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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I guess the question to ask here is, "Do you really want to go to college?" I say that not to discourage you, but it seems you've been putting it off for a reason (and you gotta be honest w/ yourself about whether it's work or money). If you are serious, then make that commitment - don't mess around Now, the second part of your post refers to schools. You actually have a lot of options - and practically no excuse *not* to take one of them. If money is seriously an issue for you, then you may need to pass on the private colleges. Those are pretty expensive. If you want to go to a public university, then think of choices like the UCs (UCLA, UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCSD, etc...) I listed the ones in southern cali. The prices are reasonable, prolly around 5K a year by now. There are cal states (CSU Pomona, CSUN, CSULA, CSULB, etc...)... which is cheaper... maybe 2/3s the price. This doesn't include room/board.. but if you live in the area, just commute - I did. And if you *really* want to save money.. then go to a junior college. You can't beat $13/unit. That's like... 300 bucks a year for tuition... Go there for 2 years.. get your IGETC (which covers your general education courses for a UC or Cal State) and get your degree from a university in the next 2 years. You end up saving two years of UC tuition. Back to the money topic. If money is something that is hindering your decision, then don't let it be. If you can get scholarships, great - but I wouldn't count on them (by all means try though). What you *can* count on is financial aid. You can get grants if you truly are poor... and you can also get loans. On top of that, you can also be put on a work-study program which will get you a steady job (and usually these jobs pay a bit more than normal retail jobs since schools subsidize the wages). Grants alone will probably cover your tuition if you are at the end of the lower income bracket. The loans can pay for your rent/living expenses - which you may not need if you have a place to stay now. Btw, you *don't* have to wait 'til fall to apply to college (that's only for a UC). You can get into a cal state or junior college for any semester (at least for san diego and pomona - i've had friends who have done this). For UC, ur outta luck. But if you have your heart set on going to a school that starts in fall '05, then you'll need to submit your application by novemberish. In the meantime, don't waste your year, go to a jc and get some credits so you *save* money by taking cheap classes. You just need to make sure they're transferable (talk w/ the school counselor). Make sure you really think it'll be worth going.. don't waste years of your life on college just cuz.... A lot of ppl go and don't do anything with it. I personally feel college is a huge advantage in finding a job. It's a testament to employers about paying your dues... and unfortunately, thats how are society works. Someone w/ a 4 yr degree will have an advantage over you in most cases. Now, don't get me wrong, I work w/ plenty of people who are successful w/ a high school diploma... but the numbers aren't quite the same as those w/ a college degree. Oh, and 25 is not an old age to begin. It's never too old to make things happen. My last bit of advice is if you decide to apply, go talk w/ a counselor. Go talk to a jc counselor... they'll see you for free and give you some guidance. If you want to ask me questions, you're more than welcome to pm me.
  2. i feel your pain... but i think i spent about 600 on it. damn dvd technology but i must admit... i do enjoy having it as part of my collection.
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