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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. Well, my MS Encyclopedia wasn't any help. Nothing on the Jeddah at all. The only thing I could find for the Jeddah is this, which is apparently alternate art for the RGM-88X from a re-issued printing of Hi-Streamer.
  2. A quick Google image search shows a couple coloured images with a very Jegan-esque colour scheme, but dunno if that's canonical or just someone digitally painting the lineart from the novel. I'd have to wait until I get home tonight and check my MS Encyclopedia. It's got every other side-story MS in there... should have the Jeddah too.
  3. Well, it's your tip-top-secret purpose, so I guess you'd have to answer that. Well, then, let's amend... Official Anime: RX-78-2 Gundam RMS-099 Rick Dias MSK-008 Dijeh RGZ-91 Re-GZ RX-93 Nu Gundam ... that's all I can remember him piloting in anime, for certain. I can't remember if he pilots the RX-77-2 Guncannon in the novel or in the movies. As far as novels and side-stories go, I only know of the RX-78-3 and Hi-Nu Gundams, and I just remembered from Gundam Evolve the MSZ-006-3A Zeta Gundam (the white version). Does the Gundam Wiki give a thorough listing?
  4. Me three.
  5. One can't help but wonder why. Do you need novels and side stories and the like too? Here's what I can recall: RX-78-2 Gundam RX-78-3 Gundam (in the novel) RX-77-2 Guncannon RMS-099 Rick Dias MSK-008 Dijeh RGZ-91 Re-GZ RX-93 Nu Gundam RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam (in the novel)
  6. The issues between McClory and Eon over SPECTRE didn't force the filmmakers to create that little vignette. Blofeld hadn't been seen since his apparent death in Diamonds Are Forever, and they could have left it at that. Perhaps it was Eon's way of saying "screw you" to McClory to give an unnamed Blofeld-alike a goofy sendoff, but it was thoroughly in keeping with the tenor of the Moore films to have such a comic moment. So, I still blame the writers of the Moore films.
  7. Actually, that's from the pre-credit sequence of For Your Eyes Only, the fifth Roger Moore film. Not the first (which was Live and Let Die). Kinda a chump ending for the former head of SPECTRE, but that was the Moore way.
  8. Okay... much as I love Gundam UC, I think I'll pass on that, no matter the scale. Given the oddness of the design, does seem more likely an HG than an MG.
  9. Not interested, even it was a V2. I've got enough 1/48s taking up space.
  10. The VF100 VF-25F. Absolutely underwhelmed me.
  11. I think they're tinkering with their search engine and/or their tagging/attributes and busted something. Or it could be some database maintenance or rebuild. There's a bunch of stuff in my "On Order" page where the link is still active, but I can't enter a search term of any shape or size that will find it (like an item named "Godzilla" that can't be found when searching for "Godzilla"). Even the series links turn up a tiny subset. I wouldn't worry. It'll likely be cleared up in a day or so.
  12. Well, I've got all the 1/60 VF-1s except the "weathered" versions, so why not? It wouldn't happen, but it would be sweet if Yamato created a non-canon set of stealth fast packs, maybe inspired by the VF-17's, as a special for such a release. Or, the flip-top missile launcher packs that showed up in the line art sketches for the original VF-X game.
  13. Even though I "grew up" with Roger Moore as Bond too, for my money From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, and Thunderball are the iconic Bond films. They set the formula for all who followed. Dr. No was definitely draggy, and after Thunderball the Connery era started to decline along with Sean's interest, and the villanous plots got more and more ludicrous. Odd Man Out #1: I neither hate nor love George Lazenby. Lackluster but not offensively awful or anything. On Her Majesty's Secret Service was an okay film. I'd put it above many Moore pics... but only just. As for the Roger Moore era... I note three high points: 1. For Your Eyes Only 2. Jane Seymore as Solitaire in Live and Let Die 3. The Lotus from The Spy Who Loved Me The rest I gladly leave behind. Odd Man Out #2: Never Say Never Again is just plain awful. 'Nuff said. Timothy Dalton was actually the first Bond I saw in the theatre. I enjoy his two films quite a bit, and after Moore, I really enjoyed the more serious Bond. The Living Daylights remains one of my favourite Bond films. Pierce Brosnan showed a lot of promise in Goldeneye, but escalatingly stupid plotlines ruined his run IMHO. As for Craig, I've enjoyed his run so far. It's funny watching the pendulum swing that Connery and Moore set up. Connery's Bond was serious and deadly, Moore's more laid back, comedic, and eventually camp. After Moore, the statements were "Moore was too silly. Back to serious Bond." Then after Dalton, it was "He was too serious and dull. We need more fun." And after Brosnan devolved into camp, we're back to "serious Bond" once again. It's only a matter of time before Craig's out and we're looking for a "fun" Bond again.
