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Everything posted by ssfsx17

  1. Indeed. Anyone who's played an X-COM game knows that your first priority is to reverse-engineer the alien BFG and start building them yourself. Apparently, they forgot how to do that after the initial research done on the ASS-1
  2. Argghhhh, can't wait till next episode!!!
  3. In reality, San Francisco is 10% sunny, 40% very cloudy, 40% in the shadows of the tall buildings, and 10% tourist district. I wouldn't reccomend spending more than three days, tops, on an SF trip, unless you also want to check out the tomb-like bank buildings and hit up every bar, cafe and club.
  4. uTorrent (a.k.a. microTorrent). Azureus is a big bloated piece of junk these days.
  5. Go! Aquarion! ...err, I mean, go SMS carrier...
  6. Watching the subbed version makes the judges veeeeeeery creepy... "She was really cute" ---> "I like to jerk off onto the faces of 5-year-old girls" "The way she fell down was cute" ---> "I do like a good upskirt shot every now and then, mmmyes" Leon probably told them something like, "If you don't want me to expose the illegal videotapes you made, you probably should vote with some more objectivity."
  7. Things are getting really interesting now... - Are the Final Four encountering the Head-Beings, or are they simply learning projection? - Was Baltar physically lifted up, or was that just his perception of the shape his body was in? - Is Lee being a jerk to Roslin because he's pissed that she's now his stepmom? - Why did Six decide to get physical with Tigh? How is Tigh going to explain that situation? - Does the Leoben survivor know anything about Starbuck's destiny and whatever else? Or is he just trying to paint random stuff to get on her good side?
  8. I finished watching the raw. I have a feeling that I'm missing a lot of important bits, but here's what I gathered:
  9. Episode 2 was even better than episode 1. This series is gonna be total win.
  10. "Since when did the FBI and CIA become friendly with each other?" LOL, so true! It took the whole post-911 mood and the Department of Homeland Security to force them to even sit together in the same room.
  11. Otougi Zoushi - the whole second half Blood+ - not very well-written to say the least Le Chevalier d'Eon - the whole Russia arc Reideen - not very well liked For every GITS:SAC and Seirei no Moribito, there's something gone horribly wrong.
  12. ...Rapidshare has national quotas now? Jeez! Time to go move to Luxembourg or Liechtenstein or something, I bet they aren't using too many of their slots. EDIT: Err... Megaupload... whatever, they're all the same
  13. You know how Shoji Kawamori feels about technology corrupting us and bringing us away from pure beautiful nature. Unless, of course, the technology enables us to shoot more missiles or punch people harder, in which case it's all good.
  14. The conversation between Roslin and Adama was... OMG... you could totally feel that they had been married for 50 years.
  15. Well, those people have a tendency to corrupt previously-pure message boards and hang out on 4chan. I'm not sure which of those two is the worse offense. =P
  16. I remember that you had to feed whole dollar bills into the thing. And it was impossible to beat if you didn't play it with as many people as possible.
  17. Pluses: + Ozma licking his lips because he knows he's going to feast on Red Vajra Steak tonight, much like the heroes from Ayakashi Ayashi + Ozma making his car fly off an incline to reach the secret hideout to the tune of Fire Bomber + Ozma punching Alto for suggesting that he be allowed to become a typical lead character Minuses: - Nanase is obviously only there to get maid fetishists and dojin artists to watch the show. - Ranka was not reprimanded for being a typical main female character, unlike Alto who was squarely punched in the face for being typical
  18. As long as the movie has less of Holland crying, Renton being stupid, etc. and a lot more surfing, I might watch it.
  19. Agreed. He's got to be a lot more than just the colonial equivalent of Johnny Cochrane.
  20. Indeed... needs more "YATTA!" and insanely difficult game shows.
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