal. I've taken to cutting out the image as closely as possible and using magic transparent tape to hold it in position. Has anyone come up with a better way to apply the transfers?
  5. Seeing that pic makes me want a huge honkin' 1/60 VA-3M from VF-X2.
  6. No, no... it's both white and grey at the same time until you open it up and look
  7. Might have been some projection difference in the theatre I saw it in. Just looking over the edge of the 3D glasses, I noticed a significant difference in brightness. I loved seeing it in 2D. Thankfully, the management didn't stick 2D Thor in one of the smaller screens like they did the 2D version of TRON Legacy.
  8. Saw it. Loved it. Only thing that nearly ruined it was that, due to a confusion in showtimes with my friends, I ended up seeing it in 3D. NEVER AGAIN. The loss of brightness through those stupid glasses pisses me off. Lovely New Mexico sunsets reduced to dull glows. Asgard with no gleam or shine. ARRRGH! Gonna see it again Tuesday in blessedly vivid 2D. Here endeth the rant.
  9. What the heck, I'll play too. Here are my top ten, in no particular order. 1) Neon Genesis Evanglion - Cruel Angel's Thesis 2) Last Exile - Cloud Age Symphony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUjiXriGFbo 3) Ranma 1/2 - So Many Memories 4) Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31kGCpbQUgw 5) Serial Experiments Lain - duvet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnGppxxyN94 6) Gunbuster - Active Heart 7) Vision of Escaflowne - No Need to Promise The Hakkenden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t5Y18vrYcQ 9) Patlabor - Condition Green http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5DQcqGbuU 10) Gunslinger Girl - The Light Before We Land
  10. For those interested, these are up at HLJ now. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00213 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00212
  11. Unless BBTS.com in the US is getting stock through a Hong Kong intermediary, it doesn't seem these are Hong Kong releases. HLJ not having them up doesn't mean anything either. They are notoriously slow to put stuff out.
  12. Big Bad Toystore has the VF-X and Angelbird for pre-order now too. $145 each. Dunno if difference in shipping between US and Hong Kong would make up for the price diff between HKcollectibles.
  13. I had a couple like that on mine as well. There is a thin strip of metal inside each wing... wonder if it is actually rust leaching through or something?
  14. Time for heady anticipation to lead to random speculation! What can we expect or would we like for the mold milking possibilities? Macross 7 scheme is the most likely, past history being indicator of future performance. Only physical change from VF-11B to VF-11C would be the gun pod, IIRC. Fast Packs, naturally. Pink Peckers is "official", though eye-bleedingly garish. I personally liked the dark blue scheme that was shown in the instructions of Bandai's 1/144th VF-11C. I wouldn't imagine we'd see more than three or four extra releases over the years. Only the VF-1 seems to have inspired an endless stream of variations. VF-19 and VF-22 only saw a few.
  15. Well, this just made my week. Been waitin' for this for years.
  16. That's not a bad look. What brand do you use?
  17. It`s not permanently attached to the display stand, but it does attach very securely.
  18. It just so happens I have that PG too. Of the two, if I could only choose one, it would be the PG. With more poseability and display options, I find it more personally enjoyable to display... although most visitors to my place would comment on the HGUC GP03, but not the PG GP01. Tamiya AS-4 spray is listed as gray violet, but I've never used it, so I don't know how close it is. My local hobby shop never seems to have it in stock. Looks promising from the colour chart picture, for what that's worth. I've always used the Gundam marker variant, or brushed a mix of Tamiya XF66 light gray mixed with flat white and purple to get that colour.
  19. I do. It's huge, and fairly impressive, so it takes a lot of space to display but it's worth displaying. It's got a good drop-down panel to help the Stamen dock, and you can flip the inner disc on the I-field generator for closed or open position. The containers and the cannon barrel are detachable after assembly for storage. The spring-mechanism in the containers that help the various missile loads eject can be a little problematic (sticks some times). That's the only issue I have.
  20. Well, I've only got 3 Perfect Grade Gundams: GP01, Endless Waltz Wing Gundam, and Astray Red Frame. Of those, my favourite is the GP01. I love the articulation, love the detail, and I'm a huge fan of Stardust Memory (it was my first Gundam... and ya never get over that ). Next would be the Astray Red Frame, which is undeniably cool. Very, very, last is the EW Wing, which I really don't care for at all.
  21. GM Cannon II at last. Happy day!
  22. Love Miyazaki... got no idea what you're excited about. If I were to take a wild guess, is this a reference to the upcoming Nausicaa blu-ray? If so, then I share your enthusiasm (although Spirited Away is my favourite Miyazki film). If not, then, pray tell, what are you talking about? ... and Eugimon beat me too it.
  23. Little thread necromancy here... anyone out there playing this / totally addicted to it? Not that I am. Someone else might be. Just sayin'.
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