  14. We'll have to agree to disagree on the first, but Brosnan was definitely wasted. The stories went further down the Roger Moore path getting more and more ludicrous as time passed. The only good thing about the Brosnan stint, IMHO, was introducing Dame Dench as the new M. I think I enjoy her character more than Bernard Lee.
  15. For all everyone seems down on Quantum of Solace, I enjoyed it. I even think it's a cool title. I thought the characters were all developed well, the conflict was topical and relevant, loved the Tosca scene for some odd reason, enjoyed both the initial car chase and the climax in the hotel (although the convenient escape was anticlimactic). Then again, I always enjoyed the more subtle Bond films. From Russia With Love remains my all-time favourite.
  16. VF5SS, I can hear your pain, and you're certainly not wrong about the weaknesses of either the tabletop or computer games. I never found anything too egregious about the tabletop combat rules (granted, I stopped playing about a 15 years ago, so dunno if they got worse later). The table top game always had an issue when it came to the design rules. Aside from the look of the chassis, every mech is any other mech of the same weight. For my players, I only let them run designs that officially showed up in the technical readouts, which forestalled a lot of abuse back then. As for Mechwarrior, I strictly avoided playing it online. The ability to shoot for legs was too obvious a weakness. Only played 2 and 4, mind you, and at least 4 reduced the leg-destroy issue somewhat (just slowed a mech down). One thing I did like about it was that they restricted the customization. For example, weapons could only be installed in certain locations, and the types were also restricted as ballistic, energy, or missile. Only Clan omnimechs allowed weapons of different types in the same slots. At least the new one's F2P, so nothin' lost but time if it has awful flaws. My hopes for the new game, is that it places restrictions on customization at least at the level of Mechwarrior 4, if not moreso, and that there's some solution to leg-shooting. The slow down from Mechwarrior 4 wasn't too bad. At least there were no more kills just by destroying legs.
  17. Yeah, I read that too. Heresay is that Topps decided to play it safe and just dump them all. Shame. Macross designs aside, I woulda loved seeing the Dougram-inspired designs again. The Phoenix versions just don't capture the same feel... except maybe the Locust. Don't mind that update so much.
  18. The statement's likely, technically, true. Making a deal with a publisher has got nothing to do with Harmony Gold, and development's about design and writing code. As to which designs make it into the game... that's another point entirely.
  19. I'll give it a whirl too. Always been a Mechwarrior fan. Here's hopin' there are some sweet light to medium designs. I always preferred scout roles. The Game page talks about information warfare being a key part of the game. I'd love to get back in the cockpit of a tricked-out Raven.
  20. I just keep hoping they'll release an HGUC of the Sniper II on their own some day. I've wanted a decent model of that since "Rise From The Ashes" on the Dreamcast.
  21. My only concern is Disney being at the helm. I've often heard, right or wrong, that a lot of the reason there was never a team movie before was the business people at the studio thinking "why give audiences multiple characters in one pic when we can make them pay for a ticket for each?" This heresay was always especially attributed to Warner, which has owned DC for ages. Having an Avengers movie is a bit like having your cake and eating it too... we have paid for a ticket for each already - two for Tony... but then there's a team payoff that was hinted at as far back as the end of the first Iron Man movie. It always felt to me like the thinking of comic makers rather than movie producers, which is why it was cool that Marvel was driving the films. Now with Disney in charge, I sort of fear we'll never see another Avengers-style film again. Already rumours of Avengers 2 hint at it being a bunch of second-tier characters rather than the big guns, i.e. characters who couldn't support a film of their own. Even though there have been murmurs about Warners doing a "me-too" Justice League in the wake of the Avengers, I can't help but think something as big as Avengers will be a one-shot. Maybe I'm too pessimistic and/or (mis)informed for my own good.
  22. So would Disney, It would mean all the licenses were back in their hands instead of 20th Century Fox and Sony.
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