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Everything posted by ssfsx17

  1. I just caught the episode, and I must say that the writing and direction has finally returned to the great goodness that got me hooked on the series in the first place.
  2. I've gotta agree that the Deculture edition is better, although at least we got to see more of Alto's and Sheryl's true personalities in this edition. I have a feeling that the next time Alto decides to be a maverick, it'll be in a VF-25, and his friend will lose a lot more than just a wing.
  3. Let's look at Alto's actions in Ep1-deculture (since Ep1-standard isn't available as of the time of this post): - Folds up a poster of Sheryl into a paper airplane - Is clearly pissed from getting his test flight interrupted by a flying Sheryl propaganda device - Says that he doens't see why Sheryl is the "galactic fairy," despite seeing her from more angles than the rest of the audience could ever dream of - Risks getting shot up or Rodney King'd by a bunch of soldiers just so he can mouth off at Sheryl + Strongly apologizes to Ranka for getting mad at her, even though she said he looked like a chick + Ranka is able to motivate him into actually putting effort into his concert routine. In fact, he feels so motivated that the water fountains start shooting up in order to hint at what Alto is feeling. + Focuses his camera on Ranka, when he hasn't even gotten her phone number yet I think Alto prefers girls half his size, man.
  4. Alto doesn't seem too pleased about holding a well-developed woman in his arms. He'd prefer someone half his size like Ranka.
  5. I just finished watching all of Aquarion, including the OVAs. I always enjoy a good anime that's based primarily on punching stuff. However, is it just me, or did Reika's character seriously get shafted in the OVAs? It's almost as if she's less developed than in the TV series.
  6. Sheryl looks even more predatory than usual, yikes! Too bad for her that Alto is only into girls who are half his size.
  7. Darn, then I'm not interested.
  8. Is the karaoke version the one that's basically a big MIDI? If it's the actual song with voice removed, then I might be interested.
  9. I have the feeling this was made a number of years after the original Macross. And not that many years before today.
  10. Looks like Ranka's got some serious competition for Alto's heart. The only way Sheryl has a chance to get in on the action is if she partially micronizes by like 10% to 20% or something.
  11. Going with the whole "frontier" theme: VF-25 Pioneer VF-25 Jaeger VF-25 Revolutionary VF-25 Star Blazer
  12. I get the feeling that her price is a little too high these days for her to be both a main character and the singer of the OP/ED. Then again, Macross F seems to have a nearly-unlimited budget, so I guess they might be able to fit her in somewhere...
  13. After watching the spanish-subtitled preview for episode 2 about a million times with the aid of my rusty highschool spanish and Google Translate, I'm starting to think that Sheryl is rather, uh, interested in Alto and his motivations.
  14. The Seifuku mutual fund has been gripped tightly by the numerous tendrils of the market forces.
  15. And how do we know that's not her holosuit at work? We've seen her all-natural unenhanced form, twice. Alternatively, it may be that in zero-G, her chest just sticks straight out, and from our perspective, appears to be a lot bigger than it really is.
  16. "Deculture" seems to be equivalent to **** or **** in English. To the Zentraedi, it originally meant "Deculture you! You yuck-de-culture piece of deculture!" Now, by the time of Macross 25, it's like "Our restaurant is, like, THE DECULTURE yo!"
  17. After watching the episode for about, like, the tenth time, I realized that Sheryl's apparent assets may be holographically enhanced, just like her stage clothing. The evidence is in the scene where she's sleeping while folding, and the scene where her holosuit reverts to its base form. So, for all y'all who wanna tap that: it's for looks only, no touch. Sorry guys.
  18. Just imagine how different things would be if Ronald D. Moore was allowed to be the main writer of all things Star Trek. * imagines Edward James Olmos gritting his teeth and muttering, "Fire. Torpedoes." *
  19. Oh, but the triangle was resolved. It was Gamlin's singing that woke up Basara, not Mylene's, and I think that settled thing pretty quickly.
  20. It's not that Shenlong didn't exist, it's just that the figure of speech doesn't translate very well into English. The English equivalent would be "You must be as strong as the god of war to stand a chance."
  21. Let me guess... they've also got acid blood and a "queen" bug? And the NUNS will develop "pulse gunpods" that are much more effective against the bugs? And the full-armored packs will contain "smartguns" that can automatically track the bugs?
  22. First, I must say that I believe in Basara's song. His songs always get the hot chicks, so I think you all should believe in him too. Second, is it just me, or is there a lot more chemistry between Basara and Gamlin than there is between Basara and Mylene?
  23. They don't know how to remove the chambers even if they wanted to. I'm also pretty sure that Zentraedi were never meant to survive as long as Breetai and Exedol have (and thus acquire wisdom and experience), either.
  24. I would make a realistic, gritty anime based on the Japanese-American soldiers who fought in the WW2 Italy campaign. They would get close air support from the Tuskegee Airmen.
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