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Everything posted by Scopedog

  1. I found out about this sale a few days ago and I ordered several Diaclone Waruder Suits I've wanted for years. I believe I became aware of GTC as a teenager in the early 90's. I remember studying the catalog like a religious tome. There was also the old Games Workshop catalogues and Newtype Hobby & Toy (catering more to garage kits than plastic). It's so strange to think that before the advent of the modern internet, most of us only had these black & white, low resolution, sources for this type of information. I really enjoyed Ron's brief descriptions of the models which made clear his joy about them.
  2. I just put in a second pre-order at AmiAmi! I hope the exchange rate is still good in December/January!
  3. It seems like it would be easy for Evolution to make the tabs fold away behind the chest panel.
  4. I would love for this to be closer to the 1/55 Takatoku in execution than the more fragile and complex style that is popular now. I pre-ordered from AmiAmi and unless the final product simply disintegrates in my hands, I expect to be exultant about whatever Macross II toys I get from Evolution. Kazumi Fujita is one of my favorite mecha designers and the VF-2SS Valkyrie II is my favorite Valkyrie despite the controversies over pedigree and canonicity. I would soil myself if a Macross Cannon were announced (there's hardly enough good art of it).
  5. Could you possibly provide me a link to this picture? I'm very curious. I imagine that the style of this VF-22S would be very distinctive. The 1/72 VF-17 and 19 were considerably "chubbier" than their 1/100 counterparts and also had more interesting, fine panel line detail that is not present on the 1/100. Thanks!
  6. Your opinion and help is not worthless, but the precise content of your reply was already addressed in my original message. HLJ is not the primary evidence that this item was produced or intended. Wave's ads are the evidence(which I mentioned). However, short of driving 1,469 miles to go get my old Hobby Japans and scanning a Wave ad, HLJ's listing is the only corroborating evidence I can present to this forum(in addition to this website's own Wave garage kit catalog). And yes, you have "heard or seen anything about 1/72 VF-22S", because I laid it all out for you in my original message. Am I crazy? Does anyone think my initial message was vague, uninformative, incoherent, or confusing? If so, I apologize. In any case, learning that others are aware of it but have never seen it either is helpful to me and I really appreciate the input I'm getting.
  7. TL;DR means "Too long; didn't read" which basically means "your post is long and boring so I'm not going to bother reading the whole thing". All the information in his reply was anticipated by and covered in my initial post, so it seemed like he just read the title and replied without reading the rest. I didn't mean to sound impolite, though.
  8. Did you even read my post? Am I guilty of a TL;DR? I know the picture on HLJ's site is the 1/100 resin. Are you saying that HLJ made a mistake in making the listing and Wave never produced or intended such a model? If so, you're mistaken. I'd scan a Wave ad from an old Hobby Japan and post a picture here, but I don't have any of them with me. There was definitely a listing for the 1/72 VF-22S that was never pictured anywhere in any Wave ad or in any Hobby Japan or in any Hobby Japan EX.
  9. Hi, I'm new to posting here. I'm really interested in finding pictures of a Macross 7 model that I've never seen before. It's the 1/72 vinyl VF-22S Battroid Mode from Wave. It would have been released in the mid to late 90's along with several 1/72 vinyl VF-17 and VF-19 models which I have seen before. I had a subscription to Hobby Japan from 1995 to mid 2007 and only ever saw the text of it's name listed with the 1/72 VF-17 and VF-19 in Wave's ads. During those years I also collected all of the Hobby Japan EX Garage Kit Catalogs(which are used extensively by this site) and there was only ever pictures of the 1/72 VF-17 and VF-19 models. For years, I've made periodic searches of Japanese webpages and also Yahoo Japan Auctions but I've never found any evidence that it was actually released. It's listed here with the following details: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...e/wave_main.htm MC-16 ¥12800 1/72 VF-22S Vinyl There's a mention of it in this thread from a year and a half ago: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19739 The picture in that thread is the same as HLJ's picture for the 1/100 resin. It looks like the 1/100 resin to me, and was probably used as an example on the page for the 1/72. 1/100 resin: http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVMC-12 1/72 vinyl: http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVMC-16 There is ultimately no definitive information about the 1/72 vinyl in that thread and I'm hoping something has changed since then. I would really appreciate any help finding pictures of this elusive item. Thanks!
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